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Bkice 1/4 In Sunday Mulligan On Ftp

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That is 8, right?

Is that French for "tilt"?

Dude really? Life tilt? grow up

30 User(s) are reading this topic (9 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)20 Members: yeffy, hblask, PMJackson21, DoinSublime, Bender24, KHSPoker21, Bizzle, mk, James D, Randy Reed, ChuckSty, wsox8, king1305, swix21, yahaw, SilentButDeadly3, hockey fan, rocketpoker828, Dapper Dan G, DogpatchORLY?
Just stop.
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wanna go to vegas anytime from the 15-23? i'm gonna be there. we can gangbang tommy
I think I will be in New Zealand still; still not sure of my travel dates, Murray was in a band meeting when I called, w/e the f that means...
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There's nobody on the planet that could possibly be dumb enough to think my apology to Bob was serious.Is there?You're probably not dumb...but you shouldn't take everything you read so seriously. I refuse to put "sw" at the end of half my posts.
Sorry, I thought you were serious because it simply wasn't funny. What exactly were you going for there?
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Sorry, I thought you were serious because it simply wasn't funny. What exactly were you going for there?
Ah, see this is your problem. You don't understand that not every comment has to be dead serious or hilarious. There are other methods of getting a point across that are somewhere in between the two.Keep working on your social skills and eventually you'll be able to keep up with simple conversations. I recommend going out in the world and practicing in person...once you master that you'll be able to handle exchanges in writing where you have to understand what someone is going for without hearing the tone of their voice or seeing the manner in which a comment is delivered (facial expressions, gestures, etc).Good luck.
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Agree, wtf???P.S. How much was that watch? That is sooooooooooooooooooo nice. If you dont want to say on here, could u pm the cost to me?
The watch cost roughly one pantload.
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Ah, see this is your problem. You don't understand that not every comment has to be dead serious or hilarious. There are other methods of getting a point across that are somewhere in between the two.Keep working on your social skills and eventually you'll be able to keep up with simple conversations. I recommend going out in the world and practicing in person...once you master that you'll be able to handle exchanges in writing where you have to understand what someone is going for without hearing the tone of their voice or seeing the manner in which a comment is delivered (facial expressions, gestures, etc).Good luck.
Coming from the guy with 12k posts. haha, But he is right, so listen to the man.
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There's nobody on the planet that could possibly be dumb enough to think my apology to Bob was serious.Is there?You're probably not dumb...but you shouldn't take everything you read so seriously. I refuse to put "sw" at the end of half my posts.
1) Click on "My Controls" at the top right of page.2) On the left hand side of the page click on "Edit Signature"3) Type in the box "sw"4) Click on "Update Signature"Glad I could help.
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Coming from the guy with 12k posts. haha, But he is right, so listen to the man.
Irrelevant. I've already perfected my social skills...or at least understand that "you're a vagina" is a facetious remark. That's why I'm allowed to tell someone else to get out there and figure these things out. Also I'm a prick that hopefully noone ever takes too seriously in general. I'm pretty sure that's the case.
1) Click on "My Controls" at the top right of page.2) On the left hand side of the page click on "Edit Signature"3) Type in the box "sw"4) Click on "Update Signature"Glad I could help.
I like the idea, but I don't hate typing "sw" because I'm lazy, it's because I hate the idea of that phrase in general.
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Weren't you listening? You're supposed to use an analogy.Using 20 posts per page is like fucking a midget. It only makes everything seem bigger.
im still dying from laughter from that one. but on to business, where is ryland i need 5 bucks from that douche
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i'll try to answer a few questions on this post first of all, ain't no cheese on the south pole bishes. so i am only high on lizzle.C Ray is indeed the blackest of the black, dark like a night with no moon, come back baby i'll be home soon. He's a chill dog, if one dog was considered a slacker which i wouldn't consider any of this 2 live crew than i guess it would be him, he likes to be alone at night and has been known to (actually just the time i snuck the dogs into the research station at night when i was lonely and bored and kind of drunk) tear up some trash.also if i was called a condescendign prick on an internet forum i would probalby just laugh, if i was called a condescending prick to my face i might skull **** a bitch.
Well I got here and found something to contribute. Tommy, stay in Antactica because the Senate is now debating making Skull ****ing illegal. Imagine that.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTd1YKdPfZY
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This thread is dying for an Pokerhaus style girls-eating-poo video or something.
There's nobody on the planet that could possibly be dumb enough to think I was serious.Is there?
It does not really matter if you are serious or not. You should know that what you posted was not acceptable for FCP. By all means, I have made my fair share of unacceptable posts, so obviously I cannot scrutinize you too hard for this, but what you posted was wrong, against forum rules and thats why it got closed immed.
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It does not really matter if you are serious or not. You should know that what you posted was not acceptable for FCP. By all means, I have made my fair share of unacceptable posts, so obviously I cannot scrutinize you too hard for this, but what you posted was wrong, against forum rules and thats why it got closed immed.
I never argued with the fact that it was closed. Of course I knew that it was wrong, against forum rules, and would get shut down. But someone needed to point out the fact that the thread should still be open.edit: Maybe it's time to drop the vagina talk. I'm busy watching moronic black people (not all black people are moronic, just the ones I'm currently referring to) applaud Mike Vick and boo reps from the humane society.
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Coming from the guy with 12k posts. haha, But he is right, so listen to the man.
I think this is probably the funniest post misterb has ever made.oh, and BAD SPEEDS99, BAD SPEEDZ99. NO. STOP THAT. NO.
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