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Good Read Or Bad Play?

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I was not playing alot of hands up to this point, so i disided to play this one alittle fancy, i mean it is a freeroll so why not.This hand comes up Canadawww9 makes a hugh raise like 10x's the big blind, i deside to go with my read and i make the call on the small blind with J10s. I'm putting him on AQ or AK and i plan on pushing on the flop if no Ace, King or Queen hits. The flop hits how i want and i push the flop, i could have almost anything (pocket 9's, 10's J's a set), there's not much he can beat. He calls then tells me i made a very bad play. Actually he made a reckless call, was right then took a bad beat when the jack came on the turn. The guy flipped so hard, i actually ended up busting him later when he raised on the botton with 8 9 and i put him all in with AQs and he called. Yeah and i'm the reckless one. My play in the hand could be seen as reckless but went with my read and was right. Any opinons? Haha let the flamming begin i guess. PokerStars Game #11562612986: Tournament #58527550, Freeroll Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/08/18 - 20:57:32 (ET)Table '58527550 518' 9-max Seat #9 is the buttonSeat 1: easaza123 (2010 in chips) Seat 2: weileaf2 (1340 in chips) Seat 3: Jakeysnakey (3720 in chips) Seat 4: Sabdolittle (1405 in chips) Seat 5: MUSKYLUNG (2030 in chips) Seat 6: sconagirl (4195 in chips) Seat 7: roxyflower_c (2790 in chips) is sitting outSeat 8: Canadawww9 (4670 in chips) Seat 9: A1m2Pl34s3 (1495 in chips) easaza123: posts small blind 25weileaf2: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to easaza123 [Jh Th]Jakeysnakey: folds Sabdolittle: folds MUSKYLUNG: calls 50sconagirl: folds roxyflower_c: folds Canadawww9: raises 550 to 600A1m2Pl34s3: folds weileaf2 said, "wow"easaza123: calls 575weileaf2: folds MUSKYLUNG: folds *** FLOP *** [6s 2d 8s]easaza123: bets 1410 and is all-inCanadawww9: calls 1410*** TURN *** [6s 2d 8s] [Jc]*** RIVER *** [6s 2d 8s Jc] [7d]*** SHOW DOWN ***easaza123: shows [Jh Th] (a pair of Jacks)Canadawww9: shows [As Qd] (high card Ace)easaza123 collected 4120 from potCanadawww9 said, "just disgusting"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4120 | Rake 0 Board [6s 2d 8s Jc 7d]Seat 1: easaza123 (small blind) showed [Jh Th] and won (4120) with a pair of JacksSeat 2: weileaf2 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 3: Jakeysnakey folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Sabdolittle folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: MUSKYLUNG folded before FlopSeat 6: sconagirl folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: roxyflower_c folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Canadawww9 showed [As Qd] and lost with high card AceSeat 9: A1m2Pl34s3 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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convert your handhttp://poker-tools.flopturnriver.com/Hand-Converter.phpuse the fcp formatdon't show resultspost this in the Tourney sectionNow that we do all that, the call p/f with J10 OOP is risky without a solid read on the villain. I think at this stage of a freeroll, you shouldn't assume people have much of an understanding about what you may have. In a higher buyin tourney, it's possible that the villain calls KNOWING he has you beat cause the push looks very very fishy.I'd be putting you on a flush draw more than anything else.

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1st, thank you for not changing the HH to pretend you were playing in a $500 buy in or something.2nd, It's great to make a good read, but when you make a good read, you need to have something with it to make it truly successful. Putting your op on a couple of big cards, then trying to bluff him off of it when you missed the flop as well, that's not going to make it in low level/free rolls. In other words don't make fancy plays, learn to make the first read, and be able to get away if you missed. 3rd, Alot of people forget when they started playing poker and want to pretend they started in the front of the bus, instead of the back of the short bus. Don't let them get you down.4th, don't post hand histories from free rolls. Go to strategy and ask questions, give your 2 cents, and engage the people there. Some of them know what they are talking about. Some of them don't, don't listen to them though.

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1st, thank you for not changing the HH to pretend you were playing in a $500 buy in or something.2nd, It's great to make a good read, but when you make a good read, you need to have something with it to make it truly successful. Putting your op on a couple of big cards, then trying to bluff him off of it when you missed the flop as well, that's not going to make it in low level/free rolls. In other words don't make fancy plays, learn to make the first read, and be able to get away if you missed. 3rd, Alot of people forget when they started playing poker and want to pretend they started in the front of the bus, instead of the back of the short bus. Don't let them get you down.4th, don't post hand histories from free rolls. Go to strategy and ask questions, give your 2 cents, and engage the people there. Some of them know what they are talking about. Some of them don't, don't listen to them though.
This wasn't funny at all. soooo disappointing
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This wasn't funny at all. soooo disappointing
You didn't like the short bus thing, tought that was kind of clever.Actually I am required by contract to be serious twice a month, usaully I waste those times in political discussions.But if you really want....Pull my finger. :club:
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You didn't like the short bus thing, tought that was kind of clever.Actually I am required by contract to be serious twice a month, usaully I waste those times in political discussions.But if you really want....Pull my finger. :club:
kljasifj;aoifj;ajf;opadjfYou made me click on this thread twice now. don't you have a trip report to write?:pullsfinger:
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kljasifj;aoifj;ajf;opadjfYou made me click on this thread twice now. don't you have a trip report to write?:pullsfinger:
Bet I can make you click on this thread 3 times
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I was not playing alot of hands up to this point, so i disided to play this one alittle fancy, i mean it is a freeroll so why not.
so you attempted to just go ahead and outplay someone in a freeroll?did you ever hear the phrase..."never bluff a donkey....they cannot fold"well theres a new phrase in town..."never bluff a donkey playing with play money"i actually had this exact hand come up in a live sit and go last night....i have AK and UTG raises to 5xBB(1,000 chips)...short stack pushes in for 1,800....im playing 7,000 and the UTG raiser has me covered justas the short stack pushes, UTG reaches for his chips and says call(worryingly aggressively for me), not realising im still to act from the big blind...so its 1,800 for me and i know UTG cannot re-raise....i think for a minute then just decide to call and take a flopflop comes 2 - 3 - 6 and i check it...UTG pushes in...i think for a second and muck...i put the guy on 9's or better pre flophe shows Q - Jace hits the turngood lay down? bad fold?others said bad lay down.........i went on to win it...beating the same guy heads up...i just cant invisage a donk passing AK on a rag flop in a freeroll...they dont pass for real money let alone for free
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