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Event #49 No-limit Hold’em $1,500.00 12:00pm Pst

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Apparently I'm the only one who finds this guy ultra lame-o. -shrug- oh well.
Pretty sure he's about 18 and living a miserable life in his mothers basement.Gotta give him props for trying to be original though, even if in reality he's just another troll loser. :club:
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Gotta give him props for trying to be original though, even if in reality he's just another Super Bowl champion.
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Pretty sure he's about 18 and living a miserable life in his mothers basement.Gotta give him props for trying to be original though, even if in reality he's just another troll loser. :club:
Original??? REALLY?? I'd consider something that wasn't stolen from an ESPN commercial original.....just sayin'.
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Yeah, on the last hand, at the time I thought he might've been trying to isolate me (he was chip leader at my table) with a mid-pair but looking back it seemed like that was the most likely hand he could've had. I think if I had more chips, I might've laid it down (would that be wise?).Today, I had much better cards pre-flop for as long as I can remember. After the flop though, there would always be overcards to my pocket pairs every single time. For one hand I had KK vs. AK but I think I lost the minimum there cause either the guy was slowplaying his top pair or was just scared that I had some monster. Then I had AQ vs. AK aipf against a short stack. Just not much going as usual. I think this event set a new record for most people (I guess for a 1.5k NL event).Also, thought I'd share another hand with you that I thought was quite interesting. I've never seen it in tournament play. I'm in the SB with 7s5s. About 6 or 7 people have limped in. I call. BB min raises (blinds at 25/50). UTG folds, everyone else including me calls. Flop is Q62, with two spades. I check, BB bets 100 (pot should be ~700 at this point), everyone folds to the button who calls and I call. Turn is another Q. BB bets 100, button calls, I call. River is an 8. BB bets 100 again and button reluctantly calls. I fold. BB shows A9 offsuit for A high and button shows 63 for a pair of sixes to take down a pretty nice pot. It's funny cause if the button had folded, I probably would've folded (though I may have called out of sheer curiosity). He continued to make plays like this later as well.

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Well I cashed, 248th. Busted out with AK v 99, couldn't improve.Two tough races that I lost late cost me.And one sick beat, I had close to 40k and this guy made a move on me preflop. I raised to 3500 with AsJs and he shoved for 18k. I sniffed it out and after talking to him, he appeared really weak, so I called, figuring worst case race against a small pair unless my read was way off. He has Ah-2h (sweet) and I'm about to hit 60k, but 2c in the door. BAH!Main Event time next weekend....feelin goot. Thanks for the text msgs.

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Hey,Any news on Adam? (vick12) He's playing this event.
RON TON SOUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!Apperently I am not big enough to get the "full" FCP coverage...cough cough!!!I am in the money and heading into day 2 w/ 55.5k. I have a ton that I will get in my blog later (too tired now), but here a few tidbits...In an event of over 3k people I was an alternate but got in after 1st level...I was assuming there would be other alternate hacks at my table...some hacks name Beth Shak (Dan's wife...finished like 2nd or 3rd in a WSOP event this year) and Joe Awada.I almost bluffed my way out at the 100/200 level...thankfully I didn't get called!I then KO'd 2 players 5 hands later when I had JJ vs 55 and AK...flop is A97..turn 10...river..Jack...WEEEEE!!!!The guess who takes one of the players seats that I KO'd?....None other than KATHY FRIGGGGGGGGEN LIEBERT!!!! (After repopping her raise for the 3rd time...she says to me "You're a bully....a nice bulley but still a bulley!!!)I felted Awada when he raised my BB w/ KsJs...I shoved him w/ QQ...I held.That's about it for now....looking forward to tommorrow. There are a few good players at my table and a few I am sure I can outplay. Hopefully I can get Aces for the 1st time since I have been in Vegas!!!!Later
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Original??? REALLY?? I'd consider something that wasn't stolen from an ESPN commercial original.....just sayin'.
Get your sources right. And I would be careful who I call a loser, don't be upset that you're not on a god-like rail run as nutzbuster is. Maybe someday you can rail with the best of em'
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RON TON SOUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!Apperently I am not big enough to get the "full" FCP coverage...cough cough!!!I am in the money and heading into day 2 w/ 55.5k. I have a ton that I will get in my blog later (too tired now), but here a few tidbits...In an event of over 3k people I was an alternate but got in after 1st level...I was assuming there would be other alternate hacks at my table...some hacks name Beth Shak (Dan's wife...finished like 2nd or 3rd in a WSOP event this year) and Joe Awada.I almost bluffed my way out at the 100/200 level...thankfully I didn't get called!I then KO'd 2 players 5 hands later when I had JJ vs 55 and AK...flop is AJx..turn 10...river..Jack...WEEEEE!!!!The guess who takes one of the players seats that I KO'd?....None other than KATHY FRIGGGGGGGGEN LIEBERT!!!! (After repopping her raise for the 3rd time...she says to me "You're a bully....a nice bulley but still a bulley!!!)I felted Awada when he raised my BB w/ KsJs...I shoved him w/ QQ...I held.That's about it for now....looking forward to tommorrow. There are a few good players at my table and a few I am sure I can outplay. Hopefully I can get Aces for the 1st time since I have been in Vegas!!!!Later
Awesome,TID brother... :club:
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great i have joe in my pool ~ good job ADAM !!!~!!!!~~!~~~~!!flop'm dead and DONT PUSH under the gun with A-10 off :D
Awesome,TID brother... :D
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Get your sources right. And I would be careful who I call a loser, don't be upset that you're not on a god-like rail run as nutzbuster is. Maybe someday you can rail with the best of em'
Sorry sir. Please don't trade me! I'm just a hopeless CHEERLADIN' water boy tryin ta learn sir!!!Anthony...S - O - R - R - Y man ! S - I - C - K how you went out!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!1111!!!!!1111!!!VICK...Take this down man!!!!YOU CAN DO IT...and if not WE'LL STILL LOVE YOU BUDDY!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!111!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Original??? REALLY?? I'd consider something that wasn't stolen from an ESPN commercial original.....just sayin'.
(shhhh...just tryin' to be nice dude...pretty sure he's on some sort of buffet of rail hater multiple meds...just play along...) :club:
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Adam is the nuts. TID man!!!!!Mark
What can i say...I have GREAT FRIENDS!!!
YO.+1See you shortly Adam! :D
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Sorry, woulda covered you too, but I kinda need like, a picture, or location, or something. Hard to just randomly find someone in a sea of 3000 people, lol.I'm off today though.Good job though, TID!!

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RON TON SOUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!Apperently I am not big enough to get the "full" FCP coverage...cough cough!!!I am in the money and heading into day 2 w/ 55.5k. I have a ton that I will get in my blog later (too tired now), but here a few tidbits...In an event of over 3k people I was an alternate but got in after 1st level...I was assuming there would be other alternate hacks at my table...some hacks name Beth Shak (Dan's wife...finished like 2nd or 3rd in a WSOP event this year) and Joe Awada.I almost bluffed my way out at the 100/200 level...thankfully I didn't get called!I then KO'd 2 players 5 hands later when I had JJ vs 55 and AK...flop is A97..turn 10...river..Jack...WEEEEE!!!!The guess who takes one of the players seats that I KO'd?....None other than KATHY FRIGGGGGGGGEN LIEBERT!!!! (After repopping her raise for the 3rd time...she says to me "You're a bully....a nice bulley but still a bulley!!!)I felted Awada when he raised my BB w/ KsJs...I shoved him w/ QQ...I held.That's about it for now....looking forward to tommorrow. There are a few good players at my table and a few I am sure I can outplay. Hopefully I can get Aces for the 1st time since I have been in Vegas!!!!Later
GLGLGLGLGLGLGTID Adam!!!Hey, if that waitress was impressed with you with that $5 FTP tourney imagine what she'll be like after you take down this one!!Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
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I'm pretty sure it's Adam Beck
It is. If i didnt lose my phone id be getting updates, but fadfsgdfhdhGL Adam you nit
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It is. If i didnt lose my phone id be getting updates, but fadfsgdfhdhGL Adam you nit
I told him to text me updates. I've yet to receive one but they just started playing.Mark
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