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Everything posted by MattH

  1. Eric Stratton, Rush Chairman, damn glad to meet you.
  2. Plus he actually proved this year by having several high end finishes this year.
  3. Great overall interview... he looked a little to serious the entire time, but the end just made it classic.+1
  4. How any woman could sleep with that man for any amount of money is beyond me.
  5. Maybe taken in the wrong text... just want to see someone from this forum get all the props they deserve for taking a once in a lifetime opportunity and making the most of it.
  6. Why can't everyone just pull for the guy instead of analyzing his greatness, or if he's a luckbox... jesus he is an FCP on the main stage... just root for the guy!
  7. I'll be watching... best of luck to you Brian... do FCP proud (oh wait, you've done that already)
  8. This is quite an accomplishment, savor every moment of it... no matter what happens you are doing FCP proud.Best wishes, I'll be railing all day tomorrow via pokerwire.
  9. 15th out of 177 in a $1010 out of 135 in a $25Not biggest cashes but still good showings today for all the FCP'rs... Keep up the good work everyone.
  10. MontanaElwayYoungAikman\bradshawwithout looking at numbers...Montana best leader at quarterback in the games history..Elway had the never say die attitude.... he came from behind and won 2 super bowls... never quit and push his offense to the limitsYoung:came into the best offense in the game and with no hiccups ran the offenseto perfectionAikman \ Bradshsw: Both had great teams... both won and rarely choked... always solid, not great like Montana but they won,
  11. I didn't even think that game was out yet.
  12. cash game the way that the hand was played... I would get as much money into that flop as possible... slight dog to an over pair...I'm gambling, good hit
  13. Best advice I've seen in a paragraph in a long time...good summary.
  14. I hit a man with a burrito!!!I'm in a glass case of emotion!
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