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Everything posted by devilsslide

  1. Height: 5' 10 1/2"Weight: 184.5Goal: To lose 9.5 lbs and reach my Weight Watcher's goal weight of 175 (I'm down 31.1 lbs since 5/16). Then I want to reduce my bf and increase muscle mass (not sure of the exact numbers yet).
  2. My girlfriend has won a mechanical bull riding contest twice in two attempts (at the Saddle Ranch Restaurant at Universal Studios City Walk -- pretty large crowds). Now she thinks it might be her calling. Anyone know how to get into this sport: i.e. lessons, amateur circuit, etc? My google search didn't give too many answers. Thanks, and sorry if this was too off topic.
  3. Whether it's a contest or just camaraderiea, count me in. I've been losing weight with Weight Watchers over the past 10 weeks and am really close to my goal. I could use some motivation for the home stretch. I would also like to see more than just two posts, like a beginning of the week thing or something like that.
  4. devilsslide

    the island

    Hey Dood! I just saw the movie and I thought it was great. Normally when someone tells me that a movie is good I expect too much and end up dissapointed. The Island did not dissapoint-- nice recommendation.Scarlett Johansson is so bomb!Agreed.
  5. I had a bad driver once, and my sound didn't work for a week until I found the right one.
  6. devilsslide

    the island

    The plot hardly resembles the matrix at all. At least its not as hard as the matrix was to understand at first. These two movies aren't too similar in my opinion.Cool. That was my only hesitation-- I thought it might be a rip off. I'll see it tomorrow because you recommend it so highly
  7. devilsslide

    the island

    How close is the plot of this movie to that of The Matrix (the first one), i.e. things are not as they appear, must break from those that are oppressing you, etc?My current record is Jurassic Park 7 times
  8. For more on the same topic: http://fullcontactpoker.com/poker-forums/v...0664&highlight= It's called "I Hate 3/6"
  9. A friend told me that googling "pokertracker crack" might help, but this is just hearsay
  10. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot
  11. ummm ok.nobody forced you to read the thread. im assuming by the subject you could have figured out to avoid antonio talk if that was your goal.hmmm time to go hotwire...im sorry, your post was informative and of high quality. We, as a forum, are forever indebted to you for bringing this information to light for the very first time (since yesterday). :roll:Belyeapower does kinda have a point though. You should've been able to tell by the subject of "rocks and rings" what the post was going to be about. It's not his fault he just joined TODAY
  12. Hey all, On a recent post, Paul Phillips calculated the percentage his hand had of winning against a range of hands. He said: "On a 9h9s2h board, how JhTh fares against some possibilities:vs. AcKd: 55.7%vs. AhKd: 49.9%vs. 7c7s: 52.0%vs. TcTs: 35.2%vs. AcAs: 32.8%vs. AhKh: 20.7%I'm getting 1.6-1 on the call so I only have to be 38% to win, maybe very slightly better taking tournament realities into account. Against my estimate of his range it turns out to be a much easier call than I made it out to be at the time. His actual holding was AhQc so I was 49.6%, but the board bricked out and I wa
  13. I don't think op was asking about Hold'em for Advanced players. He said he was already "delving" into that. I think he was asking about Hold'em Poker by Sklanksy.
  14. All of the concepts in Hold'em Poker by Sklansky are covered in the other books you mentioned-- just presented a little different. This is the only one I've regreted buying.
  15. I play 3/6 at Morongo all the time and I have never seen anyone buy in for more than $100 initially. Some people even buy in for much lower and seem to get intimidated if someone buys in for more. If you get low you are allowed one "short" (i.e. $20) add on or rebuy, and then all subsequent add ons and rebuys must be at least $30. Just always make sure you have enough in front of you to play correctly-- especially during kill pots.
  16. i was at a casino and saw a table game called texas shootout that is very similar if not the exact same game.The World Poker Tour also has a similar game that I saw in San Diego. They have a continuous video loop of Mike and Vince explaining the rules and showing some "hot" poker action. As if they weren't annoying enough already...
  17. LOLI just realized that he meant back in the day relative to daniel's career, not poker itself. I apologize
  18. Nope, it's Fold>Raise>Call.At least we agree that calling is the worst option. :wink: I'm really just quoting Ed Miller on this one.He states you should generally fold if:1) You have a marginal made hand that may not be best2) You have little chance to improve if you are behind3) Your opponents have many opportunities to outdraw you if you are ahead4) The pot is smallIf you can show me how any of the conditions do not apply to this hand, I will agree that raising here is the best option.Agreed. The idea here, also according to Miller, is that your margin for error is small. If things g
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