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About Arkanoid

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. It's not Dreamclown. He won one of the early 200k tourneys, when they awarded avatars as part of the prize. I've played him at 2/4 - 5/10 NLHE. He's pretty much TAG, not tricky in the least.
  2. I lost my biggest pot ever vs J2. Forever to be remembered as the "Paulo", after the enriched fellow who busted me. Wish I had JJ that hand.
  3. It's important to know if you are playing full table or shorthand. Shorthand I'd limp AA 1 time in maybe 25. Full table maybe 1 time in 8, but it depends on how much action the table is giving.If you limp reraise with other hands like suited connectors, or even any two cards, you can set up the AA hand if you happen to catch a monster with 67s and show it down. It's all a matter of perception.
  4. 3/6 NL, 1700 stacks. 6 handed. Suits unimportant.Villain is TAG, solid player, doesn't get out of line. I am a bit erratic, stealing pots that I know he will fold.Villain raises UTG to 21, all fold to me. I call with K :icon_suit_club: 9 :icon_suit_club: Flop is K66, check, checkTurn is K, I lead out for 40, he calls. River is 9, giving me the nut full house, and second nut hand.I lead out for 125, expecting a raise as I feel he has a K here often. Sure enough he raises, but only makes it 275. Here I have a dilemna, because a flat call is losing value far to often to be correct, but also beca
  5. I f'n hate the hit n run artists, but I never avoid playing them HU. I give a lot of action, therefore I can always get a game. My best strat vs them is to take thier buy in and then move up a limit and sit. Sure enough, they show up. Repeat and Rinse...
  6. I'm truly sorry for your loss. My best to your family.Alex
  7. Any game I'm in. Please sit down.Currently 2/4 and 3/6 NL on Full Tilt.Sincerely,RERAISE5823
  8. Mike should pay up happily. Not even a question.
  9. I'm out. Flopped top set, turned top boat got it all in vs AA and A hit river.
  10. Wait. That sounds......wrong.
  11. I'm down considerably to start the year. I'm 3 standard deviations under normal for my last 90K hands. Rough.Rub some luck on me guys!
  12. Don't slowplay an underfull. You playied it ok, but I prefer to lead out with pot bet and hope to get raised, that way he may be pot committed and forced to call your push.
  13. It's DD's friend playing on his account. He said as much when asked whil playing at stars.
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