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Everything posted by mx957

  1. According to Harrah's website, it's open 24 hrs after June 1st. You should be in good shape.
  2. I am staying at the RIO. When you book they give you the standard rate, but when you register for an event they give you the WSOP rate.Pre-Entrant rate for the RIO Sun-Thu = $139 Fri-Sat = $279Entrant rate for the RIO Sun-Thu = $109 Fri-sat = $199Harrah's and the Flamingo is cheaper Entrant rate for Sun-Thu = $60 Fri-Sat = $120
  3. I did the pre-registration. It worked as advertised for me.1) Fill out the website form2) wait for the email (Took 4 days for me to get the email)3) wire the money and fax the signed form back in (this is where you'd send the cashier's check)I didn't have any problems. Are you sure your spam filter isn't catching the email? Maybe you mistyped your email address? Just a couple of thoughts. Good luck.
  4. But you always show Mark, cause you've always got the nuts
  5. Nope, I have already won a seat to a prelim event. Winning a seat to an event and actually playing in the event aren't linked by anything that I know of. Harrah's doesn't allow "Third Party" buyin's so I have to give Harrah's the cash to enter the event. How I got there isn't anyone's concern or is it illegal so NO I am not worried in the least.
  6. Joe Rocks! Flying in a Blue Dream is my all time favorite album!And I do have the Live in San Fran DVD which is awesome!
  7. Harrah's is not allowing Companies or "Third Parties" to buyin to WSOP events this year. With the whole Internet Gambling Bill hoopla, they figure better safe than sorry. I won a 2K seat through Full Tilt's braclet race and at first they informed me "we'll let you know how it will work later" then last week they sent me an email saying we are just giving you the cash and hopefully you'll buyin with it.Then when I went to the WSOP site to pre-register, they mention the "No Third Party Buyin" rule.I do think this will lower the field sizes a bit this year but it will still be a hugh event.
  8. So does that make you a fan boy instead of a stalker? Nah, it's still stalker.
  9. This would be great. Hit up Tritz to make sure his software for seeing hole cards is updated to be able to handle 2 tables.
  10. Both would be the correct answer here.
  11. They wouldn't let him wear his lucky shirt....you know the one from the 2004 WSOP.
  12. I guess last Thursday and Friday's discussion on this topic weren't enough for you OP? Look at those threads and try and contribute more than you've done here.
  13. Here's another thread already started about this....http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...showtopic=95319
  14. What? Can I get an english translation please!and your link doesn't work either.
  15. .net = play money and you can advertise in the US.com = real money and is of the devil therefore not advertisable in the USDon't gamble or at least listen to the Harrah's guy./[end SW]
  16. I took one of these down last week. I'll be in Event #3 on June 2nd.Good luck on your event and congrats!
  17. Good Luck JC....take errrrr down!!!!!!!!!
  18. GO Adam.....Final table 5/8 take errrrrr down!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Yes, you've have neglected to look at page 2 of this forum.....been talked about for a bit already.http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...showtopic=94915
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