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Everything posted by mcsoupman

  1. Shoot to killGreat movie. If I ever take someone hostage, I'm using a sheet for protection.(see the movie)Dang beat me to itMorgan Freeman!!
  2. That's about how I feel at the table sometimes. Just want to pull out the 9mm and take care of business.
  3. Why not just get high on life man?said with surfer accent
  4. butterLOL, I almost downloaded in my pants while reading this. Does it make me juvenile?
  5. Anybody ever play the penguin bashing game? I could kill hours at the office and it felt like 2 mins.
  6. Stand by Me!Favorite movie growing up.
  7. FYPToo much thinking right now. Who wants to loose their bankroll and pay for my vacation?
  8. He is not being Adolf, just stating something that appears to be prevelant throughout history. Several times throughtout history the Jews have been the aim of several genocide attempts.There are several groups that have sworn to not rest until Israel is destroyed.
  9. Not necessarily how it works. Six fingers would be awesome to have, maybe even an extra arm. I could swing more clubs and bash heads in with. Having the extra "advantage" does necessarily mean it will be given to the offspring, especially if it is only one parent. Wouldn't it only be MORE likely to propagate if there was an abundance of that mutation?6 million years is a long time. Probably longer than the earth has actually been around.
  10. God allows sin because we have a free will. It pains him that we make evil choices. I don't follow the good vs bad thought. Bad is just bad because we are evil people who make wrong choices. We don't need bad to justify more good.If Eve hadn't screwed things up, it might be closer to your imagination right now.
  11. According to what I know, this interpretation would fall outside the scope of mainline Christianity. It follows a line that is hard to justify with other areas of the bible.
  12. Ok, but then the probability of that mutated gene being transferred goes way down, does it not. The mutation has a greater likelihood of going away that it does propagating. And that is fine for one mutation, but what about the myriad of mutations that have to happen for the species to change?
  13. Mr. Sushi in PB is great also. One of those serious little places where the food is great. All the Japanese go to Hanaoka's in National City. Great ballpark but the Pads won't get it done. Charger's play Seattle in preseson on Sat 26th. Superchargers!How can you not hit the mexican food in Old Town? And don't forget Seaworld!
  14. Ace of Cakes is fun. Crazy cake decorating genius, but he seems like a nut.Throwdown is good.Road tasted, OMG, I gain weight just watching it.
  15. Ok, but you get my point right? I must be lost on the difference between DNA and genes.I'm not talking about simple mating, but propogating. As clearly addressed earlier by a poster, humans and chimps can't propogate. Mating I guess is a possibility. When the transitional forms that preceeded us both mutated, there would need to be 2 like forms mutating at the same time for that DNA/gene to carry on in a new life form.
  16. Sure, I was just going for the God/no God argument. A lot less anarchy in that case, but sure, lots of devistated people.
  17. I wouldn't call it spirituality just yet, maybe Theology or Deism. That's my only point so far. I have not made an argument for or against Christianity. Just going back to the question of Why a God? Once we get to a point of, "ok, their might be a God" then one has to come to grips with all sorts of personal worldviews. That's enough for anyone person to handle in single thread.Religious beliefs would take us down a whole other path.
  18. Why can't we just have similarities? Switch one code and the whole thing falls apart anyway. Down syndrome is an "mutation" with just one gene. Switch another one and the person can't even be born alive. The delicate balance of own very life points me away from the evolutionary process. Could transitional forms all have made the same switch at the same time? It would take at least 2 for the person to propogate, correct?
  19. I think a lot of athiests would welcome the "invitation to the party." For most of us it would confirm in a tangible way what we have been searching for in an abstract sort of way. Peace and order might ensue because of the teachings of most belief systemsA lot of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, would be devistated. Their complete worldview would be shaken. Anarchy is probable. Order would ensue possibly when a "ruler, dictator" takes control by force.I for one would be terrified if I was shown irrefutable evidence that there was no God.
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