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Everything posted by RayPowers

  1. Welcome.I did some quick searching on the controversy. I have the original link url and the response url. If people want them, priv message. Seems crude to put them here. Ray
  2. Your avatar tells your true feelings....Ray
  3. Obviously you suggest a HU Strip Poker Challenge.Ray
  4. Absolutely 0%. Although I don't think this in any way would stop me from doing dirty, dirty things to her.Ray
  5. I totally valid FYP. I stand corrected.Ray
  6. I'm sorry sir, you have accidently hit the New Topic Button. This button was not meant to be available to you and we apologize for the fact that this occurred. You obviously meant to hit reply to the Vanessa Rousso thread instead, but merely misclicked. Afterall, you couldn't possibly be lame enough to think that we all wanted to read an entirely new topic on the subject of hot poker players (which happens about once a week anyways) in where you typed one line... without capitalization or punctuation.We apologize for the fact that the New Topic button was available to confuse you on proper pos
  7. The WSOP Two Seater at Casino AZ was $150+20, Seats to top two, payouts to top .. 10 I think? I thought it was slightly strange, but I don't know. Someone mentioned that top 20 at least made their money back. In either case, there is more money going out, but I'm not sure how close it is to the actual $150*188 = $2,8200.I was watching it a bit while playing some $4/$8 on Sunday. If I thought I could ever shake my NL donkishness, I'd give it a shot.Ray
  8. I am so disappointed in this thread. I opened it thinking "Wow, first Discovery Channel does a special saying they found his tomb, then Jesus Christ comes back to play in the WPT Celebrity Invitational! This guy is having a hell of a week in headline news!"But all i got was PrtyPSux.Ray
  9. Work's been busy lately. But to answer things quickly. :)Yes, Gastric bypass.No, meth addicition.Yes, Lucky Charms. :PYes, still cash game player. Had a bad run, disappeared for a while fromt he tournament circuit to rebuild. Actually his twin brother looks nothing like him nowadays. :)And, I no longer work for him. I do still wish him the best tho. :)Ray
  10. No, I go there March 1st. If you want to be my publicist you need to keep these things in order.jrobb, from every indication possible, Kevin is one heck of a stand up guy. I have nothing but good things to say about him and I've only met him once. That being said, yes it would be a funny conversation.Ray
  11. Kevin's a great guy and I haven't been to the bar in months. Bleh that I have the kids tonight. This would be fun. Ray
  12. He started the hand at 13K if I remember right...Ray
  13. Happy Birthday Tritz!You provided me with hours of entertainment. I can wish you nothing but the best.Ray
  14. Oh I'm sure. I have been on poker vacation for a bit now. I wasn't questioning why I didn't get the e-mail. I was pointing out that astro was being a jerk. :)Ray
  15. Welcome to the post/add reply button, enjoy your stay. Improper use can result in a slight dizziness or nausea.:)Ray
  16. 1. I play on Full Tilt.2. I did not get this e-mail.3. For some people, this is more of a testimony of sorts and useful. If I did not play on Full Tilt, this would give me some information about their customer service for future reference.4. Don't be a ******. He's trying to be helpful.We now return you to your regularly scheduled "General Poker Forum" chaos.Ray
  17. Am I the only one who saw the flop and thought this would be a Krablar story?Ray
  18. Good report, but pretty much everything in the report was standard.Still, not a bad read.Ray
  19. Mine: Good limit player turned bad NL player. Easy to trap.Ray
  20. I have my finger on the pulse of this community I tell ya! The Pulse! I can do no wrong!Except that one time I said one of the girls wasn't hot. RenaeDawn beat me down like a rabid dog. :(Ray
  21. Take it down, luckbox!Ray(If anyone is wondering why I suddenly started calling Daniel a luckbox its because a)well, just read the coverage of his suckouts this event and B) I'm a jealous bitter man)
  22. I wish I could luckbox into my flush every time I'm all in like Daniel. Ray
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