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gamesgrid.com poker...

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There have been a bunch of threads on 2+2 about this site...apparently they're the top site for online backgammon players and they've just opened up a poker room. Right now they're offering 1000% signup bonus (up to 5000) along with a player program where they'll pay you up to $12 an hour to play. I signed up the other day...the graphics arent the best and there arent many players as of yet (theyve been open for about a week). But i figure with a chance at this much money, some of you may be interested.

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sorry, guys, i just read over my post....i really dont mean for it to be spam, i just thought some people may be interested in checking out a new room. If my post sounds too much like an advertisement feel free to delete it, i didnt mean for it to come off that way :club:

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I'm playing there now and the bonus is paid in parts daily. The games are pretty soft to me and I think they are going to add new features. They even had the Omaha table giong yesterday. Hopefully more players will come.I'm also signed up to the VFP program, so I'll let you know if I'm paid properly or what.

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so far my experience hasnt been too good here, ive been getting alot of made hands cracked, and thats never a good thing :twisted: Still not many people on the site yet...mostly good players. but once the fish start showing up, the bonus will be more attractive.

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Guys, GAMES GRID is soft. I'm not the best ring player, but have been dominating the players there this week. Anyways, if you sign up for the 1000% bonus, put BigBabyJesus in the player referral box and we both get something. Good luck.

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This site has potential written all over itDon't play the limit though...it's squeaky tightNL is soft though :club:

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This site has potential written all over itDon't play the limit though...it's squeaky tightNL is soft though :club:
limit is tight, but i havnet had too much trouble posting a profit playing it. and for those of you interested, just last night they added some 7-2 Triple Draw Lowball tables...i didnt see anyone playing them just yet, but i know its a fav game of daniels and maybe of a few others around here
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the night i played there...i could not get it to respond to anything but the fold button. i tried raising several times, and got auto-folded.it may have just been a fluke, i'll try again tonight.but if they get the kinks out of it, it'll be a good site.

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Good site so far. I dont mind it one bit.This is what I love about it. You signe up for the vfp bonus. You get paid per table/hour. Now the site game system is slower than other sites. Usually only like 50-70 hands an hour. So you can play more tables per hour and still have seen the same amounts of hands as other sites. Yet they pay you!Limit... hard to say. I have played it 3 days and have found it very tight some days and crazy others.NL... only played 2, 1 hour sessions. Sat at .25/.5 for an hour with 25 bucks cashed out 155. Played 1/2 and made 8...ho hum.2/4 Im down a bit, but not as much as Im getting paid to play.3/6 up 100 in 2 hours of play...all very short amounts of play so stats dont mean anything

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Damn...just got my weekly VFP pay.... I dont care how ugly or lame the site is.Getting paid that amount is AWESOME!
i was just going to make that post...i actually had a down week last week, but i look today and i actually MADE money during a downswing. Not too bad at all :-)
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Well Im making good money at the NL tables. Which is ODD, I feel Im a stronger limit player. I really like to protect my bankroll so right now with limited funds NL Im never as comfortable as I should be.With that said I had a couple good sessions at 1/2 NL. Doubling or tripling up my 100 buy in fairly quickly. Now going against what most people do. I simply played a while lnoger and left. I didnt want to jeopardize my roll, I took some hits in limit earlier and this was a nice win and needed it.Now with the vfp bonus as well. I have more than doubled my 500 buy in with about 20 table hours of play. Or about 6-7 real hours. So 500 bucks into that is a good day of work :)2/4 and 3/6 I was up a bunch, but went on a terrible run of beats. Not necessarily bad beats, but had some good hands beat by lesser hands... AA v AQ, AA v KK...type stuff. I dont recall seing anything overly bad as far as people playing. I think that most playing now are pretty good players. Chips are just being passed around, which is fine. I am skeptical they can keep this pay schedule up for long which has me concerned slightly. I dont think I have any referrals playing yet so cant say how that would go.Sitting with 1K in there now, going to try to get it up to 1500 by next week, then cash some out. Im not here to get rich but if I can collect 250 a week from this site on avg I will be a happy camper. Its just spare cash to me. So 12K a year is a good amount. Usually when I try to push it higher I get myself in big trouble.

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Is the 1000% bonus and VFP on any kind of time limit? Meaning, I won't be able to deposit until next week, will that be too late?Also, first person to PM me, I will use as a referal as long as you sign up for a poker account at another site for me.

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Is the 1000% bonus and VFP on any kind of time limit? Meaning, I won't be able to deposit until next week, will that be too late?
You are given 1 year to clear the bonus I believe.
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Alright, I did it, I got my gamesgrid ID.IF anyone else is going to download it, insert my username for the referallcoach66Since everyone else is talking about referalls, you can download interpoker account at www.mcpoker.us No need to enter a referall name or anything, just download the software from www.mcpoker.usNow back to your regularly scheduled gamesgrid program.

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I have also been paid for 50+ table hours. Very happy!! GamesGrid is good!!!!!

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Yep, stopped in and said hey to JJ....he was hanging out in the penny games bustin them up.I had a student watching and I was able to donate while there for a few hands to say hey. I was able to prove a point though.... "proper betting goes out the window at .05/.1 NL" making bets of 5x bb mean nothing....LOL

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IM seriously thinking about putting some money in there but 2 things before..Do they have a 0.5/1 Nl table, cause when i went there, there were on ly 1/2 Nl wich is really harder to get a confortable stack....also, is the bonus hard to clear, because when I looked at the table, the rake was so low each hands that I would have only like 1$ each hour!!!Well, also they dont have enough people... thats another problem...Will I be able to play enough to clear that bonus??thanks guy...also, what is the little something we each get if In put one of the referral name...??thanks guy...There is another good site wich has a good bonus of 100% (until 600$) and wich is easier to clearfulltilt pokerif you are interested, put fullmoney has a referraal code and youll get also a bonus....

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IM seriously thinking about putting some money in there but 2 things before..Do they have a 0.5/1 Nl table, cause when i went there, there were on ly 1/2 Nl wich is really harder to get a confortable stack....also, is the bonus hard to clear, because when I looked at the table, the rake was so low each hands that I would have only like 1$ each hour!!!Well, also they dont have enough people... thats another problem...Will I be able to play enough to clear that bonus??thanks guy...also, what is the little something we each get if In put one of the referral name...??thanks guy...There is another good site wich has a good bonus of 100% (until 600$) and wich is easier to clearfulltilt pokerif you are interested, put fullmoney has a referraal code and youll get also a bonus....

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I am posting this information to let all of you know of one of the hottest online poker sites, GAMESGRID POKER. This site is only one month old but has operated as a backgammon site since 1997. Their gimmick is to offer new players a 1000% deposit bonus. Now you may be thinking, this is ridiculous, well I thought the same. I read about this site in detail and found out this is no lie. Rather than spend thousands of dollars advertising online and in poker publications, they decided to give the money back to the players in exchange for word of mouth advertising. Well let me tell you, it WORKS. I joined the site on Saturday 4/23/2005 and today is Wednesday and the membership has almost doubled since I've joined. Here is what they offer.--1000% up to $5,000 (bonus is cleared through playing raked hands and the money is transferred to your account daily via a points for cash system.--If you use my screenname as a referral PMDVERT, you will be eligible for the VeryFrequentPlayerProgram(VFP) which means if you play atleast 10 hours a week, you will be paid hourly JUST FOR PLAYING. Assuming you are a $2/4 limit player, that works out to $6 per hour, or 3 times the BIG BLIND...PER HOUR.--If you refer other players, you will collect one ninth of all the rakes they are involved in, for their entire time on the site. (not too shabby for doing nothing)...Just throwing this out there because I think it a great oppurtunity. If you have any questions. feel free to ask and I will respond as quickly as possible.Use PMDVERT as your referral name and you will be eligible for the VFP Program

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