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Basically I play a lot of MTT's and 2/4 or 3/6 limit on FTP and Absolute. For the last month or so I have just been running terrible. Seems like every session I'm fighting just to stay even. MTT's I have been getting fairly deep, but just haven't been able to make any big cashes. I haven't really changed anything about my game, but it seems like I either go card dead or get it in with the best and lose even when I am an overwhelming favorite.Same has been going for cash games. I seem to be missing every big draw, and people are beating anything Im holding with a runner runner or some BS two pair or Straight. Typically I just buck up and keep playing my style which in the long run has been profitable, but this is probably the longest "bad run" I have been on ever.My question is what is the longest streak you have ever experienced and what did you do to get out of it?A lot of people tell me to take a break and refocus, but I don't think that is my problem. I enjoy playing daily and was wondering if anyone changes up their strategy for tournaments or ring games when they are running bad? Any advice would be appreciated

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The trouble with "running bad" is that it becomes a vicious circle. You take a bad beat, then another. All of a sudden your steaming. More buy in's are lost until you stop, get really lucky or go broke.Next day, although not steaming, the consequence of your bad luck/bad play has now affected your confidence; now your making bad decision's because you start questioning your ability or your lack of good fortune. Now the bad play is a result of self belief as opposed to anger. Then you get another cooler, so now your playing mad with even less confidence.The stronger players seem to be able to handle the swings better than other players. Even if they tilt that day they seem to recover quickly,although I'm sure there are broke pro's who may disagree with this.I think everyone handles a bad run differently. You say that you enjoy playing frequently, maybe play micro levels until the variance swings in your favour and/or your confidence returns.

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When things are going bad I just stop, it's no longer fun so I don't want to play. This happens after 3 or 4 bad days. But havn't had that problem in a long time.

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So far its about 4 buy-ins. I keep recovering up to 3 of those buy-ins back until a sick beat drops me back down a buy-in. Hopefully I will work myself out of this whole soon.

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So far its about 4 buy-ins. I keep recovering up to 3 of those buy-ins back until a sick beat drops me back down a buy-in. Hopefully I will work myself out of this whole soon.
lol. not only are you still a virgin, you havent even been kissed yet.
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OP, please consider the possibility that you are a losing player at the current limits at which you play. Drop down and find a level you can comfortably beat. This would not be a bad thing.

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lol. not only are you still a virgin, you havent even been kissed yet.
Well played. Yeah, I've only been going for 3.5 months and have yet to experience a more severe downswing.
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ive been running bad for 3 months, basically everything the 2nd poster said applies to me.my live game is saving me, but online i am hemmoraging my bankroll fast.it is definitley a vicious cycle. i anticipating it breaking and variance to kick in, but my confidence is seriously broken.

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ive been running bad for 3 months, basically everything the 2nd poster said applies to me.my live game is saving me, but online i am hemmoraging my bankroll fast.it is definitley a vicious cycle. i anticipating it breaking and variance to kick in, but my confidence is seriously broken.
QFMFTbtw, 6 weeks and countings;dklfgjajgpoiuaweioptugkajgdma
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OP, please consider the possibility that you are a losing player at the current limits at which you play. Drop down and find a level you can comfortably beat. This would not be a bad thing.
That would be a valid point, except over the long run, I am a winning MTT player and have crushed the 2/4, 3/6 games on AP. So I'm not really concerned with not being able to beat these games, run deep in the MTT's, because I have already tracked my play and done very well over a long period of time in these games.I am just experiencing a bad swing right now and was curious if anyone has had longer swings and if they try to change gears until they come out of it, or if they just stick with their normal game. Since my records have proved to me that my style is profitable, I am just riding out the bad swing, and trying to play my normal game. So far I'm up $60 today, its small, but its a profit nonetheless :club:
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That would be a valid point, except over the long run, I am a winning MTT player and have crushed the 2/4, 3/6 games on AP. So I'm not really concerned with not being able to beat these games, run deep in the MTT's, because I have already tracked my play and done very well over a long period of time in these games.I am just experiencing a bad swing right now and was curious if anyone has had longer swings and if they try to change gears until they come out of it, or if they just stick with their normal game. Since my records have proved to me that my style is profitable, I am just riding out the bad swing, and trying to play my normal game. So far I'm up $60 today, its small, but its a profit nonetheless :club:
Fair enough. I just see a lot of similar posts where people say "ooh, it has to be 'variance'" without any real concept of what that word actually means. Obviously you know your own abilities better than I do, I just think it's a good idea to constantly be honest with yourself about how you're playing.Glad to see you're doing better also. Good luck. B)
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Yes I understand your point of view. I'm sure alot of players who contribute their bad luck to variance ought to just move down since its not variance that is causing them to lose.I actually contemplated dropping down in limits just to build up my confidence even though I know I can crush my normal limits. Good or Bad Idea?

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Basically I play a lot of MTT's and 2/4 or 3/6 limit on FTP and Absolute. For the last month or so I have just been running terrible. Seems like every session I'm fighting just to stay even. MTT's I have been getting fairly deep, but just haven't been able to make any big cashes. I haven't really changed anything about my game, but it seems like I either go card dead or get it in with the best and lose even when I am an overwhelming favorite.Same has been going for cash games. I seem to be missing every big draw, and people are beating anything Im holding with a runner runner or some BS two pair or Straight. Typically I just buck up and keep playing my style which in the long run has been profitable, but this is probably the longest "bad run" I have been on ever.My question is what is the longest streak you have ever experienced and what did you do to get out of it?A lot of people tell me to take a break and refocus, but I don't think that is my problem. I enjoy playing daily and was wondering if anyone changes up their strategy for tournaments or ring games when they are running bad? Any advice would be appreciated
There are legitimate bad streaks. I had one in July and then Sept/Oct last year and Feb/Mar weren't great either this year. Since about May last year (yeah, about a year), I can't flop a set to save my life. Been living on straights, flushes, TP, and bluffs. But do take a deep breath, analyze your play. Those suited middle connectors you've been calling raises with ... are you not hitting them so hard any more? Are you not dumping overs on the flop, even though you sense you're beat? Calling off river bets "just to see" even when "you know you're beat?" Stop following and start leading with strong hands. If you can't win with strong hands, you're legitimately running cold.When I run bad, I don't really take a break. I consciously decide to "shell up" and play ultra tight, so as not to bleed too much. I start thinking about what I would have done before "shelling up," and analyzing possible results. Quite often, after doing that for a while, I realize I had more often been following the lead, rather than taking the lead; making bleeding calls instead of mucking; and sticking too hard against rocky players or calling stations. Basically, I go one step short of "sitting out" and I wait. I wait for me to get better. I wait for it (whatever "it" is) to get better. Poker is patience.
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