DanielNegreanu 141 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Al Gore is not some persecuted martyr as Daniel has been naively convinced. There was no election stolen from him. He is a priveleged elitist who has a passion for protecting the environment and a bigger passion for political power. I was very dissappointed after reading Daniel's blog today, but at the same time understand his passion for preserving the environment. I just wish he wouldn't excersize his passion by supporting a political movement. I think that's extremely harsh. I'm not supportng any politcial movement at all. I don't believe I ever painted Gore as a martyr at all. He was robbed of an election in my opinion, but that doesn't make him a martyr or have anything to do with his mission to inform the word about this issue. Gore isn't running for office, I'm not supporting his political issue. Having said that, if I were to vote in the next election, what they had to say about environmental issues would be more important to me than terrorist issues. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 if it was the end of the world then why are we still here?just sayini dont meanto be a prick...im just being playful....thats what Scotland's own McEwans can do to ya! Everything that was around at the Ice age ended up dead. Ok, not the end of the world per say, but er'body dead is pretty bad. Link to post Share on other sites
friareric 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 First I am a big fan of Daniel and the blog. I think he is one of the few genuine poker genisus alive today. Having said that, I also think his recent post reveals that Daniel is getting played by the left hysterics who believe that civilization is the root of all modern evil (war, poverty, hunger, etc.). I don't mind him taking a position on an important and controversial subject, but he gets all righteous after one documentary? That is never prudent. Go to the various web sites and do some reading from both sides... go to the web sites that support and refute what the movie represents and then after some more study, take a stand. Personally, after much study, I think it is premature to jump on the Global Warming Bandwagon... but that opinion comes with a genuine understanding that I could be wrong, I am willing to talk about it further, but at least I've done my homework... Link to post Share on other sites
coreydino 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 "Both the Antarctic and Greenland ice caps are thickening. The temperature at the South Pole has declined by more than one degree C since 1950. And the area of sea ice around the continent has increased over the last 20 years." -- Dr. R.M. Carter, professor, Marine Geophysical Laboratory, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.- - -"From data published by the Canadian Ice Service, there has been no precipitous drop-off in the amount or thickness of the ice cap since 1970 when reliable overall coverage became available for the Canadian Arctic." -- Dr./Cdr. M.R. Morgan, FRMS, formerly advisor to the World Meteorological Organization/climatology research scientist at University of Exeter, U.K."unprecidented rise in temperature" hhmm....."unprecidented"...according to you....oh right your a scientist researching this.I suppose you can quote whoever you want and i can as well... guess i'm more of a show me person. Now please explain to me the breakoff of the Laren B Ice shelf. You are representing a very small minority of ostriches still remaining in this debate.Guess you have to have a "feel for the game" to figure this one out. If you don't want to believe this guy or that guy just have a look out the window and see what's going on Link to post Share on other sites
Muck, You Suckers! 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Did you read what you wrote? Um, yeah he would have started a ruckus... because it was the END OF THE WORLD!!!! Why aren't more of you erring on the side of caution on an issue like this? I'm shocked really. If there is ANY possibility that this is true, it should be enough to scare the crap out of all of us and make you want to do something about it.Daniel, a lot of us are for protecting the environment. But, just not to an extreme. I run an offshore fishing charter service here on the Texas coast in the spring, summers, fall months. I switched from running twin outboard 2 stroke engines to twin 4 strokes a few years back at a much greater cost just because they burn less fuel and pollute the water much less. I have to use a bigger truck to pull the 28' boat back and forth. But I have a smaller 4 cylinder truck that I drive on a daily basis. You can do things to conserve and protect without going into extremism. I know better than anyone that we are losing coral reefs at a fast rate. Some include this in the global warming arguement. It's not from global warming, oxygen depletion caused by chemically polluted runoff water from the rivers and streams is the culprit. We have entire oyster beds in Galveston Bay and elsewhere along the gulf coast that have been black flagged by authorities because they are contaminated. Pipeline leaks are a common problem offshore. Trash and waste dumping. No doubt that man has taken a toll on the natural environment and continues to do so, but there is more to worry about than global warming. Emmision control is a drop in the bucket. Waste management is a much bigger problem. When you go to Yosemite or Yellowstone or any of the National Parks here in the U.S., We have one man to thank for setting all that aside for us to enjoy, Teddy Roosevelt. After he seen the effects of strip mining and the lumber industry he set aside land that wouldn't and couldn't be used. Yet there are some that want the lumber industry shut down entirely or shut down all oil and gas production here in the U.S. They are way too extreme and have no solutions. You have to find some middle ground on the issue and exercise common sense.Running around predicting gloom and doom doesn't help. Clinton and Gore had a full 8 years to help get a handle on some of it and did nothing. The EPA during those years did very little at all. Now comes Gore with his gloom and doom movie. Why now? He didn't seem too concerned when he could have stepped up and helped. And blowing smoke about global warming takes away from the real issues of spillage and waste management and natural land conservation. Link to post Share on other sites
MoChipsPlese 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 One day Milk is good for you, the next it is bad for you. We hear things like this nearly everyday. We definitely have to consider the source of these studies and what they have to gain from people hopping on the wagon with them. Moderation is typically the key to most things in life and how I try to live my life. I even try to be moderate about moderation. I'm not into knee jerk reactions and I don't know if this is one, or if it has been a topic of discussion in his life for months or years. If you feel convicted about something, however, and ignore that conviction you're likely not going to feel very good about yourself. I respect DN's views and his passion to do what he believes is ethical or the best decision in every situation. That is what is really important here. Life is all about listening, learning and decision making. I just hope that I make more correct decisions than wrong ones. Without reading this particular blog yet I can safely say from the tone in his past blogs that he isn't condemning those that have differing opinions, rather challenging us to learn more about it, so take it as it was likely intended.....as discussion. Link to post Share on other sites
Muck, You Suckers! 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 One day Milk is good for you, the next it is bad for you. We hear things like this nearly everyday. We definitely have to consider the source of these studies and what they have to gain from people hopping on the wagon with them. Moderation is typically the key to most things in life and how I try to live my life. I even try to be moderate about moderation. I'm not into knee jerk reactions and I don't know if this is one, or if it has been a topic of discussion in his life for months or years. If you feel convicted about something, however, and ignore that conviction you're likely not going to feel very good about yourself. I respect DN's views and his passion to do what he believes is ethical or the best decision in every situation. That is what is really important here. Life is all about listening, learning and decision making. I just hope that I make more correct decisions than wrong ones. Without reading this particular blog yet I can safely say from the tone in his past blogs that he isn't condemning those that have differing opinions, rather challenging us to learn more about it, so take it as it was likely intended.....as discussion.I can understand that and I understand his concern. I would suggest getting out and getting first hand knowledge of what is going on. Watching things on TV and getting your information from docu-movies doesn't fully educate a person. I couldn't describe or show you in a video some of the damage I have seen done by man along the Gulf Coast, but if I took you and showed you, then you'd get it. I couldn't describe to you what it was like when Saddam lit up the oilfields in Kuwait nor did any of the videos shown back here at home do it justice. But if you were there with us, you know that if for nothing else that SOB deserved to be hung just for that. Some things you just have to see. It is experience that leads us to do something to change and make ammends and gives us the desire to help out. Link to post Share on other sites
crowTrobot 2 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Everything that was around at the Ice age ended up dead. Ok, not the end of the world per say, but er'body dead is pretty bad.actually the world has been fluxuating in and out of ice ages continuously for the last 40 million years, and life seems to have adapted very well. even primitive humans thrived and expanded into north and south america during the most recent cold cycle. Link to post Share on other sites
stevel999 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 I am afraid I have to agree with the OP's sentiment on this. Whilst I admire the passion that you have for certain issues, Daniel, it does appear as though you have been sucked in deep in this one. Whilst the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change meeting in Paris released much stronger language than ever before, the role of human intervention in global warming is still a controversial one. Comments such as "but it seems pretty clear that at the current rate, if no changes are made to the amount of CO2 we pump into the air each day, this Earth can't survive another 50 years.", but especially "There isn't a scientist in the world that could honestly dispute the fact that the most likely cause of "the end" will be climate warming." are actually quite naive. Whilst I have very strong concerns about detrimental, and potentially preventative, human activities on the health of the planet, I also have grave concerns about the incredible hype and sensationalism caused by certain parts of the media. Yes, we should minimize CO2 gas emissions...yes, we should all play apart in minimizing the possibility of increasing global warming, but we don't have to create hysteria to do it. Please don't use language such as "Of course, if significant changes aren't made we're... well, all gonna die." .Please.Hey, isn't this a poker forum? !Back to poker.......... Link to post Share on other sites
ObeyTheDog 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Us human beings, Al Gore included though I'm not 100% sold he can be, are pretty arrogant to think we can destroy this planet.It's been around for over 4 billion years and yet we think something we can do will destroy it in the next 50 years? Sheesh, talk about self-righteous arrogant facks we are.This planet has been around a long, long, long time before we ever came about....about 4 billion years before us minus 20,000 years...and will be around a long, long time after us when the next species take over (whom I imagine will be quite evolved into dealing with the heat, seeing as how we're going to light this place on fire! woooo burning man!!!)To think our little patch of time we've been around, about the size of an ant's pr!ck measured next to a brontosaurus, we could destroy an entire planet, we must think awfully high of ourselves.When the earth is done with our little species experiment, it'll chew us up and **** us out like a bedtime snack. To think we can destroy her before she get us is laughable.But yeah, buy hybrids, wooohooooo, don't use washing machines, grow compost. Do your part, peace, love, the pursuit of the nugatory pompous dream.Am I saying that those who truly believe this is a serious threat (I mean sincerely, catastrophic, end of the world, no looking back...that type of serious), are dumb or gullible? Absolutely not. I think if you truly believe we are at risk, do things that you feel will help improve the situation. Preach to your friends and family. I think you're wrong. But I'll respect your opinion and your persistence, certainly not laugh at you for it. There are actually some studies that show hybrids do more harm to the environment than good, but hey...what do we know, all these studies are biased, right? Milk does a body good...except when it doesn't.--As for the OP and the topic at hand, yes, I do strongly feel that Daniel is probably easily influenced. It does seem that every week there is a new topic that has him passionate about one issue or another after watching some heavily slanted dramatically presented piece on 20/20, MTV Real Stories, or as in this case, a documentary. Is that so wrong? No, probably not, I think it's good that he's interested in a lot of these things, I wish we all got up off our butts and used those moments to further our education in subject matters so we can become better people, more understanding of the people and world around us. I think Daniel is certainly putting himself out there a lot with these stances and risks coming off uneducated, which I think he often does, and we should respect the amount of courage it takes to be a public figure/celebrity and be willing to be vulnerable for the sake of his opinions.This is the first time I've sort of criticized Daniel for anything, but I think he'll respect my opinion here and not take it personally. I think he 'gets' what I mean, hopefully anyway. Ah heck, I can't stay mad at him, you rock DN. Don't tell your mom on me...(actually, I live down the street from her, maybe I'll go tell on myself) Link to post Share on other sites
Barack_Obama 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 I think that's extremely harsh. I'm not supportng any politcial movement at all. I don't believe I ever painted Gore as a martyr at all. He was robbed of an election in my opinion, but that doesn't make him a martyr or have anything to do with his mission to inform the word about this issue. Gore isn't running for office, I'm not supporting his political issue. Having said that, if I were to vote in the next election, what they had to say about environmental issues would be more important to me than terrorist issues.Wow, you are truly getting roasted Daniel, it would upset me a bit if I were you. You should play in an EPT, you would find that 99% of the entrants would agree with you on any issue you have put forward. Link to post Share on other sites
mrdannyg 274 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Did you read what you wrote? Um, yeah he would have started a ruckus... because it was the END OF THE WORLD!!!! Why aren't more of you erring on the side of caution on an issue like this? I'm shocked really. If there is ANY possibility that this is true, it should be enough to scare the crap out of all of us and make you want to do something about it.There are probably quite a lot of things that would scare that crap out of you/us if a trusted celebrity presented them with scare tactics and faulty statistics. I think many of us would simply prefer not to err, as oppose to err on the side of caution. Then again, erring on the side of caution is analgous to the your religious stance (Pascal's wager). Seems an odd tendency for a poker player, especially a successful, aggressive player, to err on the side of caution, but that's a personal stance of course and its not my place to comment.Point is, there is not enough evidence to have global warming scare us more than tons of other issues, and it is simply a hot-button today because some celebrities decided to take up a cause this week. Link to post Share on other sites
Zealous Donkey 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Having said that, if I were to vote in the next election, what they had to say about environmental issues would be more important to me than terrorist issues.Have you really thought that through? Your above statement is scary to me. I think we all should be concerned with both the environment and a very real terrorist threat. I agree with you that we should err on the side of caution when it comes to the environment. Shoudn't we do the same as terrorism is concerned? I hope you aren't saying that Al Gore's plans to dismantle a bunch of busnesses and cost thousands of people there jobs is more important to you than protecting ourselves from terrorism. You wouldn't believe how depressing it is to have to disagree with one of my heros Link to post Share on other sites
Sea Wasp 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 I am not sure how seriously people take this issue in the US, however here in Australia, the government has been pushing this agenda vigioursly for over 10 years. Some of the changes i have noticed are :* Water conservation programs* Express lanes for cars with 3 or more passengers* Governement trucks picking up recyclable items once a week.* Increased awareness and education about the subject in schools* Government funded ad campaigns informing citizens of ways they can help* Aggresive subsidies on hybrid cars making them a cheaper option.* Community groups being pro active in their regionsMost people here have never heard of Al Gore's movie let alone seen it. Yes this is an important issue. Yes people are aware of it and are doing something about it. Yes the government is taking active steps to address the problem.No there is no cover up. Link to post Share on other sites
Muck, You Suckers! 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 I am not sure how seriously people take this issue in the US, however here in Australia, the government has been pushing this agenda vigioursly for over 10 years. Some of the changes i have noticed are :* Water conservation programs* Express lanes for cars with 3 or more passengers* Governement trucks picking up recyclable items once a week.* Increased awareness and education about the subject in schools* Government funded ad campaigns informing citizens of ways they can help* Aggresive subsidies on hybrid cars making them a cheaper option.* Community groups being pro active in their regionsMost people here have never heard of Al Gore's movie let alone seen it. Yes this is an important issue. Yes people are aware of it and are doing something about it. Yes the government is taking active steps to address the problem.No there is no cover up.You have to understand, Al Gore did it for the money. He wasn't concerned about the environment the whole 8 years he was vice-president of the U.S. By putting out this movie it gave him something to talk about on the lecture circuit. See here in the U.S., when ex-presidents and vice-presidents leave office they go on tour like rock stars making 25k to 150k a show doing lectures. Al Gore was not getting in on this cause no one cared what he had to say. So he had to get a gimmick. The "I stayed hidden and unseen and really did nothing for years" gimmick wasn't working because Dan Quayle had already used it.**** Cheney on the other hand already has his gimmick. He will be touring the gun show circuit giving lectures on bird and skeet and trap shooting and gun safety and his lecture will be entitled "Duck, You Suckers!". Link to post Share on other sites
delphi12 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 You guys have to remember that Daniel is a) a high school dropout (you can argue that he is brilliant because you see him as a good poker player - but I will argue that skill has nothing to do with "intelligence"), B) a religious person, c) desperately in need of people liking him and talking about him. Education: It's obvious that people who are uneducated can be easily influenced - why do you think 3rd world nations with dictatorship type governments keep their people out of school. You wouldn't want them to wisen up..Religion: People who are way off the chart on religion (and DN is getting awfully close - dont be surprised if he one day says hes quitting poker and gambling and becoming the next Kirk Cameron (dude refused to say "BONER" on his tv show which caused the cancellation)) don't even believe the ICE AGE happened. Remember - its not in the bible, therefore it didnt happen. Dinosaurs weren't in the bible, therefore they are just a lie by the devil (most likely us Jews).Low Self Esteem: Poker exploded too quickly and those who were in the spotlight had no way to control their own rise in stardom and unfortunately guys like Daniel didn't know what to do. So, he sets up his website and constantly has to prop himself up as being this great person that everyone should try to be like but never will. Just read most of his blogs - he's always bragging about flying first class, going in limosines, etc. Read other blogs by famous people - THEY NEVER SAY THESE THINGS. Why? It's obvious most of the time and they don't feel the need to elevate themselves amongst us mortals. But daniel does. That is a serious character flaw and this latest blog is yet another one.I feel bad for thim. I really do. He really talks down to most people on this board and the lemmings on here just dont see it - yet. One day, they will realize it and begin ignoring him and DN will just be another has been. I hope he is prepared for that day, because unlike his 50 year death guarantee (which now he wont accept the fact that we will take his bet on), it is a guarantee that his popularity and love by his lemmings will eventually die. Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 on the contrary, i dont believe DN is even coming close to any sort of religious extremismand just so you know...even though it isnt in the bible, most Christians believe that there were ice ages and dinosaurs....many people's interpretstion of the 7 days of creation focus on the day-age theory, myself includedlook it up Link to post Share on other sites
Muck, You Suckers! 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 You guys have to remember that Daniel is a) a high school dropout (you can argue that he is brilliant because you see him as a good poker player - but I will argue that skill has nothing to do with "intelligence"), B) a religious person, c) desperately in need of people liking him and talking about him. Education: It's obvious that people who are uneducated can be easily influenced - why do you think 3rd world nations with dictatorship type governments keep their people out of school. You wouldn't want them to wisen up..Religion: People who are way off the chart on religion (and DN is getting awfully close - dont be surprised if he one day says hes quitting poker and gambling and becoming the next Kirk Cameron (dude refused to say "BONER" on his tv show which caused the cancellation)) don't even believe the ICE AGE happened. Remember - its not in the bible, therefore it didnt happen. Dinosaurs weren't in the bible, therefore they are just a lie by the devil (most likely us Jews).Low Self Esteem: Poker exploded too quickly and those who were in the spotlight had no way to control their own rise in stardom and unfortunately guys like Daniel didn't know what to do. So, he sets up his website and constantly has to prop himself up as being this great person that everyone should try to be like but never will. Just read most of his blogs - he's always bragging about flying first class, going in limosines, etc. Read other blogs by famous people - THEY NEVER SAY THESE THINGS. Why? It's obvious most of the time and they don't feel the need to elevate themselves amongst us mortals. But daniel does. That is a serious character flaw and this latest blog is yet another one.I feel bad for thim. I really do. He really talks down to most people on this board and the lemmings on here just dont see it - yet. One day, they will realize it and begin ignoring him and DN will just be another has been. I hope he is prepared for that day, because unlike his 50 year death guarantee (which now he wont accept the fact that we will take his bet on), it is a guarantee that his popularity and love by his lemmings will eventually die.LOL Son, somebody really pi$$ed in your wheaties this morning. Stop being so subtle and tell us how you really feel. LMAO Link to post Share on other sites
mrdannyg 274 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 I am not sure how seriously people take this issue in the US, however here in Australia, the government has been pushing this agenda vigioursly for over 10 years. Some of the changes i have noticed are :* Water conservation programs* Express lanes for cars with 3 or more passengers* Governement trucks picking up recyclable items once a week.* Increased awareness and education about the subject in schools* Government funded ad campaigns informing citizens of ways they can help* Aggresive subsidies on hybrid cars making them a cheaper option.* Community groups being pro active in their regionsMost people here have never heard of Al Gore's movie let alone seen it. Yes this is an important issue. Yes people are aware of it and are doing something about it. Yes the government is taking active steps to address the problem.No there is no cover up.Many of these things, similar or on a smaller-scale already take place in many North American cities. The question is whether things like the Kyoto Protocol and more stringent measures should be put in place that significantly reduce the ability of many companies to earn profit, do business, and thereby reduce the standard of living of people. Link to post Share on other sites
Vikingmn 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 I can't really stand Al Gore or his political views and think he would have made a horrible President. I am also not convinced that global warming is caused by man. That said, I don't see any reason why everyone should not voluntary do what they can to protect the environment, global warming or not. Do we really need a reason to not be wastefull? I think most common sensed people would agree that going green is a good thing. These extremists, like Gore, who say the sky is falling actually build resistence to their cause because no one can really take them seriously except those already on their side of the aisle.Just my two cents. Link to post Share on other sites
flyingdonkey 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 DN, try and convince the WSOP to give out a Hybrid for the Player of the year... Link to post Share on other sites
addagirl 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 To those that do believe we are the cause of global warming here are some simple solutions and they don't include selling your SUV to someone else who will be using it; (Please note that I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with anything said here)1. Do not let your car idle. Turn it off if you are waiting for something/someone. 2. If you live in a cold climate, do not warm up your car before driving. The toll driving with a cold engine on your car is less (they say) than the toll it takes on the environment.3. As of this moment, stop shopping at supermarkets. Only buy food (that includes salt, canned tuna, fresh fruit, canned fruit, cerial etc. etc.) that was either grown, canned, packaged, within 100km radius of where you live. The fact that you save on emissions with your vehicle will mean nothing if you're purchasing foods that have been transported by truck, boat, plane- all if which give off way more emissions than your vehicle. This includes NOT eating in resaurants.4. Composte everything that is compostable. If your city does not provide a composte program (Toronto does), then set one up for yourself. 5. Recycle everything that is recyclable. 6. Fly as little as possible or for an alternate, there is an airline that offsets. 7. Offset. There are sites that will calculate your carbon "footprint". After, you can buy ‘carbon offset’ credits from emission reduction projects.These are just a few steps that someone "passionate" and serious about this issue can take other than preaching to others about the subject. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 I run an offshore fishing charter service here on the Texas coast in the spring, summers, fall months.Brag post <<<<<<<officially jealous Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 You have to understand, Al Gore did it for the money. He wasn't concerned about the environment the whole 8 years he was vice-president of the U.S. By putting out this movie it gave him something to talk about on the lecture circuit. See here in the U.S., when ex-presidents and vice-presidents leave office they go on tour like rock stars making 25k to 150k a show doing lectures. Al Gore was not getting in on this cause no one cared what he had to say. So he had to get a gimmick. The "I stayed hidden and unseen and really did nothing for years" gimmick wasn't working because Dan Quayle had already used it.**** Cheney on the other hand already has his gimmick. He will be touring the gun show circuit giving lectures on bird and skeet and trap shooting and gun safety and his lecture will be entitled "Duck, You Suckers!". Classic Link to post Share on other sites
Muck, You Suckers! 0 Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 To those that do believe we are the cause of global warming here are some simple solutions and they don't include selling your SUV to someone else who will be using it; (Please note that I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with anything said here)1. Do not let your car idle. Turn it off if you are waiting for something/someone. 2. If you live in a cold climate, do not warm up your car before driving. The toll driving with a cold engine on your car is less (they say) than the toll it takes on the environment.3. As of this moment, stop shopping at supermarkets. Only buy food (that includes salt, canned tuna, fresh fruit, canned fruit, cerial etc. etc.) that was either grown, canned, packaged, within 100km radius of where you live. The fact that you save on emissions with your vehicle will mean nothing if you're purchasing foods that have been transported by truck, boat, plane- all if which give off way more emissions than your vehicle. This includes NOT eating in resaurants.4. Composte everything that is compostable. If your city does not provide a composte program (Toronto does), then set one up for yourself. 5. Recycle everything that is recyclable. 6. Fly as little as possible or for an alternate, there is an airline that offsets. 7. Offset. There are sites that will calculate your carbon "footprint". After, you can buy ‘carbon offset’ credits from emission reduction projects.These are just a few steps that someone "passionate" and serious about this issue can take other than preaching to others about the subject.Extremism! Not warming up a cold car? By not doing this your car breaks down, big ol wrecker has to come get it, parts truck has to deliver part to shop and you have to pay for it. Or it becomes a piece of junk and burns oil and more gas than a properly treated vehicle does. Do not eat at restaraunts? Okay let's all stop eating out and close down thousands of business establishments and put thousands of people out of work. More extremism.Fly as little as possible? Let's all drive there instead.Eat only things from within a hundred miles of you? Some of you are going to be eating cactus and sand. Others will be lliving off pine tree bark. And again let's put more people out of work. Geez almighty! Get real! Link to post Share on other sites
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