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I'll agree with keeping the Krablar posts under the existing Krablar thread. It's there. You play a Krab and want to talk about it, go there.
An interesting poker hand is an interesting poker hand. I don't care if it's worth 1 dollar or 1 million dollars. The bottom line is that people post random boring ****, and that's the boring stuff.
I disagree. When nothing is at stake, people tend to just blast away with any old hand. People go to the nickel tables just to bash around the 16 year olds who are trying to turn the $1.5 they won in a free roll into real money. It's not about playing, it's about steam.
I agree. So I will not be posting here any longer unless I play live.
Go ahead and post ... just not about a hand.
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My hubby is still upset about the news that he isn't supposed to put lime in his Corona anymore. A sad time for Parrotheads everywhere :club:
I'm still putting a lime in my corona and in my captain & coke. What bizarro universe are we living in that BURT REYNOLDS is getting to set manlaws? Die, Burt Reynolds, die!
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My hubby is still upset about the news that he isn't supposed to put lime in his Corona anymore. A sad time for Parrotheads everywhere :club:
But he still adheres to the "you poke it, you own it" law....right?
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My hubby is still upset about the news that he isn't supposed to put lime in his Corona anymore. A sad time for Parrotheads everywhere :club:
I don't think they consider Corona a real beer, so you're still safe.Mark
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I don't think they consider Corona a real beer , so you're still safe.Mark
So what is "a real beer" and who are "they" anyway?
My hubby is still upset about the news that he isn't supposed to put lime in his Corona anymore. A sad time for Parrotheads everywhere :club:
What happened to your husband when he put the lime in his Corona?1212361697_l.gifThe lime makes the Corona and, sometimes, you have to stand on principles and disregard the criticism that others may give.
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So what is "a real beer" and who are "they" anyway?
I don't think you're paying attention to the content in this thread if you don't know the answers to those questions?!?!?Mark
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I definately agree with the "dont fruit the beer" law, but I also think Carona MUST be given grandfather clause privilages on that though, cause that beer requires it(read: tastes like a$$), also, fruit in mixed drinks doesnt count....Gin and Tonic requires a lime/lemon as do many others, so yer ok there.

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Well let's see.. they're drinking what... Miller Lite, or some American pisswater? That's not real beer either, so... If it's not Guiness, it's crap!

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Well let's see.. they're drinking what... Miller Lite, or some American pisswater? That's not real beer either, so... If it's not Guiness, it's crap!
Guinness is good, but many should consider McEwans, Delirium, Chimay
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