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What Size Bankroll For 200/nl

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It seems to accepted here that 15-20 buyins would be sufficient. So to answer your question, $3000-$4000.
Dang, why so much, j/kSo i guess im playing a little BR light
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2,000 at full ring, 3,000-4,000 at 6 handed
What?!?!?!?!? That's insane. If your stuck 2 grand you shouldn't be playing. The most I've ever invested into that game is $500 and I usually get it back and then some. I rarely take a loss in that game.
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It depends if you are playing for a living, are you willling to go broke? What do you want your risk of ruin to be? 5% or .01% Are you a winning player? Have you proven you are a winning player over a large sample size?Are you an agressive player?Do you ever play short handed?all questions we need answers to before you can get a real answer.

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What's the point in a losing player paying any attention to BR considerations?
because you can lose less by controlling your bankrolland ive always heard 20 buy ins is usually good
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Obviously the more the merrier for buy-ins. A lot of people say you should go with 20 Buy-Ins, but I think thats a lil light, especially if you 3 table or more. I like to go with 30 or 40, with 50 being when I move up in levels. It seems conservative, but it will help you balance the swings and play better because you are more comfortable.Jeff

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Obviously the more the merrier for buy-ins. A lot of people say you should go with 20 Buy-Ins, but I think thats a lil light, especially if you 3 table or more. I like to go with 30 or 40, with 50 being when I move up in levels. It seems conservative, but it will help you balance the swings and play better because you are more comfortable.Jeff
multitabling should not affect how many buyins you have.
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If you are not playing for a living you don't need a bankroll for 1/2 nl unless you can't afford losses playing at that level. i.e. you are working and have a full time job and poker is just a hobby.

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bankroll isnt a set amount, it all depends on what you want your risk of ruin to be, and also how much you need to play comfortably. some people play comfortable sitting behind 4 buy ins, and it wont affect their play, others will play timid unless they know that they have so many buyins behind them that losing a few while playing aggressively like you should will not bother him. 15-20 buy ins is some randomly abstract number IMO, to actually calculate what you need you have to figure out your own standard devieation in terms of bb/100 and depending on what you want your risk of ruin to be, go from there.

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What?!?!?!?!? That's insane. If your stuck 2 grand you shouldn't be playing. The most I've ever invested into that game is $500 and I usually get it back and then some. I rarely take a loss in that game.
Bank roll>you. I hope this post is sarcasm...
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What?!?!?!?!? That's insane. If your stuck 2 grand you shouldn't be playing. The most I've ever invested into that game is $500 and I usually get it back and then some. I rarely take a loss in that game.
blah blah blah blah! then why arent you playing higher mr im the greatest.
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blah blah blah blah! then why arent you playing higher mr im the greatest.
That argument blows. A lot of the more knowledgable and intelligent posts here come from people who play lower limits. I for one have learned a lot just reading through the strategy sections, including a lot from people who I know play lower than me. I guarantee if I were to stake some of these same players, they would have just as good of results as some of the higher limit players on here. Some people can't put their entire income towards their bankroll...it doesn't mean they don't know what they're doing.
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blah blah blah blah! then why arent you playing higher mr im the greatest.
Where do you get that "I'm the greatest" crap from?All I know is I play my game and I get by and in timewe're all gonna see how well "I get by" OK?
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That argument blows. A lot of the more knowledgable and intelligent posts here come from people who play lower limits. I for one have learned a lot just reading through the strategy sections, including a lot from people who I know play lower than me. I guarantee if I were to stake some of these same players, they would have just as good of results as some of the higher limit players on here. Some people can't put their entire income towards their bankroll...it doesn't mean they don't know what they're doing.
im just speaking for bhaas and no one else any one who would make a comment like that, has no idea what they are talking about. He has probably played something like 5k hands at that level, if that, and thinks he knows what he's talking about. I agree with what you said, i was just commenting on bhaas ignorance andI acted like a prick cause he is being arrogant.
Where do you get that "I'm the greatest" crap from?All I know is I play my game and I get by and in timewe're all gonna see how well "I get by" OK?
Its impossible to only have a 500 swing in that game if you are beating it consistently. If you did, you would be the greatest.
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