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I want to start this one early today. This is one I've been looking forward to since I railbirded the final table(when it was nine handed) for a little bit. With this lineup it looks like an action packed one, and of course we all know who wins :-)

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For anyone who saw it...how was Josh Arieh? Did he come off like he did on the WSOP 04?
I saw him a day or two before the final table, he seemed really cool. I think the WSOP thing was because he is a competetive person and there was a lot of money on the line that he had a good shot at winning. If you notice most of his bad performances were when the field was smaller and he had a lot of chips. The tiddly winks comment was directed at Abe Mosseri to get him on tilit, which judging by Mosseri's performance at the Bellagio, can be done with some poking and proding
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I want to start this one early today. This is one I've been looking forward to since I railbirded the final table(when it was nine handed) for a little bit. With this lineup it looks like an action packed one, and of course we all know who wins :-)
YES!! cant wait for the episode tonite, definitley lookin forward to watchin it..i enjoy watching phil ivey, well actually i enjoy watching DN, arieh, and williams as well, but ivey is definitley my fav to watch..anyone wana get some quick games goin on UB tonite before the show starts?? maybe some .50/1.00 no limit?
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For anyone who saw it...how was Josh Arieh? Did he come off like he did on the WSOP 04?
From what everyone says, the camera only showed a man under a lot of stress. My guess is he's not a Hellmuth kind of guy under ordinary circumstances.
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I want to start this one early today. This is one I've been looking forward to since I railbirded the final table(when it was nine handed) for a little bit. With this lineup it looks like an action packed one, and of course we all know who wins :-)
where is it on?
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Yea, should be a great episode, what a lineup. I was looking forward to this episode since I heard about it from DN. Probably will be watching in Philly after we shoot some billiards.

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don't forget the east coast rounder Syracuse Chris Tsiprilidas(I think I butchered the last name), he's real good and will open up some eyes I think. I've seen him in AC a few times when he treks down and is a very dangerous player

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Hey BilliardsBoy, do you play any live games in philly? Cuz I go to Drexel University and have been playing at this Chestnut Club on Chestnut St, but am looking for more games, including tournaments. Let me know.

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lol.. i dont think heroin is livening anything up
the way my day is goin'....a bullet in the forehead would liven up my day...that being said...you're probably right, a pair of white doves, a steady beat of Goldie, and VIP passes to the Pu$Sy Lounge in Amsterdam would do a much better job of livening things up....if you ever want to be a railbird this is the place to be. :-)
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I'll be watching the same as everyone tonight... can't wait until 8. Slept until a few minutes ago after a long night of cards, wish I could wake up too it on TV... Guess I'll have to wait a few hours.

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Hey BilliardsBoy, do you play any live games in philly? Cuz I go to Drexel University and have been playing at this Chestnut Club on Chestnut St, but am looking for more games, including tournaments. Let me know.
me and billiardsboy both go to drexelhow is the chestnut club?anyway... we occasionally play games over at AXP, but they are no good.our weekly game broke down, so its getting hard to find one.
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the Chestnut Club is cool, but the smallest NL game they have is 1/2 min 60 max 300 but everyone usually sits with 300, and I like it but i rather sit with 100, and it's not cool sitting with 100 when standard preflop raise is 15 bucks. The play is a little tight, but I still profit there. Most of the time the smallest NL they have is 2/5 where everyone sits with 500, and I can't do that, and the lowest limit they have there is 10/20, which is way to much for me.A couple weeks ago I was there playing 1/2 and some guys on the side were playing 75/150 stud, is was crazyThe biggest plus side to Chestnut Club is the dealers, they are quick and efficient. What's your name by the way? I played this free tourney at drexel and ended up getting into the final day and I actually took second, but the guys never sent me my prizes.

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This is a nice WPT Event... Pretty cool, remembering the posts Daniel made about this event... His phone calls to Web Guy Chris. You can just tell he's intense on there.I loved Phil's Quote: "I hate to loose" That guy would be pissed off if his wife beat him in a pot.

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