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Who Is Blind

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This thread probably has zero potential. Anyway, nonbelievers say believers are blind, believers say its the other way around. So who is right?Present your reasons for believing the other party is wrong. Stupid reasons will be ridiculed and dismissed.Obviously I think believers are blind. They blindly follow a book that was written ~1400 years ago 600 years after the main character lived. There is evidence of stories in this book being altered, yet some believers take every word to be true. Also, there are many inconsistencies in the book which modern day science can show is overwhelmingly false. Also, I can't think of one advancement society has made in the past 1000 years that religion hasn't tried to hold backk. Ridicule me if you think I'm stupid. Argue with me if you think I kinda make sense, but not as much as you. And support me/help present a better arguement (Canada), if you agree with me.
May I ask why is do you say blindly follow? Not all of us just accept the bible as literal "well it says 7 days so it must be 7 days". Some of us ask questions, some of us actually search for years for answers to questions, not just looking at the english wording used today but also the original hebrew, greek, and other lanugages used at the time. Also you use the word "religion" a little too loosely, I don't recall the Buddists holding stuff back? Are you talking about all religions or just one in paticular. But I don't recall any religious outcry against the cure for polio? So thats one anyway.
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I believe, the person sitting immediately to the left of the dealer is known as the small blind and the person immediately to the left of the small blind is known as the big blind...hope that helps!

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it's a little deeper than that. religious belief has served its purpose and is well past its usefulness (if it ever had any) and is now holding humanity back from maturing and progressing socially on a global scale. perhaps even more critically it is horrendously skewing an objective outlook of what is best for the long term survival of our planet.
i agree, religion holds back humanity in a lot of ways. Thing is, present a problem to every individual, and be sure to include the chance of enternity in hell and they will probably follow you just because they are afraid. Sad, but true. (I was one of them)
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Screech,you sure spend a lot of posts on this topic. ( atheism, etc )does it matter that much to you if some people believe in God ?what is your motive ?
wow... this is exactly what I've been trying to say to crow, canada, ect, ect... who continually come to these threads to let people know how stupid they are. I guess that could be fun, but it makes zero sense to me.
no reason to show up to go around in circles here...and this is how I has always been lois. I have always had disdain for organized religion that you tried to group me with...everyday at work I drive past the "Christian Life Center" and i realize what I am takin a break from even being involved with the nondenominational church i went to
Can you explain this sentence. I don't understand what you're saying.I also have a major dislike of organized religion... It's bad.
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wow... this is exactly what I've been trying to say to crow, canada, ect, ect... who continually come to these threads to let people know how stupid they are. I guess that could be fun, but it makes zero sense to me.
it's a little deeper than that. religious belief has served its purpose and is well past its usefulness (if it ever had any) and is now holding humanity back from maturing and progressing socially on a global scale. perhaps even more critically it is horrendously skewing an objective outlook of what is best for the long term survival of our planet.
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I'm not geting dragged in..lolCrow,your quote is very telling. Christians (I can't speak for all religions or all Christians for that matter) care infinitely less about the survival of the planet than the afterlife of the soul. It's so beyond comprehnesion that one would concern themselves with what happens to this rock above what happens to their neighbors soul, much less their own.. in the eyes of most Christians. I'm not critisizing your view in as much as I'm just trying to point out a fundamental gap in priorities/thought process. Obviously, this is not news to you as you probably wonder why I could careless about global warming.

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Christians (I can't speak for all religions or all Christians for that matter) care infinitely less about the survival of the planet than the afterlife of the soul. It's so beyond comprehnesion that one would concern themselves with what happens to this rock above what happens to their neighbors soul, much less their own.. in the eyes of most Christians. I'm not critisizing your view in as much as I'm just trying to point out a fundamental gap in priorities/thought process. Obviously, this is not news to you as you probably wonder why I could careless about global warming.
so i take it you expect jesus to return very soon then :club:
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potentially getting irreversably screwed up soon
I think that if my way of belief is true than humanity itself is in control of whether or not Christ comes back. God knows, but being that ultimately our choices control our destiny, we are the driving force behind what happens. I mean what, at the very smallest level is the main reason for the environment being as bad as it is? Greed, which equals sin. I have been doing a little research on the steps we have taken backward in the past, oh, since Bush took over and it's appaling. Now, if the greed were to stop or at the very least become a little less, we could make strides, real strides away from where we are now. It's up to humanity as a whole. God says that if there is only one soul left to be saved he will not come back. That's a big statement, a powerful statement- if Christ comes back that would mean that humanity had hit a point where God had seen no one redeemable.
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wow... this is exactly what I've been trying to say to crow, canada, ect, ect... who continually come to these threads to let people know how stupid they are. I guess that could be fun, but it makes zero sense to me.Can you explain this sentence. I don't understand what you're saying.I also have a major dislike of organized religion... It's bad.
Brvheart...On my way to work i drive by some big church/building that is called the "Christian Life Center"...not even kidding at all about the name..I look at that and realize how institutionalized people try to make religion. Its not near as bad at the non-denominational that i go to but I just really needed to step back from it all so that I didnt get burnt out on it all. What i love is that I did take the time to learn to study the bible on my own so I can do it at a high level on my own and not rely on others to teach me.
so i take it you expect jesus to return very soon then :club:
I think if people lived this way nothin would ever get done. Sad part is every generation about 100 books get written about why Jesus should be returning this generation. Frankly its not something anybody should really even worry about b/c the bible says He will come back at a time only He knows. So why stress about it? Just live your life and when its time its time
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another designer religion?
No, just biblical. Did you read the rest of the paragraph or just a snippet?
Brvheart...On my way to work i drive by some big church/building that is called the "Christian Life Center"...not even kidding at all about the name..I look at that and realize how institutionalized people try to make religion. Its not near as bad at the non-denominational that i go to but I just really needed to step back from it all so that I didnt get burnt out on it all. What i love is that I did take the time to learn to study the bible on my own so I can do it at a high level on my own and not rely on others to teach me.I think if people lived this way nothin would ever get done. Sad part is every generation about 100 books get written about why Jesus should be returning this generation. Frankly its not something anybody should really even worry about b/c the bible says He will come back at a time only He knows. So why stress about it? Just live your life and when its time its time
Congratulations on your moments of clarity Matt. Everything you just said made me smile.
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Frankly its not something anybody should really even worry about b/c the bible says He will come back at a time only He knows. So why stress about it? Just live your life and when its time its time
This made me think of 2 things:1) A lot of books say a lot of different things. Why do you believe a book that was written so long ago (~1400 years) so after the fact (~600 years). Er, nevermind answering that question, I don't care to hear the answer.2) When it's time it's time. Any idea of why when god would chose a certain time? Who are the lucky (or unlucky humans) on Earth during this time, and why did god 'choose' those people (all-knowing, right?) to be there.Whew.Actually, I'm not looking for answers to that last questin either. Im just bored and these were the first thougths that came to mind when I read your post.
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This made me think of 2 things:1) A lot of books say a lot of different things. Why do you believe a book that was written so long ago (~1400 years) so after the fact (~600 years). Er, nevermind answering that question, I don't care to hear the answer.2) When it's time it's time. Any idea of why when god would chose a certain time? Who are the lucky (or unlucky humans) on Earth during this time, and why did god 'choose' those people (all-knowing, right?) to be there.Whew.Actually, I'm not looking for answers to that last questin either. Im just bored and these were the first thougths that came to mind when I read your post.
The bible is rather vague as to when Christ comes back, I believe purposefully in that it requires you to be prepared at all times, as much as you possibly know to be. The only clear promise God makes is that as long as there is one seeking soul to be saved, he will not send his son back. As far as who will be here when the trumpet sounds- biblically it will all happen in the blink of an eye, the saved will be caught up into the clouds and those left behind to deal with the fire and the brimstone will be sinners, or those who deserve it. No pure soul will have to witness the destruction of earth, they will not have to see that horror. How's it going, Screech?
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No, just biblical. Did you read the rest of the paragraph or just a snippet? Congratulations on your moments of clarity Matt. Everything you just said made me smile.
Lois and what you dont realize is that I havent changed...I have always said i was against that and always for learning to study on your own...but i also always have preached makin sure you have the right sources aound you to understand a book from 2000 years ago
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Lois and what you dont realize is that I havent changed...I have always said i was against that and always for learning to study on your own...but i also always have preached makin sure you have the right sources aound you to understand a book from 2000 years ago
Come on, man. Let's not ruin the moment. :club:
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