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I think many of us can agree that Dane is funny, but the greatest comedian of all-time? Please.....not even close. No one has mentioned him yet, but personally I am a huge Dennis Miller fan.

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I think many of us can agree that Dane is funny, but the greatest comedian of all-time? Please.....not even close.
QFTAlso, I'm big on Eddie Izzard and Bill Hicks. Billy Connolly is pretty funny, too.
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Am I one of the only guys who thinks Dane Cook is REALLY overrated? I think he's a really talented and funny funny funny guy, but sooo many people I've heard/seen/talked to over the last year have been proclaiming him- bar none- the greatest stand-up comedian alive. He's funny, and he deserves much of the credit he gets, but.... I mean "Dane Cook> all"? Wang
Have you seen his ass? Dane Cook's ass>all AINEC.
I think Eddie Izzard might be my favorite. Wang
You've seriously got to stop being so perfect. I have a propensity for obsessions.
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You've seriously got to stop being so perfect. I have a propensity for obsessions.
Too bad you're unlikely to have a propensity for cheating.Unless you do, in which case I'll liquidate the savings account (read: withdraw my last 400 bucks from PokerStarz) and fly my self-deprecating low self-esteem-havng insecure ass right to... well, wherever this so-called compound is.I happen to believe you're almost perfect, yourself, as you possess the invaluable trait of "not hating Wang." It's pretty much all I look for in a woman/friend/person/animal/nice homeless guy on the corner who I always give a few bucks to because he flatters me by calling me "my nigga" and told me he likes my shoes once and he didn't even try to steal them, which I thought he would because it was dark, I was alone, and he was absolutely gigantic and probably crazy/violent. RenaeDawn > all posters AINEC. I'm sure her ass is passable as well. I'd like to point out that my rear end has seen better days, but if I wear the right pair of jeans, I've been told it bears a striking resemblance to Fred Astaire's. Sadly, when I take off the butt-shapers, I've heard a few too many Dennis Franz comparisons.Since I'm waiting for my friends to come home, I thought I'd also share a little story real quick.About half a year ago, I started semi-dating a young woman a year my senior. She was a nice girl, and our relationship was very casual. We saw each other pretty regularly for about 6 weeks, until I got a random call on my cell phone, which I made the mistake of answering. QuiteDrunkenly. Wang: "Ahoyhoy?"Caller: "Who the fuck is this?"Wang: "This is Wang, man! Is this Dougy? I told you, man, I'm just getting out of Professor Snark's office. I'll be there in a lit-"Caller: "You been fucking Shana, man? You been giving it to Shana?"Wang: "What? Doug, no man, I told you. I'm not seeing Shana tonight. We hung out last night, and I told you, I'll be the-"Caller: "Stay the hell away from my Shana, motherfucker."Wang: "Doug, you're not dating Sha.... Wait a minute. Is this Dougy?"Caller: "You fucking homewrecker. Stay away from Shana."Wang: "Wait, what? You're not seeing Shana. I'm seeing Shana."Caller: "...."Wang: "Oh, Shana has a husband?"Caller: "....I'm not her husband."Wang: "But you called me a homewrecker, man. Ugh, do you guys have kids or something? Man, you gotta kno-"Caller: "What, we don't have kids, what the fuck are you talking about? What is wrong with you?"Wang: "Well, look, even if I knew she was just living with somebody, I wouldn't do that. I've never payed too much attention to your guys place or anything, so, seriously, there's no way I could have know she LIVES with someone, man. The toilet seat was always down, I only saw one toothbrush, and I've never been in her closet or anyth-"Caller: "What? No, I live in Ohio. What the hell are you talking about."Wang: "Let me get this straight. You're not married, you don't have kids, and you don't live together?"Caller: "What? Yeah, bu-"Wang: "You called me a homewrecker."Caller: "Yeah, so?Wang: "Yeah. Homewrecker."Caller: "What?"Wang: "..."Caller: "..."Wang: "Look, I've been drinking, so maybe I'm missing something...."Caller: "You're ruining our relationship. You're a fucking scumbag dirtass pi-"Wang: "You have no home. I'm not ruining a home. Look, I might be a skirt-chasing Lothario, bu-"Caller: "(obviously frustrated, and near tears) YOU ARE A HOMEWRECKER!"Wang: "I don't mean to quibble, or trivialize your pain here, man, but I'd like to make sure we get this cleared up. I really need to emphasize that for one to be a HOME wrecker, there really MUST be some home to wreck. Do you see? Do you see what I'm getting at here? It's pretty much just a compound word, and the definition of each component pretty much tells the whole story. Actually, it might be two words, but then my point is even more salient. Unless I'm getting this all wrong and you're her brother or dad or something and you're pissed about boxspring and the hole in the wall, but, sheesh, I'll fix it. You have my word. It was really a harmless mistake, and the headboard was ALL her, sir."Caller: "I... Just. Just stay away from Shana man. We're trying to work things out. I love her and I know she still loves me."Wang: "Still? Still loves you? You aren't together?"Caller: "Look, just... do you know what you're doing here? You're RUINING OUR RELATIONSHIP! This is just temporary. She won't let me come see her, you HOMEWR-"Wang: "Okay, I'm gonna have to stop you right there. I thought you were about to say 'homewrecker' again. Didn't we cover this? Okay, I'll just outline it again for you. First, take the word 'ho-'"Caller: "I'M GOING TO FIND YOU AND KILL YOU UNLESS YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL!"Wang: "My name is M. Shimmering Wang, and I live on the corner of Cedar and Westnedge. If you want to talk, just come over after 3PM, because I usually sleep late. Oh, and give me a call beforehand, just to make sure I don't have a 'friend' over or anything. That'd be weird, huh?"Caller: "...Did you hear me? You're dead, motherfucker."Wang: "Okay, man. Nice to meet you. Say hi to Shana for me, will you?"Caller: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Caller hangs up. Wang: "(dials Shana) Hey, babe. Yeah, uh... I have a feeling this isn't going to work.........."I also really like George Carlin's earlier stuff, before he got TOO angry (though he's still pretty good). And Steve Martin is probably my favorite comedian ever. More than anything, he's a brilliant brilliant writer. I'm going to include a link to all his essays/short stories at the bottom, here. I'd suggest starting at the bottom, and ESPECIALLY reading the following:A Public Apology- http://stevemartin.com/world_of_steve/prin...lic_apology.php "Once, in Hawaii, I had sex with a hundred-and-two-year-old male turtle. It is hard to argue that it was consensual. I would like to apologize to the turtle, his family, the Kahala Hilton Hotel, and the hundred or so diners who were eating at the Hilton's outdoor café. I would also like to apologize to my loyal wife Karen, who had to endure the subsequent news item in the "Also Noted" section of the Santa Barbara Women's Club Weekly."Writing is Easy!- http://stevemartin.com/world_of_steve/prin...ing_is_easy.php"If you're going to write about disease, I would say California is the place to do it. Dwarfism is never funny, but look at what happened when it was dealt with in California. Seven happy dwarfs. Can you imagine seven dwarfs in Czechoslovakia? You would get seven melancholic dwarfs at best - seven melancholic dwarfs and no handicap-parking spaces."How I Joined MENSA- http://stevemartin.com/world_of_steve/prin...oined_mensa.php"I started with the phone book. Looking up "mensa" was not going to be easy, what with having to follow the strict alphabetizing rules that are so common nowadays. I prefer a softer, more fuzzy alphabetizing scheme, one that allows the mind to float free and "happen" upon the word. There is pride in that. The dictionary is a perfect example of over-alphabetization, with its harsh rules and every little words neatly in place. It almost makes me never want to eat again."ARCHIVE:http://stevemartin.com/world_of_steve/prin...ays_stories.php Yes, I realize I'm a blight on the forum community. But I'm drunk, hopped up on coffee and adderall, and really have no impulse control. Mods? Feel free to delete every last sentence of this. Apologietically Yours,The Magnificent Shimmering WangPS- Happy Day of American Monarchical Repudiation!
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You think he's a little overrated.I think he's very overrated.Difference
He is a little overrated but he's still the best thing going right now. I don't think there's anyone better to see live. His has so much energy to go along with his above average jokes. Others maybe better writers but he's the total package.
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Wang's Funny story
Well done Wang, I always enjoy your stories.
basically your joke sucked, thats why you dont get his next post.anyways,
thank you Royal for explaining the simple things to him. I thought it was pretty easy to get, and I'm glad I'm not alone there
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basically your joke sucked, thats why you dont get his next post.anyways,Jim Gaffigan, my new fav comedian, guy has some gold. check his hot pockets bit
Agreed -- his standup is money. The bit about how cake can bring people together is good too
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anyways,Jim Gaffigan, my new fav comedian, guy has some gold. check his hot pockets bit
Gaffigan is great. He is going on tour this fall, I plan on catching the show when he comes to GRap.
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basically your joke sucked, thats why you dont get his next post.anyways,
Dude, cut me some slack, here... I didn't even remember posting this until now. Note to WANG: Don't black out and post on FCP forums anymore.Apologies for outrageous long, stupid, and incredibly unfunny post. I promise I don't remember it at all. I still think it was kind of funny that some chick's ex-boyfriend called me a homewrecker, though. That's me. Homewrecker.Wang
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It's pretty much just a compound word, and the definition of each component pretty much tells the whole story. Actually, it might be two words, but then my point is even more salient.
I laughed. Uproariously.As for comedians, I rarely find them funny. Something about how their entire purpose and occupation is to make me laugh means they gotta be pretty f'ing clever for me to bother listening. And even when they are (Martin, Carlin, etc) its the cleverness that gets me as opposed to the humour. And if I want clever, there are other avenues./smugness
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The Dane Cook of yesteryear. I liked him as much as anyone (reasonable), but I'm just glad people finally STFU about him.
i disagree. Hedberg absolutely kills me, and I just don't find Cook all that creative. A funny guy, but not funny enough to be so extremely popular and mainstream that he's being shoved in the face of people who don't care about comedians.
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i disagree. Hedberg absolutely kills me, and I just don't find Cook all that creative. A funny guy, but not funny enough to be so extremely popular and mainstream that he's being shoved in the face of people who don't care about comedians.
I don't think he's comparing their comedic styles/delivery/material so much as the way people have reacted to him. I never thought of it, but I feel EXACTLY like Hedberg as I do about Dane Cook. And I feel like the public's reaction's been the same too.Ya dig, homes?Wang
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I don't think he's comparing their comedic styles/delivery/material so much as the way people have reacted to him. I never thought of it, but I feel EXACTLY like Hedberg as I do about Dane Cook. And I feel like the public's reaction's been the same too.Ya dig, homes?Wang
Nail on head, as always, Wang.
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I don't think he's comparing their comedic styles/delivery/material so much as the way people have reacted to him. I never thought of it, but I feel EXACTLY like Hedberg as I do about Dane Cook. And I feel like the public's reaction's been the same too.Ya dig, homes?Wang
i did think he meant closer to what you said as opposed to their actual material when i made my point, but im not even sure what my point was, and i'm almost certain it was more bitter and argumentative than it contained any value, so i won't bother to clarify it.From my perspective, the public's reaction has not been the same, but my perspective is not typical, so who friggin cares?
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I'm just proud of the fact that I liked Dane Cook and Mitch Hedberg before it was cool to do so.
Seconded. I was down with Dane WAY back in the day.
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