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After many failed attempts to draw at one i finally made a str8 flush.Just sayin.
cooli took a screenshot of my 1st one and have it saved on my computeri also once hit a 1 outer for a straight flush in a home game but those are my only 2 times
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Hit my first straight flush at my local cardroom about 3 weeks ago. Had 10-9 of spades. Flop was 8s-6s-Qc. HUGE draw that hit when the 7s fell on the river. Got a cool card protector spinny thingy.

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After many failed attempts to draw at one i finally made a str8 flush.Just sayin.
I've never hit one, but then I don't try to draw to them. Although hitting an open ender on Sunday night a week ago would have saved me about $300.
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I once flopped a straight flush and then turned a better straight flush. I'd post the picture if I knew how to... Anyone give me some pointers?

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Really? First? You guys must not play a lot. I went my first year of poker (2004) without a royal flush - but in the first 6 months of 2005 I hit 3 royals - one of them flopped. And thats not even counting str flu which i'm sure i've hit several of. I have hit a couple more royals since.

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Really? First? You guys must not play a lot. I went my first year of poker (2004) without a royal flush - but in the first 6 months of 2005 I hit 3 royals - one of them flopped. And thats not even counting str flu which i'm sure i've hit several of. I have hit a couple more royals since.
I probably hit three dozen straight flush but I am still waiting on my first royal flush.
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I flopped a straight flush about a month ago, another guy flopped the Ace high flush and a third guy flopped top two pair. On the turn the board paired giving the third guy the full house and I got the maximum chips out of both of them. Then I went and blew it all on blackjack in about twenty minutes.

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Really? First? You guys must not play a lot. I went my first year of poker (2004) without a royal flush - but in the first 6 months of 2005 I hit 3 royals - one of them flopped. And thats not even counting str flu which i'm sure i've hit several of. I have hit a couple more royals since.
Only playing since janury but probably have 40k hands.
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i once hit two str8 flushes in about a half hour and got paid off on both on them at the taj. the taj is also that place where i got my first royal and they gave me a free buffet dinner.come to think of it i love the taj because i have also gotten quads twice with in an hour. weird thing was that they where both quad sevens.

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I must be lucky... a bit more than a year of poker:2 str8 flush .. the second was 8-Q clubs ..I don't remember the first one.AND 2 royal flush (hearts) :club: .. one was with two hearts in my hand!! ...just 1 week ago. :D

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Mine was with ten of clubs 6 of spades. A very nice big blind special particularly since other guy made Ace high flush. :club:

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2 royalsand 1 straight flushlisten to this hand on absolute66 vs oppents XXflop:6 :club: 7 :D 7 coollot of actionturn: 9 :D get it all inRiver: 8hOpponet flips over A10 with 10 being the only hearteffin a

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