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Ok guys, let me say this one more time: I won't tolerate you guys bashing each other in any way, shape, or form. Seriously, no more posts making fun of what someone had to say. No more posts calling others "stupid." Be careful of your tone. If it comes across as nasty the solution will be pretty simple- the post will be deleted. I want people to feel good about posting here, and not worried that if they say something silly that you guys are going to mock them. Let's not be so cynical and quick to jump all over people. Some of you might think I have a quick trigger when deleting posts, but please understand that it's in the best interest of the forum. Anything BORDERLINE offensive towards other posters is gone!

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please understand that it's in the best interest of the form.
i believe this is the misspelled "forum". regardless, i support daniel's effort to keep the forum civil.
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form = forum... fixed... This is going to take me quite a while to do.. so while I begin this process, lets try to keep this place civil guys. If you feel someone's berating you in a post, private message me and let me know.

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form = forum... fixed... This is going to take me quite a while to do.. so while I begin this process, lets try to keep this place civil guys. If you feel someone's berating you in a post, private message me and let me know.
Okay, so my post about the word spelling was deleted. So what does that mean in answer to the question that I had asked? That that type of post is not allowed at all? That asking questions about what is and is not allowed is like Howard Stern getting an answer from the FCC? You'll find out after you say it and we decide to fine you or not.Well there should at least be guidelines put up about what is and is not allowed, even in broad strokes? Daniel's post seems to say that anything going against popular opinion is not allowed. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a fourm for discussion if no contrary ideas are allowed. (i.e. I'll play 72/o every time because no one expects you to, but the majority of fourmites here will object to that.)When a post is deleted asking a basic question about the forum is it possible to at least PM an answer to the poster?
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Daniel's post seems to say that anything going against popular opinion is not allowedthere is a major difference between someone disagreeing and clearly stating why they dont agree with something vs someone being completely rude towards someone else. ugh it is so frustrating to deal with those "you can't tell me what to do" people. its a poker forum, i'm pretty sure someone should not be getting harrassed over their views on religion

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Daniel's post seems to say that anything going against popular opinion is not allowedthere is a major difference between someone disagreeing and clearly stating why they dont agree with something vs someone being completely rude towards someone else. ugh it is so frustrating to deal with those "you can't tell me what to do" people. its a poker forum, i'm pretty sure someone should not be getting harrassed over their views on religion
Well obviously this is Daniel's site and forum so in this case he can dictate what happens. I merely want to know the bounderies so I can play nice with the other kids on the forum.And your comment about 'getting harrassed over thier views on religion' on a poker forum is not a good arguement. A topic on religion should never have been brought up on a poker forum to begin with.
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The idea is, people can bring up topics for discussion. There is no problem with stating you view of that topic as long as you do not resort to name calling and/or 'bashing' the others who post. No one agrees with another person 100% of the time, so disagreeing, in a civilized manner should be acceptable. Pointing out someone's spelling errors is not a big deal if it is done in a nice way. (However some spelling errors are really just typo's)If religion is not a suitable subject for a poker forum, why can music, movies, etc be discussed? Most are also unrelated to poker. Isn't that what is meant by "Off Topic" .

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Some of you might think I have a quick trigger when deleting posts, but please understand that it's in the best interest of the forum. Anything BORDERLINE offensive towards other posters is gone!
I don't mind being called jerk, a-hole or a number of other things. It's never really bothered me. However, Smash's posting on Christianity was just about the most offensive thing I've read in while....and I teach in a public high school! :-) He's gone over the line a number of times and mocking other people's deepest beliefs is an awful thing to do. I consider his limit posts vital to this forum, although I don't read them very often, many do and they get a lot from them. But, I'm sick of the sarcasm and personal attacks on others. He has never personally said anything offensive to me, but I feel like I should say something. I'm not in the least bit surprised Smash is an atheist, in fact, I would've bet good money on it. It's hard to be that cynical and believe in a loving God. But attacking another's beliefs in order to get a rise out of them is dispicable. Now most of Smash's followers on here usually just say, "but he was just being honest, no problem there." It is a problem if your honesty is with intent to offend. And it's hard to read his post any other way.
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I'm reasonably new to the forum and have only been posting for a week. I've been lurking a lot longer, and I really respect Smash's opinion on a LOT of poker related things. I think he's a very intelligent player and everybody in the forum, myself included, can learn from his experience in poker.That having been said, Smash is also BY FAR the leading poster on this website. As the most visible person posting that's not named Daniel Negreanu, I think that entails a little bit of responsibility. The kids look up to you, Smash. Keep doing what you've been doing in poker, and try to help set an example for the FCP community.

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Glad to see Daniel is serious about keeping things clean. I've seen many forums degenerate into crass slug-fests, like dirty toilet water spiraling down into the sewers. (I'm giving myself 10 points for that analogy) :-)

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Forum - A public meeting place for open discussion. I can certainly agree that it serves no purpose to "bash" any one that posts here or any forum for that matter. But, a forum is just that a "public" meeting place and with that you will inherently have participents that are rude, abrassive, ignorant, unkind and driven by an ego that, "online" is much more exagerated.This forum is the property of Daniel N. It's his "marbles" and if does not approve of what some of us may say... he has every right to delete. However, my take is simple...there will always be the rude, abrasive, the ignorant and the unkind...facts of life. Do we censor? Maybe... Should we censor? I dont know.I see mostly positive, intelligent and informative posts on this forum and I myself can deal with the above mentioned.Personally... this is just a "virtual" soap box that people can spew their opinions regardless of how ridiculous they may be.... and we should just deal with it.

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Ok guys, let me say this one more time: I won't tolerate you guys bashing each other in any way, shape, or form. Seriously, no more posts making fun of what someone had to say. No more posts calling others "stupid." Be careful of your tone. If it comes across as nasty the solution will be pretty simple- the post will be deleted. I want people to feel good about posting here, and not worried that if they say something silly that you guys are going to mock them. Let's not be so cynical and quick to jump all over people. Some of you might think I have a quick trigger when deleting posts, but please understand that it's in the best interest of the forum. Anything BORDERLINE offensive towards other posters is gone!
Guys, we are all adults here, you all know what Daniel is saying, and what is polite and acceptable. I for one have never posted on here but read the forums daily. I think it is terrible that you would correct someone's typing error or spelling. When having a conversation with someone, would you correct their pronounciation? Same situation. It is about respect and common courtesy.I was devastated when I read the post from a younger gentleman asking everyone's opinion on whether or not he should start playing with real money, and the first response he received was from someone being negative about what he said...and reading about another gentleman's mother that was playing in the shooting stars event sitting at a table next to Daniel, and someone responds with a reference to sleeping with her...it was terrible and utterly offensive...Just my 2 cents. Thanks Daniel for cleaning things up so that we can enjoy the forum instead of reading a bunch of negativity.
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This is a bit over the top if you ask me, If you can't take a bit of abuse whats the world coming to? This place is going to become a love in and I won't get to appreciate smash's excellence sarcastic wit any more lighten up everyone just keep it civil.

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I think it is terrible that you would correct someone's typing error or spelling. When having a conversation with someone, would you correct their pronounciation? Same situation. It is about respect and common courtesy.
Yes, I would correct how they pronounce a word if it means telling them the correct way to say it. A mispronounced word changes the meaning of what is being said many times. Now that being said, there are cases where I don't bother to correct it and that is when the person has a physical disability and cannot help how they say a word. I have a friend who is dyslexic so when I am emailing or chatting with her online I expect to see misspelled words. And she has me correct her so she can learn what she is typing wrong.
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Glad to see there is some active enforcement going on here, Keep it up Daniel and Jason... Too many seem to think it is their god given right to say anything they like simply because they can hide here anonymously.

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I feel that calling someone 'stupid' or and 'idiot' is not enough to warrant any type of deletion or censorship. These are common in everyday life and if you can't handle it, you've got some growing up to do.I do, however, advocate some degree of monitoring on this board as some people get quite out of line and actually offend people with respect to race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I won't name any names but there is a certain individual who has posted negative things about Jews that I found personally offensive and anti-semitic. The biggest problem was he didn't even realize what he said was offensive and proceeded to back up his position of the 'Jewish agenda in Hollywood'. It was quite sickening but I didn't tell on him or rat him out. I posted by feelings about what he said and I was done with it.If there is going to be deletions of marginally (I know thats a curse word on this board) offensive posts which include 'that was a stupid move' or 'only a monkey would play it like that', not only will the board lose a bit of its moxey but they'll be maybe half the posts as usual since they'll all be deleted.Then there is the Smash factor. I don't know if he'll ever be able to post again besides hand histories. I think more attention should be paid to spammers and people who seem to have some kind of bigotry or prejudice in their comments.

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Forum - A public meeting place for open discussion. I can certainly agree that it serves no purpose to "bash" any one that posts here or any forum for that matter. But, a forum is just that a "public" meeting place and with that you will inherently have participents that are rude, abrassive, ignorant, unkind and driven by an ego that, "online" is much more exagerated.
Please explain again how this definition gives anyone the right to be rude and abrasive. Guess I've just become an old man. Also do not think gangster rap is a form of music or social commentary.
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