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A Good Problem To Have

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well have a very nice problem. in january i picked up a new lcd, it's the dell 2001fp hi res. anyways i accidentally ordered 2 in january, so i shipped one back and was refunded my purchase money. well...about 3 days ago, the returned LCD showed up on my doorstep again!!!i looked at my credit statement and the refunded money was still there! i have no idea how this happened but i dont care i got a free 600 dollar lcd...anyways, since i have 2 monitors now, how the hell do i connect 2 to my computer at once? does it require a new graphics card? or can i get a splitter or something? thanks...12 tablinghere i come!

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Oh ya? Well last Christmas I got my parents a dvd player and a bunch of movies from Wal Mart. Total cost $800. I took the reciept with me back to the store.....grabbed the same exact dvd player and the same exact movies off the shelves, and took them up to the return counter.Got my money back.Now that's how it's done boys and girls :icon_dance:EDIT: This can, and should also be done when buying school books. Stupid librarians don't know crap!

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Oh ya? Well last Christmas I got my parents a dvd player and a bunch of movies from Wal Mart. Total cost $800. I took the reciept with me back to the store.....grabbed the same exact dvd player and the same exact movies off the shelves, and took them up to the return counter.Got my money back.Now that's how it's done boys and girls :icon_dance:EDIT: This can, and should also be done when buying school books. Stupid librarians don't know crap!
I think the main difference here is that the OP got lucky on a mistake, whereas you blatantly ripped off a store. Nice to know who the cheats are on this site :club: .
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I think the main difference here is that the OP got lucky on a mistake, whereas you blatantly ripped off a store. Nice to know who the cheats are on this site :club: .
True....but Wal Mart sucks and they deserve this stuff....As for the school books well.....103-068625NEWBU.jpg
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Oh ya? Well last Christmas I got my parents a dvd player and a bunch of movies from Wal Mart. Total cost $800. I took the reciept with me back to the store.....grabbed the same exact dvd player and the same exact movies off the shelves, and took them up to the return counter.Got my money back.Now that's how it's done boys and girls :icon_dance:EDIT: This can, and should also be done when buying school books. Stupid librarians don't know crap!
I love it when low life, scum sucking thieves post stuff like this. :club:
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Last week I went to Kroger and bought $3 worth of candy and paid at the U-Scan. Put in $5 and my change came out $34. :club: Called my buddy, who is a Kroger manager, who told me to take the money, so I did.

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Last week I went to Kroger and bought $3 worth of candy and paid at the U-Scan. Put in $5 and my change came out $34. :club: Called my buddy, who is a Kroger manager, who told me to take the money, so I did.
You did everthing correct...EXCEPT for asking to keep the money...that's the part you need to leave out next time.
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I think the main difference here is that the OP got lucky on a mistake, whereas you blatantly ripped off a store. Nice to know who the cheats are on this site :club: .
Got lucky on a mistake? I dont think so. Getting something you dont pay for is getting something you dont pay for...Just sayin :D
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Oh ya? Well last Christmas I got my parents a dvd player and a bunch of movies from Wal Mart. Total cost $800. I took the reciept with me back to the store.....grabbed the same exact dvd player and the same exact movies off the shelves, and took them up to the return counter.Got my money back.Now that's how it's done boys and girls :icon_dance:EDIT: This can, and should also be done when buying school books. Stupid librarians don't know crap!
right... because everyone buys textbooks at the library, not a bookstore.
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I love it when low life, scum sucking thieves post stuff like this. :club:
Hey, give him a break, he's only copying the Chief Domestic-Policy Advisor to the Bush administration. If it's good enough for the Bush administration, it's good enough for him. Pretty much the exact same scam:http://www.slate.com/id/2138116/
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Yeah you got me on the librarian thing...i wasn't really thinking about it.Here we go....take the books off the shelves and bring them up to the bookstore cashier , and get a refund.Better?Also you're recap is okay, but i don't just take anything i want. Just certain things in very rare cases such as this one...walmart_button.jpg

Butcho is a dumb ass.And he tries really hard to convince us of that with each post he makes.Why do unwanteds stay here?That is the question, if anyone could answer, would help me sleep at night.
There are way more people on this forum who have done way worse things than this...Get over yourself...And for what it's worth, i'll admit that sometimes i can act like a dumbass for no reason...i don't think i go over the line like others have (i.e. foxwoods)I thought that THIS post was pretty good.
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Who said Butcho22 was a bad pick for my FCP Superstar Series thread!?This is the guy everyone loves to hate...perfect for entertainment purposes!hahaha

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Butcho,yeah you have potential.so why be a jerkit's just old.maybe back when forums weren't so prolific, it was cool to be "That Guy", by now, it's just tired. shall I say, common.
Fair enough...i'm not trying to be "cool", so much as i'm often VERY bored at work. You can only read strategy, or play games, or read sports stuff, or whatever else to make my day pass for so long.A good laugh is nice sometimes.....which is why i create threads like THIS
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Now that's how it's done boys and girls :icon_dance:EDIT: This can, and should also be done when buying school books. Stupid librarians don't know crap!
You get more then your money back with this one. At the end of the semester you get to sel the book that you "paid" $150 for back to the bookstore for $15.
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You get more then your money back with this one. At the end of the semester you get to sel the book that you "paid" $150 for back to the bookstore for $15.
To take it to another level...Find out where they store the books they buy back, steal and return those books. :club:
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