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I've been there. This was before I had heard anything about the place. A dude and his wife from OKC were traveling through the denver area on their way to a convention in Vegas and we got together for dinner. He suggested this place and I thought, mexican food...cool. But noooooo, it's dinner.........and a SHOW! Dude liked the food which was terrible and I'm not kidding, had just gone there the night before. He was leading us around and showing us all the things going on and was just so excited about everything which was kind of sad. He acted like a 6 year old. The guys a successful business owner and isn't retarded but I think this place hit some kind of emotional g-spot or something. I couldn't help goofing on everything quietly to my wife at the time and I kept asking myself how the eff I ended up at this kind of place. More importantly the season finale was fantastic! Not only was this the best episode of the season but I think it may break the top 10 best episodes ever.

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  • 1 month later...

Just got caught up on this last batch. I agree that the Nascar episode was pretty lame. Insheepson had some great moments. The Coon story arc felt a little long, but I thought Mint Berry Crunch was hilarious and Kenny's origin was interesting. Also, the homage to "Feed The Kitty" (easily top 3 in my favorite Merry Melodies shorts) was funny. Interesting how Mrs. Marsh got relatively big parts in both Jersey Shore and Creme Fraiche...wonder if they're going to keep exploring her character after having her on the shelf for a while.

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Just got caught up on this last batch. I agree that the Nascar episode was pretty lame. Insheepson had some great moments. The Coon story arc felt a little long, but I thought Mint Berry Crunch was hilarious and Kenny's origin was interesting. Also, the homage to "Feed The Kitty" (easily top 3 in my favorite Merry Melodies shorts) was funny. Interesting how Mrs. Marsh got relatively big parts in both Jersey Shore and Creme Fraiche...wonder if they're going to keep exploring her character after having her on the shelf for a while.
I think Sharon gets a lot of airtime because Randy is such a popular character.
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  • 3 months later...

Just a little bump for the start of Season 15 (??)I caught the encore last night.I enjoyed it and lol'd pretty hard at some parts, but I thought some of the jokes dragged on a little too long.Overall, a pretty solid first episode of the new season.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So...based on that episode I take it this must be the last season. They're under contract for 7 more episodes in 2011 though, so it'll be interesting to see how they round 'em out.
I don't have time to watch the episode. Spoil it for me so I know what everybody's talking about.
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I don't have time to watch the episode. Spoil it for me so I know what everybody's talking about.
It was a particularly somber episode, about stan growing up, and his parents getting divorced, and it ended with a long, mostly unfunny ( intentionally) montage to the tune of Fleetwood Mac's Landslide. The episode focused on the fact that the Darshes weren't happy anymore and that stan is becoming cynical and jaded and thinks everything sucks, which is ruining his life. Which people think is supposed to be allegoric for Trey and Matt, that they aren't happy anymore, that they are jaded, and it's time to move on or something. It was in a lot of ways a "very special" south park, which I hate to see. And south park is on hiatus till the fall, so people have months to speculate what it all means. It could very well be that Trey and Matt are ****ing with the audience. However, after 15 years they might just be tired of it, too old for it, ready to move onto other awesome things, like the book of mormon projects and what not ( I hope they make that a movie, btw).
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