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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Nice, that's a lot of cannabutter


you may be pleased (or not pleased) to know the drought buster is/was from vancouver


Oh, and BigD, while United are sucking a fat one this year, it's 20-18 now. EAT IT

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Nice work SA. That was Chachi-esque.


Nice night at the 3 - 6 table again. I really need to move up but the last three sessions have proven so profitable (Yes, at 3/6, crazy right?) that it's hard to justify moving at this point. Second straight $250 profit last night.


After the previous 2 visits I thought it was just coincidence/dumb luck that I happened to be at tables with such weak/passive players. Third time is a trend they say and last night was no different. I'm just so used to aggro-tards (and there still are a couple of those) that I assumed the passisive players I'd seen were the exception. Apparently not.


A prime example; I have AKh in middle position, no raises so I 2 bet. Guy to my left and 4 others call. Flop is low/medium with 2 hearts. Bet, call, call, I 2 bet and all call. Turn is the 5d. Check to me, I lead, guy to my left calls, button folds, 2 other callers. River is a black Ace. Checks to me, I lead, guy to my left calls, one other caller and the other guy folds. I flip over tp/tk, other guy mucks and the guy to my left slams his pocket kings on the table and proceeds to bitch/moan/cuss for the next 2 hands about how he "should not even play pocket kings anymore because somebody ends up drawing out on him every god damned time".


Heh. Wonder why.

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A prime example; I have AKh in middle position, no raises so I 2 bet. Guy to my left and 4 others call. Flop is low/medium with 2 hearts. Bet, call, call, I 2 bet and all call. Turn is the 5d. Check to me, I lead, guy to my left calls, button folds, 2 other callers. River is a black Ace. Checks to me, I lead, guy to my left calls, one other caller and the other guy folds. I flip over tp/tk, other guy mucks and the guy to my left slams his pocket kings on the table and proceeds to bitch/moan/cuss for the next 2 hands about how he "should not even play pocket kings anymore because somebody ends up drawing out on him every god damned time".


Heh. Wonder why.


Seems you're the luckbox. No amount of betting by him gets you out of that hand. Settle down on your self praise, Doyle

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my uncle is actually convinced that it's not possible to win at small stakes limit hold'em, even with the number of people who cycle through and straight-up donate a few hundred and leave. "can't ever bet anyone out of the pot" he says to me. when we played a few weekends ago, he got lit up for like $200 on hands like, holding on to AA/KK when some passive player suddenly raises him on the turn.


strangely, he won't play NL, either. I think he's just anti-learning in general.

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Seems you're the luckbox. No amount of betting by him gets you out of that hand. Settle down on your self praise, Doyle




It wasn't self praise, Moneymaker, it was opponent ridiculing.


my uncle is actually convinced that it's not possible to win at small stakes limit hold'em, even with the number of people who cycle through and straight-up donate a few hundred and leave. "can't ever bet anyone out of the pot" he says to me. when we played a few weekends ago, he got lit up for like $200 on hands like, holding on to AA/KK when some passive player suddenly raises him on the turn.


strangely, he won't play NL, either. I think he's just anti-learning in general.


Long term he's probably right. Between the rake/jackpot donation and 7 2 BECAUSE IT WAS SUITED! guy hitting full houses it's pretty tough. Last night I flopped 2 pair twice and lost each time which is very typical. I'm playing to have fun and relax, not to make a living so I generally play tight/aggressive which the hopes of building pots when I have it.

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Just because you're an egocentric attention whore doesn't mean everyone else is.

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That's what I said stupid head.

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If you don't tilt and know how to adjust to weird situations (and are a douche about tipping), I think live 3/6 is very beatable. A thinking player who puts herself in positions to have hands that play well in multi-way pots and doesn't flip out that AA isn't a 100% equity holder in a 7-way pot already has so much more going for herself than the rest of the game...it's frustrating that so much of your money goes down the hole, but I know weak players who beat these games with very little experience.


You'd obviously be better off at 10/20 as far as winrate ceilings go, but 10/20 takes a somewhat different skillset.




Without the flush draw, AK still has huge equity in that hand, and the pot is stupid. Arguments against the play wouldn't be about folding, it would be a question of what betting accomplishes, and the answers might be compelling enough to keep jamming anyway.

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