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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Suited/Essay is gay

Napa is gonna get fired

Beans is awesome

Whiskers is an internet genius

I'm still chubby

Shake's only job today was to be self positive, alas, he hasnt posted

Thera is about to have a little Thera

JLL needs knee surgery from ski season but lives in Canada

Ocho rides a tractor

Tilty hates women bosses but finds young girls yummy

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Suited/Essay is gay

Napa is gonna get fired

Beans is awesome

Whiskers is an internet genius

I'm still chubby

Shake's only job today was to be self positive, alas, he hasnt posted

Thera is about to have a little Thera

JLL needs knee surgery from ski season but lives in Canada

Ocho rides a tractor

Tilty hates women bosses but finds young girls yummy


Don't recognize some of those peeps. Guessing Suited/Essay is Speedz? First sickie kid for Thera?


Down 16.5 lbs since 2-4-13 and that includes a Mexican vacation and 2 junior Whoppers for breakfast this morning.


Wedding? Congrats Sir.She preggo?



JFC. Actually 5 years for me in 2 weeks. Just seems like yesterday I was yankin it.

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Just about spot on there Ronnie



Shake, if you were able to sell the shake shack prior to moving for say, $70k, you and your sister would clear about $30 each after fee's right? That's a pretty nice safety net for any subsequent move. I mean, it's better to rent first when you get to a new area anyway while you learn the lay of the land and which area of town you'd want to buy/live more permanently. Give it a year flushing rent then you'd be more secure about the new job, whether it's a good long term fit etc... then you buy and live the good life.

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Don't recognize some of those peeps. Guessing Suited/Essay is Speedz? First sickie kid for Thera?




Suited/Essay is SuitedAcec 21. speedz is, well, speedz.


Ocho is guapo


Whiskers is.....hell, he changes his name so often I can't even remember what it was originally.

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Speedz is around maybe twice a month


Suited is right, dickless is better. Sorry buddy


Congrats an the lb loss


Not preggo, just time.


Lets be honest, you did yank it yesterday

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I think dickless would describe me better.


Edit: not like I've been posting on this site since 2005. No reason to know me. I quit by the way.


Sorry bro





Suited/Essay is SuitedAcec 21. speedz is, well, speedz.


Ocho is guapo


Whiskers is.....hell, he changes his name so often I can't even remember what it was originally.



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Did I ever tell how I got my current job? Well, I'm sure Whiskers will let me know if I did.


I just scan your posts for my name.



30 workouts in 30 days. A workout by our definition is an effort to get a sweat. Something as small as a 30 minute walk or a full workout.


No soda in April. Thats gonna kill me. Any bets on how many days I make it?


You shouldn't be working out that many days in a row anyway. Your body needs breaks. Although I guess if walking counts...



Edit: not like I've been posting on this site since 2005. No reason to know me. I quit by the way.



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Good to see ya, ya ole south pawed ball knocker, you...




Shake update:




Hes decided to move to detroit and be a neighborhood watch officer...




After a long discussion on the phone last night, figured that was the best way to get out of virginia and get to use his guns at the same time

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30 workouts in 30 days. A workout by our definition is an effort to get a sweat. Something as small as a 30 minute walk or a full workout.




I know you too well, mister...




At least twenty of those "workouts" will be switching whos on top and who lies there resting



shake shack




Back when I was multimediain around with videos and stuff, I started on a spoof of the b-fifty twos "Love Shack" song using the same name. Had the whole song dedicated to it.




Sign says....poo.... stay away gals.... cause love rules at the Shake Shack!

Well its set way back in the middle of a field

Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back

Gism on the mattress

Geo in the driveway

Holes in the front porch

Critters in the hallway

The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together....





I sing the whole thing whenever it comes on that stupid radio station the wife listens to

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Enjoy tour tweets Beansie...sometime a little blurry tho.


BAC > 1.5 ?





I knew there had to be one out there that appreciated random nonsense...




Ya know, Ive been meaning to invest in a real BAL tester lately. Had one several years ago that a cop gave me.




They can be dangerous, though...get my group of derelicts together and its always a competition to see who can get the higher number. Last time we had to hold it in Tonys mouth and do the heimlich maneuver to get a reading. New rule is the person has to be conscious to compete...

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Agreed Whiskers, thats why some will just be a walk or 30 minutes on the bike.


I do a mean Love Shack karaoke. I really nail the guys voice and gay theatrics.


Beans, at this point, my sex either lasts 5 minutes (ar BEST) or forever because I'm drunk. Which I end becauae I get tired and bored anyway. Pumping away, what a bore

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At a bar/eatery I went to, cant remember which one, they have one on the wall like its a video game. Gotta pay to get a reading. Pretty interesting business model.


I may have to drink there and test out. I've always wondered. I never actually blew when I got pulled over. The evidence was already overwhelming.



Although, I'm sure I offered to blow the cop

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my sex either lasts 5 minutes (ar BEST) or forever because I'm drunk. Which I end becauae I get tired and bored anyway. Pumping away, what a bore





Just wait until you two have been married for twenty plus eons...




I have to flip through a hustler magazine on her back to get anything finished





have one on the wall like its a video game. Gotta pay to get a reading. Pretty interesting business model.


I may have to drink there and test out. I've always wondered. I never actually blew when I got pulled over. The evidence was already overwhelming.




Ive only been tested once... a bunch of us were hauling hay when a state trooper buddy that lives next door came over to screw with us...




Its been fifteen or more years ago but if I remember correctly all of us were like three or four times the limit. He did tell us to never submit to one without waiting twenty minutes after taking a drink




Sure enough, after a swig of beer the thing pegged out to the max....




One of these days Im gonna figure out a way to beat those things. Thats really why I want one. Has to be some sort of chemical/combination of that would trick the thing into reading low




Put in in gum form and make a killin...

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Some dbag brought his kid into work. A little 5 year old annoying me by running around all the cubicles screaming. I gotta say, I don't have patience for children in the workplace. I don't want your kid here, unless we're talking teenage daughter. That's a horse of a different color.

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Suited/Essay is gay

Napa is gonna get fired

Beans is awesome

Whiskers is an internet genius

I'm still chubby

Shake's only job today was to be self positive, alas, he hasnt posted

Thera is about to have a little Thera

JLL needs knee surgery from ski season but lives in Canada

Ocho rides a tractor

Tilty hates women bosses but finds young girls yummy


I'm glad you forgot to make a kid/Jesus joke about me.

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Brvy and Explorer new or just new handles?


Processed not good.


New diet is nothing out of a box or can. Well, except the garbanzo beans for the home made hummus is from a can, but that's it.

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