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I Called In Sick Today

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It's a been a bizarre run. If the death rate stays downward even with the insane infection rate, I mean, I have no idea. 


This was the graph I saw:




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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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The media was all about the death rate, even having a running death count on CNN for weeks.  Now that it's obvious that the death rate is so small, it's all about the number of cases.  Which was always going to skyrocket once testing caught up.

This information is nothing but good news for everyone.  But you definitely won't hear that on the news, since fear is what gets eyeballs.

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like i said previously, the average age for a positive test has gone way down - this is good, as young people are going to beat this thing easily. the media is obviously complicit in trumping up fear (trumping used on purpose).  the stats are pretty obvious at this point.

I mean, some jackass health official in new york pointed out how florida had 9,000 positive tests in one day and the most NYC ever had was 8,000 something. what a complete fraud. it was something like 8,000 positive out of 22,000 tests in NYC, and 9,000 positive out of 80,000 tests in florida. not to mention the death toll difference.  but he knew CNN, MSNBC, etc. would cover for him. And fox news is too busy talking about confederate statues to give a shit.

the whole thing has me UP TO HERE (i put my hand over my head angrily). 


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The FT had an article trying to calculate appropriate reparations arrangements with the surviving corporations from the slave trade era. The comments pretty much all pointed out the absurdity of picking that one period of time, considering that one can go back to Roman times, and demand that reparations be paid by Italy.

The whole thing is getting absurd. My favorite talking point, the claim that the majority of the RE Lee statues were built in the 60s as a negative reaction to the civil rights movement. I looked at the top three google results for his statues being removed, all began construction 1910 or earlier. The big one in Virginia was not very long after the civil war.

I don’t know why I’m bringing this up. I don’t have time to debate it. It just rubs me the wrong way to see this retroactive judgment based on today’s values. He routinely makes the list of the best generals of all time, and Virginia can be proud about that without it being some pro-slavery thing. I am going to just say this is Trump’s fault at least partially for fanning the flames of divisive partisan nonsense. 

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As Im sure you can guess, i am opposed to tearing down the statutes. if a municipality wants them down, vote on it as reps of the people. do not allow mobs to topple them. very simple concept.

and it should be talked about on fox news and wherever, but that is not as important as honest coverage of this virus. i used to distract myself from this kind of thing with sports and gambling, but now there is nothing but the incessant negativity of the media. it really is overwhelming, especially for those of us who have no one to talk to each day. 



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I generally support removal of anything public-owned that celebrates oppression to anyone (as long as it doesn't restrict the 1st amendment rights of an individual). 

However, as a strong 10th amendment proponent, I am 100% in the camp that the locals (city/state) should vote on it and it should never be carried out by a mob or by decree of the federal government (unless that decree is because someone's 1st amendment rights are being violated by the local government).

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1 hour ago, Theraflu said:

The disenfranchisement over the last couple decades has to be pretty frustrating. The GOP is really good at it. "Go vote" tends to carry a lot less impact if the game is rigged. 



Unresearched counter-point:  Because of COVID they had everyone vote in a huge single location (the state fair grounds) that they could better control that was in a central part of town and had plenty of public transportation going to it in order to provide a safe and easy place for the most people to vote  (in a primary, which always has tiny voting numbers compared to an actual election), and had absolutely nothing to do with racism or disenfranchisement.

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2 hours ago, Theraflu said:

The disenfranchisement over the last couple decades has to be pretty frustrating. The GOP is really good at it. "Go vote" tends to carry a lot less impact if the game is rigged. 





"Adams and Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear have repeatedly pointed out that the state allowed everyone to vote by mail after it delayed its March primary due to the coronavirus pandemic."


"Adams estimated that total voter turnout would surpass 1 million, including roughly 800,000 from mailed ballots. That figure would shatter the previous record of 922,456 primary voters set in 2008, when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were battling it out in a race for the White House."



"Louisville NAACP President Raoul Cunningham, a longtime civil rights activist in the state, said he didn't agree with the state's decision to reduce the number of polling places, but he thinks the state should receive credit for allowing mail-in and early voting this year.

"This is a totally different election than any of us have experienced in Kentucky," he said. "I also would hope that because of the way this election is being conducted that Kentucky will reevaluate and change the way we vote permanently."

Cunningham, who sits on the NAACP's national board, said he saw a diverse crowd voting at the exposition center on Friday afternoon. He said the Tuesday primary isn't an effort to suppress Black voters.

"I was concerned if the African American vote would be suppressed, but I really don't think it will be," Cunningham said."

i mean come on bro. 

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I’d feel a lot better about being willing to throw my age group and younger to the covid wolves if there was more data available about how “mild” these mild cases really are and comorbiditys on hospitalizations and all that.  Seems like you hear a lot of reports of perfectly healthy young people recovering and then a month later having a stroke or still being short of breath months later. And I saw a stat the other day about how much long term effects of SSARS there is for people who had it and I’m not as willing to say that all these young people are going to be fine and it’s not a big deal.  Especially if they are truly low symptom and just pass it off as a cold and end up spreading it to older people. I don’t know what the answer is (yes I do, it’s wear a mask) but I don’t feel as great about the number of cases exploding as some of you. 

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It’s not ideal, that’s for sure. I just think I’m going to get it either way, and we would absolutely know if it started killing people our age, and plagues with unknown aspects are as old as time. I am in a similar place, as far as not wanting to give it to someone else.

Last night, in a small group setting, our CEO basically bragged about having 50 friends who have gotten it, like him not being afraid or whatever is a point of pride. I don’t think it’s something to be afraid of, either, but I’m not going to celebrate such a stance from a leadership position.

Of course, I read today that Trump is refusing to wear a mask. So that’s awesome. 

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This weekend I met some friends at the BEACH to let our dogs cleanse themselves in the water of lake Minnetonka in one of the bougie suburbs. I had to walk down a block or two of stores/cafes to get to my car and the place was as busy as any other time I’ve been and literally the only people wearing masks were the people waiting in line to get into a restaurant that required them. I, of course, was wearing a KN95 mask underneath an elastic cloth mask my neighbor gave me and I felt like a huge idiot the whole time I was walking.   It was nice to feel a little normalcy again, though.

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So with me getting the blessing to relocate and stay with current employer, blondie and I are discussing the merits of building vs. buying. Any one ever done a build?

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If you have a moderate understanding of both what you want, and whether it can be accomplished (and what things cost), I'd say building is the way to go if you have a decent parcel. The cost can come out pretty equal, with the large advantage of literally living in a house exactly as you want it. You need a reputable builder/engineer. 

I possess none of those qualities, and will never attempt such a thing. My buddy, who had worked for a contractor as a teen, bought in on a development and designed his whole place with the builder, and its absolutely everything he wanted. Sure it cost $600k! but so did everything else in the development. 


To the "remove statues with votes" crowd, the slightly problematic statue pictured here will be getting removed from my fine capitol city! 

A statue that depicts a freed enslaved man kneeling at Abraham Lincoln's feet rests on a pedestal, Thursday, June 25, 2020, in Boston. The statue in Boston is a copy of the Emancipation Memorial, also known as the Emancipation Group and the Freedman's Memorial, that was erected in Lincoln Park, in Washington, D.C., in 1876. Three years later, the copy was installed in Boston. Calls are mounting for the removal of both statues. (Steven Senne/AP)

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It’s my understanding that statue was paid for by the wages of freed slaves and Frederick Douglas spoke at its unveiling. But the people of   2020 obviously know better. 

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Tonight was something. Drank with coworkers, then ran/walked five miles and had a salad for dinner to make up for it. About two hours ago, I matched with girl on one of the sites, and we hit it off. Extremely cute, both looks and personality. Says she's starting dental school this year. She just went to bed, said she lost track of time, but left her number for tomorrow.

Sad to say I'm sitting here thinking, "that was a little too easy..."

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2 hours ago, Essay21 said:

It’s my understanding that statue was paid for by the wages of freed slaves and Frederick Douglas spoke at its unveiling. But the people of   2020 obviously know better. 

Are you for real?  Do you have a source on that?

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He’s sorta wrong 

There are two of the same statue, one in DC and the exact same thing in Boston. The one in DC was funded by freed slaves, but had no say in the design, which is problematic, and has been criticized as such for many years, since it’s inception, according to some reports.    

the one in Boston was brought about and funded by a local politician

I think most of the statues are stupid.  Some are very problematic, like the Nathan Bedford Forrest one in Tennessee.  Dude started the KKK, among other transgressions against humanity.   Others have more of a gray area.  I agree that you can’t judge the past under today’s eyes, but you also don’t need to celebrate some shit with statutes.  

maybe make a statue graveyard in the middle of the country, and if people love their history so much, they can visit, pay for a ticket and do all their learning there, instead of from books 

while some of this stuff is stupid, at least some of it’s done with the intent of being concerned with the feelings of disenfranchised communities and an attempt to show progress, even if some of it is misguided. 

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personally i find the need to tear down certain statutes pointless, but so long as it is done by the proper channels i'm not going to lose any sleep. i think a statue of honest abe is a bridge too far, some think it's well past time. as long as we can peacefully disagree and move forward aint really no thang.  

when i looked it up on wikipedia i didnt notice it was referring to a DC statue, but i would say my logic still holds true. 

perhaps a new statute, one of lincoln shaking hands with Frederick Douglass could be erected in its place. 

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I could care less if confederate statues are taken down through the quote unquote proper channels. Personally, I think that the christoper Columbus statue outside the MN statehouse was pulled down by Native Americans fvcking owns and instead of replacing it they should put the money towards helping the homeless population of MN which is made up of a ton of  Native Americans (or First Nations people, whatever the proper name is).

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obviously there are massive disagreements among the people as to these statues. the government, therefore, should do it's job and keep the peace. take them down, by all means, but you cannot allow mobs to roam and destroy public and private property without consequence. a society must have rules, or it ceases to be a society at all. 

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