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I Called In Sick Today

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So, this weekend when I was out with my old roommate we were talking about his gf's upcoming birthday party and he goes "ya, GF said that she wouldn't be surprised if FRIEND FROM OUT OF TOWN tries to bang Napa". And I'm just like, I wish you wouldn't have told me that. I'm going to be all up in my head about it and come off as creepy and/or needy now. We used to have a motto of "no expectations" and this goes against everything I thought we stood for.


Just put that out of your head. Managed expectations are the key to happiness. You know all that


Just assume that ain't nobody touching your wang and you don't want to touch hers. Just look fresh and be cool, and for fck's sake, don't wear those stupid backwards hats or get too shitty. Hah

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Oh, yeah, sure, just put it out of my mind. I'm super good at that.


I wish you'd stop with the hats. I rarely wore them in social settings as it was and most of those were even sporting events or events where a hat is standard attire. Plus my hair was longer than it is now and I sweat a lot and lose any sort of styling quickly.

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You don't wanna cover that glorious mane with a hat, bro. Let the locks flow, and let the good times roll.


I used to wear hats all the time. Now I never do. Makes my forehead itch. I got dry skin.

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Had to take advantage of a couple, three hits to get through the day today. Just felt tired and like crap.

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Tilty Baby, you don't have to justify anything to us. You're a flippin beast and if you want to indulge in a little of the devils lettuce because it's a Monday then you better dogdamn do so because you're a grown ass man.

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The black dude slays me. (Sam Richardson)


After that second dirty text played in the car, "that was a long one, she must've been at a light". Sooooo good



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Went to my brother's bachelor party this weekend in Nashville. I'm the best man, so I played a part in organizing it. We rented a house for like 16 of us. Mostly just hung out and played games. Good times.


The house was pretty interesting, because I'm fairly certain the owner lives there. It was clean, but his stuff was around. Looked like he was a former NCAA football (and maybe NFL?) player that's now a personal trainer. Pretty sure he could pay his mortgage just renting the place out a couple of times per month.

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I think Colby would be the last person on here I would pick to plan a bachelor party.


Brvy gets the nod before him.


Thera would have you at a $500 black jack table

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Yeah, I wouldn't be a wise choice if you like strippers or drinking. But if you like UNO or Settlers of Catan, I could come up with something KILLER.

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I think Colby would be the last person on here I would pick to plan a bachelor party.


Brvy gets the nod before him.


Thera would have you at a $500 black jack table


Dutch would be my first, last and only pick for planning a bachelor party. Go big or go home.

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Just took a drug test. I was pounding liquids all morning in anticipation because I get shy bladder sometimes and wanted to make sure I'd have no choice but to go. Turns out you just go in a small bathroom by yourself and pee in a cup. The only made me empty my pockets so I could have easily cheated the test if I had to. But I didn't because the most illegal drug I've ever done is a friend's adderall 10 years ago in college.

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Just took a drug test. I was pounding liquids all morning in anticipation because I get shy bladder sometimes and wanted to make sure I'd have no choice but to go. Turns out you just go in a small bathroom by yourself and pee in a cup. The only made me empty my pockets so I could have easily cheated the test if I had to. But I didn't because the most illegal drug I've ever done is a friend's adderall 10 years ago in college.


Hope you don't get the pseudo fail of a diluted sample. That doesn't look good.


I'm sure that will help your mental state



A lot of those cups have a thermometer built in on them so they can see your deposit is running a nice 98.6. So pouring room temp pee into them that you brought from home won't work.


I'm here to help

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Haha greeaaattt. Thanks, Ronnie. My pee was basically clear with a hint of yellow. Not gonna obsess about that for days now or anything.


Pretty sure my boss is going to go to HR tomorrow and put a counter offer together that would have me working remote. I told her it would have to be really flippin good for me to consider burning these bridges as I've already accepted. But if I fail this piss test maybe it'll be a blessing in disguise if this offer is unturndownable.

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I'm sure you would have to get an IV and drink well over a gallon+ of water before the test


It's only in my mind because of the NFL draft after and players getting the diluted sample, which the NFL considers a fail. Not sure how the real world looks at it.


At least you know that you are coveted by multiple employers. That's nice for you.


Not sure I like you working from home. I like my Napa in a cube, facing the world every day

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I actually considered trying to find a 100% remote job. Just think, being able to sit outside with the dog or hop a cheap flight somewhere in the middle of the week and work out of a hotel or even just at a coffee shop. No commute. Sweats whenever I feel like it. I think I could live with that.

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WFH is not without trade offs. The study I saw basically said that WFH employees tend to have worse potential for advancement, less job security, etc. because you miss out on interactions with anyone outside of your manager. Especially for someone like you, the problem solving type, it's basically cutting off one of your big value propositions--you overhearing something, and fixing a problem in some other area.

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I gotta agree with Ronny, Napa is cube folk. Soon to be office material, but guys like us can't work remote. Hell if I worked from home there'd be weeks where I never went outside. I'd go insane from the isolation. I've noticed in much more talkative on Mondays after being in my apartment alone all weekend. Two moths working from home and I'd be talking to myself out loud in the grocery store while mothers clutched their children in fear. You gotta know yourself.

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I'm going to laugh pretty hard if your current employer makes you an offer you can't refuse. IOWA!

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