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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Suited, your joke annoyed me, but I'm not sure why. Historically, I've never really been offended by "edgy" jokes. Weird.

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Brvy, it's probably because it was less a joke about all women and more a zing directly at Frau, whom you love.


Nap, as a white male you can't be discriminated against. Your best bet is to find a gay black man and get him to complain.

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Suited, your joke annoyed me, but I'm not sure why. Historically, I've never really been offended by "edgy" jokes. Weird.


Because you know essay is more mysoginist and racist than all of us in real life? Not saying he's full blown, but just more than the rest of us.


Don't worry though, his hate for women is a defense mechanism, because he's worried they'll hate him, so he needs to strike first. Deep down, he's just scared to fall in love and care more about a person than a KU uniform

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Brvy, it's probably because it was a zing directed at Frau, whom you love.


That's probably true.

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I'm *finally* getting copies of the original profit models of new projects and am comparing to actuals and the vast majority are laughably under budget and it would take an act of Brvy to get them back on track. I wonder if anybody is doing this already and calling people on it. This is ridiculous. No wonder expenses are increasing 10% with only a 2% increase to revenue.

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Because you know essay is more mysoginist and racist than all of us in real life? Not saying he's full blown, but just more than the rest of us.


Don't worry though, his hate for women is a defense mechanism, because he's worried they'll hate him, so he needs to strike first. Deep down, he's just scared to fall in love and care more about a person than a KU uniform


Ronny, I don't hate women at all. I love them, and I respect them. So much that I completely stay away from them.


I don't have any problem with women in real life. I'm more like a traditional woman than a traditional man, personality and assertiveness wise, so I appreciate and work better with ladies.

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Nah, I was mostly teasing. I look forward to the day you fall in love and have it reciprocated. I look forward to the first time you're out with your lady and a home and garden show at the local convention center and miss an inconsequential KU game and don't mind it.

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These are the outcomes:


It will happen and you won't care


It happens, you resent her for it and she dumps your ass because you love 19 year old black men more than her.


You marry a KU nutjob as well, and even then it's gonna happen because no normal human being should care that much about a November matchup of KU vs UAB


You never have a long term relationship.

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I bought some Eames repro chairs. The plastic armless ones with the dowel legs. Going to put one in my bedroom. Not sure about the other one but it was $70 for some or $115 for 2 so I bought a pair.

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I called in sick today. Been battling a flu/cold bug all weekend. Yesterday was the worst but still not close to 100% today. Been 3 years I think since I called in sick.

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Aint that the truth.


remember how i told you about the delaware/south dakota issue? well the fvcks in the delaware office BLEW IT BIG TIME. i very specifically outlined the situation and they told me it could be done, which i relayed to the attorney. then at 515 tonight they say, oh yeah, we made a mistake and it can't be done that way. ORLY?


well i already told attorney it could, and i have to go to his office tomorrow morning. but i'm sure this won't be an issue. freakin amateur hour.

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And you just now tell us? Tilty we coulda been celebrating all day long.


Sorry guys. Pretty much slept all day yesterday and didn't do much more today. Next time.

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I saw an exceptionally beautiful Asian lady at lunch. Oh wow. Her dress size has to be negative 6. I made eye contact with her, and she with me, and then she walked away. What a moment.

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I saw an exceptionally beautiful Asian lady at lunch. Oh wow. Her dress size has to be negative 6. I made eye contact with her, and she with me, and then she scurried away. What a moment.


Fixed it

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I don't want to give the impression she was anorexic, because she wasn't. Her body was just sublimely shaped. I'll be thinking about her later tonight, when all things become one.

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At least I know Ronny cares about the attractive ladies I see in the world. Rest of y'all are slacking, and you best pick it up.


There's a hot cashier at the chipotle by my house. Blonde. Tall. Quite lovely. Picture a young Veronica Corningstone.

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