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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

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I had to send a strongly worded email to my apartment complex about the unacceptable removal of snow in the parking lot. The efforts that were made left a large build up of ice and snow behind my car, which got stuck on said build up this morning. It took me nearly five minutes to rock free and I fear damage was done to the undercarriage of my beloved civic. I asked for written response as to measures taken to prevent a reoccurrence. I await a response.

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Dear Sir:


In response to your letter of 12/29, we request photographs of any "damage to the undercarriage" of your vehicle and an explanation of how it was caused.


Happy Holidays:



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Dear Sir:


In response to your letter of 12/29, we request photographs of any "damage to the undercarriage" of your vehicle and an explanation of how it was caused.


Happy Holidays:




it's not about damage this time, as there was none - it's about if damage did occur in a similar fashion later i have an email where i warned them it was possible and where i explicitly requested written response as to how they planned to avoid reoccurrence. i've got them cornered, now all we need is another snow storm, the same build up, and my transmission to fall out and i'll really be winning.


I slipped on the sidewalk outside my apartment this morning because it hadn't been cleared. Want to send another letter?


i can and you definitely should. put them on notice in case you break something next time. it will add BILLIONS to the punitive damages.

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Snow, heh. It was 80 something all week.



On the downside, I had a week off and starting Sunday at 2pm, I started getting really sick. I showed up to work Monday, feeling like ass, fever, sweating, hacking, and they sent me home and told me not to come back until I wasn't contagious. I'm going back tomorrow. Feeling sick sucks.

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sometimes i'll squint at things, like i have bad eye sight and i have to strain to see that thing or read that sign. but in reality i have perfect vision, better than 20/20 without glasses. i'm not sure why i do it.

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Fig and Prosciutto sandwich with Balsamic Reduction





2T balsamic vinegar + 1t brown sugar, heat until thick



Caramelize a shallot in olive oil


sliced fig, Camembert, prosciutto, garlic, baguette



warm the figs



toast the bread, rub with sliced garlic, sprinkle rosemary



assemble toast, sliced Camembert, prosciutto, shallots, figs, and drizzle with reduction

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We really are doing recipes, and I love it!


Congrats on the engagement speedz.


Thanks, it's ok.


Hi speedz.


Anyways, got her a smoker for Christmas. Had rib tonight. Didn't cook them long enough and they still ended up tough. Anybody got any foolproof smoker recipes?


Yup. The 3-2-1 method works every time.




strat - good on you for getting (and somehow keeping) a girlfriend.


Wait, you did who to my what now?


Hi Speedz and Shake. I miss you guys.


You don't have to pander to him. It's ok to just miss me. Hey there.


Speedz is back, back again. Nice to see you sir.


And you as well.

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I'm doing a butt Friday. Also going with dry rub, and if we happen to have any long needles at work I might try some injections as well.


I've been using the same two ink-refilling syringes (with the wider needle-hole, whatever the **** that is called) to do meats for about 3 years now.

They're like this.




The typical all plastic cooking syringe injection systems seem to cause too large of a cavity. Those big, heavy needles let you get way in there, a bunch of different times, widely applying the marinade without turning the cut of meat into a crater-fest. I would imagine the needles you get at the vets office for larger animals are like this?

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It depends - I do think large animal vets tend to stock the wider gauge and longer needles than we have. They don't need anything longer than what we have for simple things like blood draws and subcutaneous injections, but if they want to give deep intramuscular injections or tap into body cavities they need the more specialized hardware. That link is pretty much exactly what I'm going to try to find, except we wouldn't have anything with a blunt end. I'm pretty sure our only needles long enough are typically used to drain pericardial effusion, so it's more of a catheter than a needle, but should still work pretty well.


I could have conveyed all that in one sentence, but I figured I'd take the chance to remind you all that I'm sort of almost a real doctor over here.

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