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I Called In Sick Today

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Awww....I love you too boobiekins!
and there it is. lolli, hurry up and get 1000 posts so your forum title can be "boobiekins"
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Yep. First game in Shreveport, LA against Grambling in front of 35,000 poeple in the Independence Bowl, me, some of the vendors, and I think a politcal figure where the only white people there.I've been on BET over 4 times. How bout you punks?
BET. baaahahahahahafor what?
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rons story turned me on a little
Honestly, I am not surprised.Any awkward stories of teenage years from you andi?
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rons story turned me on a little
hell, the wind blowing turns you on. whats the big deal?edit: lots of responses on that one andi. well done.I want to touch you now
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Honestly, I am not surprised.
Yeah but you're easier than third grade math. Just serious.
hell, the wind blowing turns you on. whats the big deal?
Wow, I guess Andi's developed a reputation...
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hahah ok i checked out the story, nice addition., haha finger phuck stories are always hilairousone of my good friends was in Vegas last year, anyways long story short he was finger phuckin some random in the back of a cab, her assings up in the air and he was goin to town, feeding the horsethey're right downtown and some car rolls up beside them , and it was some old couple, and he looks over see's them in shock, and as dirty as he is, stick his tongue out and gives the old "yeaaah" type face. hahaha

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I was in Vegas last year, anyways long story short I was finger phuckin some random in the back of a cab, her assings up in the air and I was goin to town, feeding the horsewe were right downtown and some car rolls up beside us , and it was some old couple, and I looked over, see them in shock, and as dirty as I am, stick my tongue out and gives the old "yeaaah" type face. hahaha
FYPyou skank
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Happy Birthday Cowboy!

:hugging you from behind face:
Hey! What's that poking me? Nasty boy. Happy last day!
LOL.. nhalright thanks for th hernia advice, if i die i'm goin to hate you all.also, Bizz-dizzle, i'l bumb the shittings in a bit, u want the 30+3 at 1pm??can someone give me the edited version on Ron's story, looked long. and i'm lazy and slow and have a hernia
You don't have a hernia. Since a hernia is a tear in an abdominal muscle that allows your intestines to poke through, if you had a hernia you would have a squishy lump protruding from your abdomen that was extremely painful to touch. You don't have a hernia.
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You don't have a hernia. Since a hernia is a tear in an abdominal muscle that allows your intestines to poke through, if you had a hernia you would have a squishy lump protruding from your abdomen that was extremely painful to touch. You don't have a hernia.
ok, sweet.. soo.. u wanna make out?
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i cant deny it...i am a bit of a forum whore...ill flashback to my teen days in a minute and post a story....
Okay here's my story.My cousin and I stumble out of the bar at 3 AM. 2 semi-hot (beer goggles) chicks start talking to us. As drunk as we are we put 2 and 2 together and call a cab. So we take the chicks back to my (parents) place and we start the festivities. Well foreplay lasts about 8 seconds as I pretty much instantly take off all her clothes and mine at the same time.Now i'm no Hugh Jorgan but I'm at least average.Well i'm not gonna lie, it was like throwing a hot-dog down a hallway.After a few minutes she just kinda gave me a look as if to say 'Is that all you've got?'Needless to say neither one of us came. We got dressed, I pressed the button to open the garage and she was on her way.
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Ok, guys and gals, it's 11 and I'm just getting caught up:not sure what to think face:a common thread amongst the guys seems to be developing thoughWow Ron, you just desribed the last 10 years of my life.My ex-wife was super-hot and she fit your description above to a 't'.my current girlfriend is semi-hot, smart, well educated, well traveled, fun, thoughtful, generous, yada, yada.I would never go back to a super-hot princess.Never.Turd, you'd be smart to take this advice to heart.ok, boobs, beer, hot-wings, baseball...Shakalakalaka kudos to you today!

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not a dorky teen story but a funny one
wow. thats all I can say.One time I finger bangged a girl that I had met 5 minutes earlier in the back of a 4runner while two of my friends were in the front. That was fun.
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my girlfriend moved my hand below while in the back seat of her parents SUV her father said something about keeping our hands where he could see them while I was downtown

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my girlfriend moved my hand below while in the back seat of her parents SUV her father said something about keeping our hands where he could see them while I was downtown
awk - ward!
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