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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I love the honesty, and the drunkeness. I usually do with stuff with girls in my phone that ends up with me asking. How good in bed was I or if I can show them how good in bed I am. Or for them to text some nudes.


Triple digit interest rates tilt? 100%? I would say its closer to 29.99%, no?

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Sweet, sweet 3 day weekend.


Still in bed. May get motivated and go shred then do some house projects. Gotta bury 6 pavers, do the lawn (mow, edge & whack) pick up the dog poo, hose the patio, sand & stain four 4x4x8 pieces of lumber. Paint 8 cinder blocks, clean the pool a little, do some food shopping



Or just stay in bed and do all of that shit tomorrow with the lady

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My roommates gone all weekend again. Ill have to go into the office tomorrow for a few hours. My sisters moving Saturday so ill probably help after work. Then Sunday were leaving to go to Missouri all week. It's me, another kid, and one of the less...motivated partners and we have to finish by Thursday afternoon but its an initial audit so we can't just duplicate last years audit. I'm sure ill be in a really good place mentally.

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I was mostly trying to say lose the pride BS and just text her.


Big weekend plans for TG. Tonight after I drop the little one off at his moms I get to go to the lady's house. Hopefully sex will be involved without diarreah at the tip of my anus. Little 24 hour shift Saturday. Then up north for 3 days with the father unit and brother unit for trout fishing, gambling and drinking.

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nope no guesses.




oh god, how many cars have you stolen, tilt? you can't be sleeping well.


someone needs to give me mod powers so I can delete these last 10ish posts to save Napa's power ranking. I would hope someone else would do the same for me.


Wait, what? Stolen? Exactly zero. If you go to a dealership and buy a car on financing and then don't make your payments the finance company will repo your car. Is that stealing?


I love the honesty, and the drunkeness. I usually do with stuff with girls in my phone that ends up with me asking. How good in bed was I or if I can show them how good in bed I am. Or for them to text some nudes.


Triple digit interest rates tilt? 100%? I would say its closer to 29.99%, no?


No. APR 125% + -


You have to remember these are very high risk loans. No credit check, just have clear title, verifiable proof of income, and you get the cash. You don't pay and we (try) to repo your car. Assuming you haven't hidden it in some mexican drug cartels compound south of the border.

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this whole page is relevant to my interests.




Best scene in a great movie.



In no particular order just as they come to mind:


Top 3 are Fight Club, Goodfellas and Back to the Future. Next 7 are possibly top 10 just don't have the patience to think of all the movies I've seen. Magnolia (congrats Essay you're the only other person I've ever heard talking about how great this movie is), Heat (Just so good), Shawshank (obviously), Big Fish (fresh because I just watched it again but damn that movie gets me), Major League (My top 10 not top 10 greatest film achievements), Swingers ( Just awesome), Office Space (Awesome). I'm a comedy fan so my list gets tilted that way. I guess when making this list I tried to think of the 7 movies that if on are most likely that I will sit and watch.


Goodfellas may be my favorite of all. If its on TNT and its bleeped and censored I'll still sit and watch it beginning to end. Back to the Future is one of the finest screenplays ever written. Pay close attention and there's not a single piece of dialogue or even scenery for the most part that don't advance the story somehow. And I've covered Fight Club before in here. Wrote a 30 page research paper on it in college that got high acclaim.


I just watched Swingers for the first time a couple weeks ago and I thought it was terrible. Super boring. Poorly photographed.

I know it was really popular back in the day, and I get the feeling it's one of those nostalgia things for people now. There is no way you could watch that movie tomorrow with unbiased eyes and call it 'just awesome'. I don't think it's possible.


my brother and his friend went tailgating for a sporting event in Springfield recently. he subsequently found out that there is no tailgating culture there. so they were just alone in the parking lot, drinking beer, drawing stares.


I have no idea why this post is quoted, but I need to make a mix-tape for a college buddy, and it's got to be good. I need your help.


He loves music, but his heart is always going to be late 80's/early 90's stuff. He loves rap, blues, irish, folk, etc. HELP ME STRAT, YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE!


He's well versed in the music world, but I need to find hidden gems he might like. I might even need Napa's input on the rap.





Also, Tilt, you're stealing cars.

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BBQ happening, looks like 50ish confirmed, probably 10-20 more that have not confirmed that will show up. Had a few last second cancellations. Had one of the Mom's e mail to be added to the evite even though they can't come. We are 99% it's so she can be nosey to see who was invited.

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I just remembered what I was going to ask you Strat. What's your favorite thing Jon Brion has done? Soundtracks?

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Weekend plans:


I'm having another weiner roast tonight with about 30 dudes. No ladies allowed, if you know what I mean.


Tomorrow I'm in a B-ball tourney. 16 teams confirmed, and my team will definitely win. It's a 3-on-3 tourney, and we have 4 players. One is a current college coach, one is a former division 3 player (27ish years old) and one is a black kid that plays for the college I teach at. This kid has some skill. He's shorter than me, but he's definitely at least 6'4" and can 360 dunk with ease. It's going to be awesome.


Sunday church. Maybe go back to the Art Institute in the afternoon. I bought a membership last week because it was basically the same price as a single entry for myself, the wife, and the 5 kids. Also, I love me some art, so it works well.

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Highly disagree on swingers. Super boring is your opinion. My opinion is that it is hilarious. Nothing to do with nostalgia. Poorly photographed is also relative to the time and the budget. That's like saying citizen Kane is poorly photographed, there's no color!

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I had a baby boy, quit my job, moved to Philly and now I play mr. Mom every day while my wife goes to work at UPENN.


Now you are all caught up on what you missed during my hiatus.

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Highly disagree on swingers. Super boring is your opinion. My opinion is that it is hilarious. Nothing to do with nostalgia. Poorly photographed is also relative to the time and the budget. That's like saying citizen Kane is poorly photographed, there's no color!


Man, I don't get it. I guess I could fight through it one more time because maybe I wasn't in the right mindset, but I wanted to murder Jon Favreau about 10 seconds into that movie and was so relieved when the credits finally rolled. I don't remember a single funny thing in the entire movie.


Citizen Kane is the opposite of poorly photographed. That's the best thing about Citizen Kane. (Story is also boring though)

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I had a baby boy, quit my job, moved to Philly and now I play mr. Mom every day while my wife goes to work at UPENN.


Now you are all caught up on what you missed during my hiatus.


Wow. That's awesome. Congrats.


Welcome back.


What's your boy's name?

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Weekend plans:


I'm having another weiner roast tonight with about 30 dudes. No ladies allowed, if you know what I mean.


Tomorrow I'm in a B-ball tourney. 16 teams confirmed, and my team will definitely win. It's a 3-on-3 tourney, and we have 4 players. One is a current college coach, one is a former division 3 player (27ish years old) and one is a black kid that plays for the college I teach at. This kid has some skill. He's shorter than me, but he's definitely at least 6'4" and can 360 dunk with ease. It's going to be awesome.


Sunday church. Maybe go back to the Art Institute in the afternoon. I bought a membership last week because it was basically the same price as a single entry for myself, the wife, and the 5 kids. Also, I love me some art, so it works well.


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