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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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I voted.Just read that the flyover at Lambeau will be Navy Super Hornets. Must be an awesome sight. I have no idea what type of jets did the flyover when I was there a few years back but the rumble in my stomach as they passed is something I will never forget.Good afternoon folks, caught up.

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I voted.Just read that the flyover at Lambeau will be Navy Super Hornets. Must be an awesome sight. I have no idea what type of jets did the flyover when I was there a few years back but the rumble in my stomach as they passed is something I will never forget.Good afternoon folks, caught up.
Where I lived the last 2 years was less than a mile from the airport. I was out of the commercial flight patterns but for the air show I would get some sweet ass fly overs. The Blue Angles, F##'s, Stealth bomber, etc.
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The only sporting event flyover i've attended was when I was at the June Pocono Nascar race a few years ago during the military tribute day. Surprisingly cool.I grew up near where the planes for the Toronto airshow used to turn around for their flybys, so every labour day weekend we'd see a fair number of cool planes.

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Just got home from Lombardo's, a nice Italian restaurant. The couple of gin and tonic's have me feeling no pain, and who knows if I'll even see midnight. So, Happy New Year all, hope 2012 is all that and a bag of chips.

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Just got home from Lombardo's, a nice Italian restaurant. The couple of gin and tonic's have me feeling no pain, and who knows if I'll even see midnight. So, Happy New Year all, hope 2012 is all that and a bag of chips.
Gin and Tonic is the God's elixir. Happy New Year to you and everyone at FCP.
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Happy New Year everybody. Here's to hoping the world doesn't end, but if it does, I guess we'll all meet up at the Big Table in the Back!

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Happy New Year!Partied at my brother's house last night and crashed there. Called in to work to recover today.
Good job!
Happy new year! So hammered last night.
Way to do it up right!I was drunk, but not drunk enough to ring in a new year, really. I didn't put it back fast enough so I was just buzzed all night long. On the plus side, I wasn't hung over this morning.
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Good evening folks, caught up.Got a text yesterday morning from my boss asking me if I was coming in. I assumed I had the day off. Me and two other guys in the shop. Turns out I ended up using a vacation day.

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Good evening folks, caught up.Got a text yesterday morning from my boss asking me if I was coming in. I assumed I had the day off. Me and two other guys in the shop. Turns out I ended up using a vacation day.
Ouch! If it had been Toni, she would not have had to burn a day. She always wins. I think most folks were off yesterday. Your company did you dirty!
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I finished a translation for the Little League today. I did not do the dishes. I did get in some tv watching (Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who and Downton Abbey) and little knitting. I also played two games of Ticket to Ride with Dave and Conner.Hmmm....I think I need to get more done, tomorrow, including a grocery trip.I also have to lug Conner and his tuba to his ensemble practice.

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I am wearing pigtails today. Low ones, but two instead of my current favorite easy hairdo, the side pony.
I need a pick of this, preferably with a white button down blouse, plaid skirt and bobby socks. Thanks.
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Ouch! If it had been Toni, she would not have had to burn a day. She always wins. I think most folks were off yesterday. Your company did you dirty!
Ain't that the truth.
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