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what it means for poker if ivey wins

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After reading Arieh's last blog, it really does make you think.If Phil Ivey wins the WSOP, i think it makes a significant impact on the poker world.Although the pros have already sort-of established that they can still win events with large fields from the previous WSOP events, a WSOP ME win by Ivey would be huge.In addition, like Josh said, it would cause ESPN's rating's to shoot through the roof. Regardless of some comments that have been made on this forum that fans get a kick of watching millions of dollars being pushed across the table, i argue that it's the characters that draw the most crowds.This is all really true for any of the pros that are still in it this far.This is good for poker.

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After reading Arieh's last blog, it really does make you think.If Phil Ivey wins the WSOP, i think it makes a significant impact on the poker world.Although the pros have already sort-of established that they can still win events with large fields from the previous WSOP events, a WSOP ME win by Ivey would be huge.In addition, like Josh said, it would cause ESPN's rating's to shoot through the roof. Regardless of some comments that have been made on this forum that fans get a kick of watching millions of dollars being pushed across the table, i argue that it's the characters that draw the most crowds.This is all really true for any of the pros that are still in it this far.This is good for poker.
good post you bring up some good points that i agree with thank you for sharing :wink:
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Guest XXEddie
You know what it does for poker...it adds to the list of sports where black people are better then white people. :shock:
crap we cant lose poker!!!we only have hockey now and thats dead for now
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you took it back, but then venus recaptured the title, on the men's side though malik ?? washington didn't get the memo... oh well, i liked sampras, agassi and roddick

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pro is a prowhy ivey?
Because Ivey is the best overall player in the world.He crushes people in cash games, and a win in this huge field would skyrocket his popularity. The best winning the biggest is always good for a sport or whatever the censored poker is.
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spademan i agree with ur assesment of ivey as best overall player in world but having been in new orleans during essence fest im not worried about black people taking over the poker world
Ivey doesn't eat gumbo. That's the problem down there.
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You know what it does for poker...it adds to the list of sports where black people are better then white people. :shock:
what an observation.....you must be very intelligent....is your IQ a big as your shoe size.???
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Us Latinos have boxing (except the heavyweight division) and uh........well boxing is cool.
Ricardo Mayorga could woop Ali allright... as long as he's smoking, speeding, drinking and sleeping with hookers the night before fights the Latino's will own the boxing world...Mayorga > Every other boxer who ever tapped up there knuckles before a fight.
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pro is a prowhy ivey?
Because Ivey is the best overall player in the world.He crushes people in cash games, and a win in this huge field would skyrocket his popularity. The best winning the biggest is always good for a sport or whatever the censored poker is.
Tiger Woods?Sorry that these two are constantly compared, but I don't mean it as a race issue. Tiger Woods took over golf and won in the biggest events resulting in a huge ratings boost. Now golfers can make $10 million a year in only prize money (the top few make 8 figure in endorsments as well) wouldn't it be great if Phil could do the same for poker?
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Phil Ivey and TIger Woods couldn't be more opposite in there pursuits of the game in a certain sense...Look at Tigers self-promotion, He makes appearances gets paid by various companies for stuff and makes a LOT of money away from Golf because of golf.Phil Ivey? He is in it for the Money and the publicity just happens. If anything a player like Daniel is much closer to Tiger.I was going to mention hellmuth but... He's just shameless self promotion, Daniel's promotion is more of a mutual thing you know... People want his products. Nothing against Hellmuth's Poker Camp... :club:

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Don't be suprised to see Ivey win. He was the favorite about 1:500 to win. I saw DN as a close second though. Congrats to the pros.

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