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i received this pm from one of my other leagues & wanted to pass on some advice to help protect you from getting scammed*Rainbow, I just had a message from best999 who claimed to be you, and wanted your log in details, do you know this person i only know this person from playing cards on AP & some other sites, you have my ip address & this ip address is the only one i use for cards period, that jerk needs help, why would anyone want someone elses details geez, get a job or something, too much time on his hands lol*remember that if anyone comes to you wanting info, be sure to check it out throughly first

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i received this pm from one of my other leagues & wanted to pass on some advice to help protect you from getting scammed*Rainbow, I just had a message from best999 who claimed to be you, and wanted your log in details, do you know this person i only know this person from playing cards on AP & some other sites, you have my ip address & this ip address is the only one i use for cards period, that jerk needs help, why would anyone want someone elses details geez, get a job or something, too much time on his hands lol*remember that if anyone comes to you wanting info, be sure to check it out throughly first
best999 is a user who goes to forums & to poker rooms & plays, he is going around trying to get ppls info, i'm not the only one he's tried this with so this was just to protect ppl from being scammed out of info, whether u think it's a good post or not you should remember there are some gullible ppl out there that will fall for anything
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best999 is a user who goes to forums & to poker rooms & plays, he is going around trying to get ppls info, i'm not the only one he's tried this with so this was just to protect ppl from being scammed out of info, whether u think it's a good post or not you should remember there are some gullible ppl out there that will fall for anythingRight. Not anymore, though. Now they know to look out for this one particular scoundrel. The dozens of people who read this thread will be safe from his diabolical plan to steal everyone's forum login information and sell it on the black market to insidious Chinese identity theives who will use the trusted login to leverage social security numbers, bank account and credit card info through adept social engineering aided by their Nigerian bank contacts.Bless you.

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Good post mate. Thanks for the heads-up!I have a tip for you too. Don't try to dry your pets after their weekly bath by sticking them in the microwave!!!

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ty all so much, i thought for a minute there that u all just didn't like that post at all lol, i'd say for a first post to look out for an idiot trying to get ppls info would be well received, i'm sure glad some of u think so & here's what i received from another forum after i posted to them about himThank you Rainbow We banned this guy on June 16th for multiple accounts on here so thank you for the heads up that he is still busy doing what he does best...NOTHING

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best999 is a user who goes to forums & to poker rooms & plays, he is going around trying to get ppls info, i'm not the only one he's tried this with so this was just to protect ppl from being scammed out of info, whether u think it's a good post or not you should remember there are some gullible ppl out there that will fall for anythingRight. Not anymore, though. Now they know to look out for this one particular scoundrel. The dozens of people who read this thread will be safe from his diabolical plan to steal everyone's forum login information and sell it on the black market to insidious Chinese identity theives who will use the trusted login to leverage social security numbers, bank account and credit card info through adept social engineering aided by their Nigerian bank contacts.Bless you.
Yikes, I agree with Smasharoo. The only thing he left out is the currency scam the Nigerians will use on the identity theft victim to rub salt in the wound.
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Sorry Rainbow. You tried to contribute what you believe to be useful info. I received the same treatment afterone of my early posts, then I was very hesitent to post again. Hang in there, or avoid the general poker forum. Flaming reigns in this forum, but many are kinder in the other forums. Welcome.

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Sorry Rainbow. You tried to contribute what you believe to be useful info. I received the same treatment afterone of my early posts, then I was very hesitent to post again. Hang in there, or avoid the general poker forum. Flaming reigns in this forum, but many are kinder in the other forums. Welcome.
Shut your flippin' yap hole and then die unhappy.
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Sorry Rainbow. You tried to contribute what you believe to be useful info. I received the same treatment afterone of my early posts, then I was very hesitent to post again. Hang in there, or avoid the general poker forum. Flaming reigns in this forum, but many are kinder in the other forums. Welcome.
Shut your flippin' yap hole and then die unhappy.
you didn't even do it right you fuckstain. get out of here newb, and take your lameass insults with you. Just be glad your parents didn't have an abortion 9 months before you were born.there, a little more like that
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Yea rainbow, don't mind what smasharoo has to say. He happens to be the smartest person ever to live on earth. We are lucky to have him to post here, if fact his political views are also the most insightful ever. One warning though if you hurt his feelings he will threaten not to post here ever again.(ooh, please no) He is glad to make sure that any post he feels is not worthy of his reading is ridiculed by him until he feels better about himself. Also be forwarned that if you make any spelling or grammatical errors you will feel his wrath tenfold. (s/w kind of)

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Sorry Rainbow. You tried to contribute what you believe to be useful info. I received the same treatment afterone of my early posts, then I was very hesitent to post again. Hang in there, or avoid the general poker forum. Flaming reigns in this forum, but many are kinder in the other forums. Welcome.
Shut your flippin' yap hole and then die unhappy.
you didn't even do it right you fuckstain. get out of here newb, and take your lameass insults with you. Just be glad your parents didn't have an abortion 9 months before you were born.there, a little more like that
Your partents did have an abortion nine months before your were born, you mutant, limping, semen spitting, circus fetus.There we go.
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Rainbow Warrior, before you get discouraged or intimidated, just take a look at one thing; the post count next to Smash and KDawg's avatars. Literally all these fools do is try to find a way to rip people on a poker forum. They don't leave the house, have normal social interactions, or understand the concept of civility. This is their domain, their world- the one place they feel safe after a lifetime of timidity and shame. The ultimate dis is to call one a "newb," because hey, there's nothing worse than being a "newb" and not posting to a poker forum 10,000 times.GL to you, and ignore the dolts.

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Literally all these fools do is try to find a way to rip people on a poker forum. They don't leave the house, have normal social interactions, or understand the concept of civility. This is their domain, their world- the one place they feel safe after a lifetime of timidity and shame. The ultimate dis is to call one a "newb," because hey, there's nothing worse than being a "newb" and not posting to a poker forum 10,000 times. Actually, I'm home caring for my sick wife. Posting here lets me vent some of the sadness and frustration about that without harming anyone.You've convinced me, though, I'll go back to drowning kittens now.

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Literally all these fools do is try to find a way to rip people on a poker forum. They don't leave the house, have normal social interactions, or understand the concept of civility. This is their domain, their world- the one place they feel safe after a lifetime of timidity and shame. The ultimate dis is to call one a "newb," because hey, there's nothing worse than being a "newb" and not posting to a poker forum 10,000 times. Actually, I'm home caring for my sick wife. Posting here lets me vent some of the sadness and frustration about that without harming anyone.You've convinced me, though, I'll go back to drowning kittens now.
Like Dutch Boyd.
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