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Major Evolutionary Finding Published

Evolution vs not-evolution  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about evolution?

    • It's an extensively proven scientific theory.
    • It's just a theory - and it's wrong.
    • I'm not entirely sure, but I lean towards evolution.
    • I'm not entirely sure, but I lean towards creationism.
  2. 2. What do you think of findings like this one?

    • If it proves to be real, it is another piece in the puzzle of where we came from.
    • Sure it's probably the remains of a long dead animal, but so what?
    • I'm unsure.
  3. 3. The fossil has been dated to 47 million years old. Do you believe this is accurate?

    • Probably, plus or minus as much as 10% maybe.
    • Laughable. More like 5,000 years old, probably.
    • Unsure.

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You are generally nice and often self-deprecating so I kind of like you, but you say a TON of stupid shit. Sometimes you're joking, most times you aren't (or are a huge troll), either way... you type some really stupid ass things. Are you really so set in your ways that you compartmentalize yourself into an idiot?Do you even understand what I mean by that?Fucking people.
Your ability to articulate so eloquently without saying anything is world class.
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Your ability to articulate so eloquently without saying anything is world class.
Your ability to articulate at a mediocre level while making inaccurate statements is run of the mill.
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I'm almost 100% convinced that Spade is TB and TB is Spade.

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Damn, you really owned me with that one.
Well, as you've stated - mistakenly in jest - I am world class.Don't take it too hard.I've likened it to getting dunked on by Jordan. It may sting a little but you'll be immortalized in the poster.
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Damn, you really owned me with that one.
It's not so much that he "owned" you, it's more just the comedic timing and wording that makes it notable and hilarious.
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You forgot a "Do you care" option. The answer is no. As long as it doesn't disprove God... and it doesn't even come in the vicinity of it... or disprove his word... which it doesn't as well.... I have no reason to even give it a second thought. What are we on now, possible missing link 2000? Those CFC's are really doing a number on us, aren't they? Eventually, I believe science will finally track it back to that mythical starting point and will find that "Shoot, something had to build this thing." Then, it will be the Dawkins dance, maybe it's aliens, etc., anything but God. I have been wrong a thousand times but I KNOW I nailed this one. It's science. They rewrite the books every 2 years largely because, well, "Oh, shit, that was wrong." So, I don't care. And only science geeks or people trying desperately to hang on to anything not God will. Maybe old dudes who are bored watching T.V. Maybe. I think it really would be great if God was playing a trick. Sent his son, did the impossible multiple times, had it recorded, and well enough that very few do not know of him, the most well known story of all time, recorded in great detail, etc. You've had the evidence all along. You just didn't want it. Why not screw with your head a bit? At least give the believers something to do. Yeah, it might make it tougher for you to believe, but come on, be honest. Even if God appeared in front of you, made you a sandwich and told you a story, many of you would just say it was a hallucination. What else is there to do but screw with you?

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It's science. They rewrite the books every 2 years largely because, well, "Oh, shit, that was wrong."
You show no real understanding of how the advancement of science works.
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science geeks or people trying desperately to hang on to anything not God will.
consider the possiblity that you're a fundamentalist christian geek trying so desparately to hang on to your culturally-brainwashed delusions that you're in total denial of objective facts any rational person would accept staring you in the face.
I think it really would be great if God was playing a trick. Sent his son, did the impossible multiple times, had it recorded, and well enough that very few do not know of him, the most well known story of all time, recorded in great detail, etc. You've had the evidence all along. You just didn't want it. Why not screw with your head a bit? At least give the believers something to do. Yeah, it might make it tougher for you to believe, but come on, be honest. Even if God appeared in front of you, made you a sandwich and told you a story, many of you would just say it was a hallucination. What else is there to do but screw with you?
it would be really great if the FSM was playing a trick hiding from you, letting you believe the bible is anything more than the obvious fable collection writtenby superstitious primitive humans it is, because being a brainwashed fundamentalist your belief is so tied to your ego that you aren't even capable of rationallyconsidering any other possibility and there's nothing else for him to do but screw with you.
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You forgot a "Do you care" option. The answer is no. As long as it doesn't disprove God... and it doesn't even come in the vicinity of it... or disprove his word... which it doesn't as well.... I have no reason to even give it a second thought. What are we on now, possible missing link 2000? Those CFC's are really doing a number on us, aren't they? Eventually, I believe science will finally track it back to that mythical starting point and will find that "Shoot, something had to build this thing." Then, it will be the Dawkins dance, maybe it's aliens, etc., anything but God. I have been wrong a thousand times but I KNOW I nailed this one. It's science. They rewrite the books every 2 years largely because, well, "Oh, shit, that was wrong." So, I don't care. And only science geeks or people trying desperately to hang on to anything not God will. Maybe old dudes who are bored watching T.V. Maybe. I think it really would be great if God was playing a trick. Sent his son, did the impossible multiple times, had it recorded, and well enough that very few do not know of him, the most well known story of all time, recorded in great detail, etc. You've had the evidence all along. You just didn't want it. Why not screw with your head a bit? At least give the believers something to do. Yeah, it might make it tougher for you to believe, but come on, be honest. Even if God appeared in front of you, made you a sandwich and told you a story, many of you would just say it was a hallucination. What else is there to do but screw with you?
I can understand how you can still have faith in god.....but how ANYONE can still have faith in religion is beyond me.just another sad, sad chapter for Catholicism: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090525/ap_on_..._catholic_abuse
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I can understand how you can still have faith in god.....but how ANYONE can still have faith in religion is beyond me.just another sad, sad chapter for Catholicism: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090525/ap_on_..._catholic_abuse
Not speaking for Lois, but I don't really know any Protestants that put their faith in religion. I think Lois would tell you, as would I, that we have a relationship with God...not with religion. I'm not sure why this always this is always so hard to understand.
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Not speaking for Lois, but I don't really know any Protestants that put their faith in religion. I think Lois would tell you, as would I, that we have a relationship with God...not with religion. I'm not sure why this always this is always so hard to understand.
It's not that it's so hard to understand it's the fact that many/most of you argue that the bible is literal which is kind of the cornerstone of a lot of religion. If you (not you individually; you as in defenders of God) acknowlegded the likelyhood that the bible is quite likely either a complete load of crap or at least a gross exaggeration and shouldn't be taken word for word. Nor would it it need to be for there to be some sort of God than this forum would get very little action. Believing in evolution and not allowing that to detract from your views of a higher power is one thing but arguing against evolution and any other scientific find because it wasn't stated in or goes against the bible is ludicrous in the eyes of many.
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Not speaking for Lois, but I don't really know any Protestants that put their faith in religion. I think Lois would tell you, as would I, that we have a relationship with God...not with religion. I'm not sure why this always this is always so hard to understand.
because it is religious leaders trying to push their skewed version of Christianity onto American life through legislation......and you both support that from your posts on this forum. because religious leaders quote the bible when they want to outlaw gay marriage but they dont seem to remember the bible has much stronger things to say about the evils of divorce.I could go on and on but it is pointless. you may have a relationship with god, but you support what the religious right wants to do.....and at every turn religion has shows itself to be unworthy of telling anyone what to do about anything.
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None of you have a personal relationship with "God" (keeping in mind that there are approximately 8,506,954,403,402 different gods that superstitious and fear of death filled and uncomfortable with the unknown centric humans have imagined and created for themselves), because none of you have ever spoken to or seen your particular brand of Santa Claus in real life. Because he/she/it is imagined. He/She/It is a figment of your imagination and that warm fuzzy feeling you get is a product of your wishful thinking. If Heshit speaks to you, you should look to a professional to get some much needed medication. You may be able to go to work, buy groceries for yourself, hold conversations with other people, you may be good at math or English, you might be able to hold any number of technical degrees and proficiency, you can probably tie your own shoes... but when it comes to you dudes talking about your particular man-in-the-sky you are revealing a compartmentalization and a flaw in your ability for critical thought, and put yourself in the position of a child at Christmas. Well, unless your delusion lends itself to some sort of violence against non-believers or other "faiths", in which case you are no longer a silly, ignorant, wide eyed hope filled child-man, but a very dangerous adult who's fanatical stupidity needs to be put down. Chances are slim anyone on the forum fits that description. Except maybe Lois who, due to his IQ, is a threat only to his keyboard by virtue of his saliva.

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because it is religious leaders trying to push their skewed version of Christianity onto American life through legislation......and you both support that from your posts on this forum. because religious leaders quote the bible when they want to outlaw gay marriage but they dont seem to remember the bible has much stronger things to say about the evils of divorce.I could go on and on but it is pointless. you may have a relationship with god, but you support what the religious right wants to do.....and at every turn religion has shows itself to be unworthy of telling anyone what to do about anything.
First of all, I don't think you know me enough to tell me what I do and don't support. Second of all, I have a mind of my own. Because Pat Robertson or some other fanatical religious right figure says something, it doesn't mean that every Christian accepts it is as true, or necessarily lives their lives accordingly. Like I said before, there are a lot of people in this forum that don't get the difference between "Religion" and "Relationship. Either that, or you all lump Catholics and Protestants into one big group, which would again be another mistake. I'd be the first to admit, that major atrocities have been committed in the "name of religion." That's pretty much a "no-duh" statement. The problem I have is when you put up a link talking about abuse in the Catholic Church, and then say "how can you have any faith in religion?" Do you seriously think every Catholic thinks it's cool to abuse children? I mean come on, that's just completely absurd and a bit offensive. Look, I know that I'll probably never get any non-Christian in this forum to accept Christ as their Savior, and you'll never get me to renounce my faith. A lot of people on here like Lois have presented the case for faith, and people like you have presented the case for science. I guess I'd just rather see us be able to understand where each other are coming from better, and use this forum for productive debate, rather than taking pointless jabs and making jokes...yeah that sounded kinda ghey, but you know what I mean. Meh, I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post as well.
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Meh, I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post as well.
Doubt it.It was innocuous and implies that you aren't a psycho, just a guy who wants to believe in his particular, culturally acceptable outer space Zeus.
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You forgot a "Do you care" option. The answer is no. As long as it doesn't disprove God... and it doesn't even come in the vicinity of it... or disprove his word... which it doesn't as well.... I have no reason to even give it a second thought. What are we on now, possible missing link 2000? Those CFC's are really doing a number on us, aren't they? Eventually, I believe science will finally track it back to that mythical starting point and will find that "Shoot, something had to build this thing." Then, it will be the Dawkins dance, maybe it's aliens, etc., anything but God. I have been wrong a thousand times but I KNOW I nailed this one. It's science. They rewrite the books every 2 years largely because, well, "Oh, shit, that was wrong."
Can you see how that would seem preferable to clinging to books written eons ago which must have been wrong?This is exactly where the two mindsets diverge: you see it as a weakness to toss out a bad theory in favor of a better one, while we see it as a strength. Your strategy of not rewriting the books precludes the possibility of any advancement in understanding.
I think it really would be great if God was playing a trick. Sent his son, did the impossible multiple times, had it recorded, and well enough that very few do not know of him, the most well known story of all time, recorded in great detail, etc. You've had the evidence all along. You just didn't want it. Why not screw with your head a bit? At least give the believers something to do. Yeah, it might make it tougher for you to believe, but come on, be honest. Even if God appeared in front of you, made you a sandwich and told you a story, many of you would just say it was a hallucination. What else is there to do but screw with you?
I agree that it would take some extraordinary evidence to convince me of something so extraordinary. Why should it be any other way?
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So, I don't care. And only science geeks or people trying desperately to hang on to anything not God will.
I think it really would be great if God was playing a trick. Sent his son, did the impossible multiple times, had it recorded, and well enough that very few do not know of him, the most well known story of all time, recorded in great detail, etc. You've had the evidence all along. You just didn't want it. Why not screw with your head a bit? At least give the believers something to do. Yeah, it might make it tougher for you to believe, but come on, be honest. Even if God appeared in front of you, made you a sandwich and told you a story, many of you would just say it was a hallucination. What else is there to do but screw with you?
Not only would that be great, but it would make perfect sense too!
consider the possiblity that you're a fundamentalist christian geek trying so desparately to hang on to your culturally-brainwashed delusions that you're in total denial of objective facts any rational person would accept staring you in the face.
I wonder if they ever really sit down and consider the possibility. And if they do, what makes them decide that it's not the case? The end-all fact that someone told them that someone told them that someone told them, etc. that a book was written by god?
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I wonder if they ever really sit down and consider the possibility.
it takes a fairly high capability for humility to be able to do that objectively, which is somethingthe majority of humanity doesn't seem to have.
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it takes a fairly high capability for humility to be able to do that objectively, which is somethingthe majority of humanity doesn't seem to have.
I guess a lot of it comes down to the word "faith", and any given individual's assessment of what it is and whether or not it is a positive thing. Personally, I think it's great for those who truly need it to survive, but silly for those who don't.
I wouldn't want to survive without it.
Clever play on words, but my point stands. In general I believe it's counter productive now that we've advanced to the point where we're truly starting to grasp how ridiculously complex and incredible the universe is. No, that doesn't mean that there is no god, and it could be argued that it's more likely now than ever that there was a driving force (not that I believe that argument), but it does mean that we should all be able to rationally agree that religious fables are just that.One thing that I guess I do think religious might still be good for is holding science back just a bit. Being dead-set against any form of stem cell research is idiotic and a sign that someone doesn't understand how it's done (most likely because he doesn't care to know more about it), but it's good to have a yin to the "mad scientist" yang that's looking to clone humans asap. Etc.
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It's not that it's so hard to understand it's the fact that many/most of you argue that the bible is literal which is kind of the cornerstone of a lot of religion. If you (not you individually; you as in defenders of God) acknowlegded the likelyhood that the bible is quite likely either a complete load of crap or at least a gross exaggeration and shouldn't be taken word for word. Nor would it it need to be for there to be some sort of God than this forum would get very little action. Believing in evolution and not allowing that to detract from your views of a higher power is one thing but arguing against evolution and any other scientific find because it wasn't stated in or goes against the bible is ludicrous in the eyes of many.
It's tough to argue the Bible as literal. I certainly do for the fun of it, but let's be honest. Is it neccesary to believe that the world was created in 6 calendar days? No. Thankfully, it doesn't say that. And on and on and on.
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