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26 Chasing After A 20

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Hey whats up guys just needing advice on going after a girl who is leaving for college on Sunday but will be at the same wedding shindig I am at tomoorro.....check that later today I guess.I havent been able to stop thinking about her for three weeks and tonight I got drunk and kind of made her known to that. She is just starting college, but is going on 21 in June, and my feelings are I should leave her be and let her have a fun college life. But my other feelings are that shes only going to college two hours away and cant find much better then me over there.My next response to the thread will be the envitable 1000.

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[x] Get her drunk[x] Profit2hours is nothing man, don't cockblock yourself and talk yourself out of it. If she likes you, then jackpot, don't give yourself extra reasons to bail if you like her that much**doesn't take own advice often

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well to be honest, I don't normally go after older women but I'll help as much as I can.one thing you have to understand about young girls (i.e. ones below 85) is that they are incredibly stupid. first off, she doesn't have the capacity to realize all the super, super hot college guys with their perfectly tussled hair and their big bulging musc.... I got off track. she doesn't know that she'll have tons of opportunities for other guys at college so you're definitely still in the playing field. plus, most chicks like older guys and she'd probably see it as a plus to be able to go to school with an older boyfriend, like she's all sophisticated and shit. so definitely go for it. you don't owe anybody anything here to keep you from doing it, and it could always work out well. one bit of advice though: don't hang all over her all night. play it cool. chat it up, but make your way around the room, not just talking to her the whole time. they like to be ignored. see? all idiots.although I suppose I should supplement this advice with a bit of caution: I went to bed last night by myself at 9:30 and tonight have plans to go camping with a dude. meaning: women don't like me.

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Hey whats up guys just needing advice on going after a girl who is leaving for college on Sunday but will be at the same wedding shindig I am at tomoorro.....check that later today I guess.I havent been able to stop thinking about her for three weeks and tonight I got drunk and kind of made her known to that. She is just starting college, but is going on 21 in June, and my feelings are I should leave her be and let her have a fun college life. But my other feelings are that shes only going to college two hours away and cant find much better then me over there.
You seem to be thinking too much...
My next response to the thread will be the envitable 1000.
...but maybe that's not a problem for you. I kid, but really, you can't just make up words. You probably mean "inevitable" or maybe "enviable". Or maybe something really cool that I've never even heard of.And I hope you went after the girl. Life's too short for regrets about 2 hours of distance and girls that are flippant enough about college to put off starting until they're 21.
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Hey whats up guys just needing advice on going after a girl who is leaving for college on Sunday but will be at the same wedding shindig I am at tomoorro.....check that later today I guess.I havent been able to stop thinking about her for three weeks and tonight I got drunk and kind of made her known to that. She is just starting college, but is going on 21 in June, and my feelings are I should leave her be and let her have a fun college life. But my other feelings are that shes only going to college two hours away and cant find much better then me over there.My next response to the thread will be the envitable 1000.
She's going to have all the fun she wants.What college is this that you feel you are more of a stud than any guy that goes there?
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kinda like what speedz said. life is too short to NOT do what you want.but keep in mind, shes at a different point in her lifeif she is hot, she is just starting to enjoy her hotness as she preps for college good timescollege is a place for guys to mack chicks because drunk chicks are super easy to mackandthat 2 hours is a lot! anyone who says its not, is a ugly piece of garbage who dates ugly pieces of garbage.unless of course you guys plan to see each other once a week, but even then. it will be like a friday night, you'll want to see her to hang out have sex, and blah blah.. but she'll have met new friends and be sick of school work and she'll want to party, so you'll be the dude getting jealous at all the college dudes who are now chummy chummy with your babe.then she'll get all "womany" on you about you being a downer, and you'll be like. well fuuck,, what do you expect, I drive down 2 hours to see you, and you're talking to some other dude all night.and she'll say. OMG, thats my friend Tom, he is going through a long distance relationship too and he wanted my advice.and then next thing you know, you're like. well you could have introduced us.. and she'll change the subject. and then you'l apologize and she'll own you like a bitch.anyways,,, just be careful for yourself. anywas, i wrote this after the fact, soo how did it go?

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kinda like what speedz said. life is too short to NOT do what you want.but keep in mind, shes at a different point in her lifeif she is hot, she is just starting to enjoy her hotness as she preps for college good timescollege is a place for guys to mack chicks because drunk chicks are super easy to mackandthat 2 hours is a lot! anyone who says its not, is a ugly piece of garbage who dates ugly pieces of garbage.unless of course you guys plan to see each other once a week, but even then. it will be like a friday night, you'll want to see her to hang out have sex, and blah blah.. but she'll have met new friends and be sick of school work and she'll want to party, so you'll be the dude getting jealous at all the college dudes who are now chummy chummy with your babe.then she'll get all "womany" on you about you being a downer, and you'll be like. well fuuck,, what do you expect, I drive down 2 hours to see you, and you're talking to some other dude all night.and she'll say. OMG, thats my friend Tom, he is going through a long distance relationship too and he wanted my advice.and then next thing you know, you're like. well you could have introduced us.. and she'll change the subject. and then you'l apologize and she'll own you like a bitch.anyways,,, just be careful for yourself. anywas, i wrote this after the fact, soo how did it go?
spot on.
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unless of course you guys plan to see each other once a week, but even then. it will be like a friday night, you'll want to see her to hang out have sex, and blah blah.. but she'll have met new friends and be sick of school work and she'll want to party, so you'll be the dude getting jealous at all the college dudes who are now chummy chummy with your babe.then she'll get all "womany" on you about you being a downer, and you'll be like. well fuuck,, what do you expect, I drive down 2 hours to see you, and you're talking to some other dude all night.and she'll say. OMG, thats my friend Tom, he is going through a long distance relationship too and he wanted my advice.and then next thing you know, you're like. well you could have introduced us.. and she'll change the subject. and then you'l apologize and she'll own you like a bitch.
what was her name?
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kinda like what speedz said. life is too short to NOT do what you want.but keep in mind, shes at a different point in her lifeif she is hot, she is just starting to enjoy her hotness as she preps for college good timescollege is a place for guys to mack chicks because drunk chicks are super easy to mackandthat 2 hours is a lot! anyone who says its not, is a ugly piece of garbage who dates ugly pieces of garbage.unless of course you guys plan to see each other once a week, but even then. it will be like a friday night, you'll want to see her to hang out have sex, and blah blah.. but she'll have met new friends and be sick of school work and she'll want to party, so you'll be the dude getting jealous at all the college dudes who are now chummy chummy with your babe.then she'll get all "womany" on you about you being a downer, and you'll be like. well fuuck,, what do you expect, I drive down 2 hours to see you, and you're talking to some other dude all night.and she'll say. OMG, thats my friend Tom, he is going through a long distance relationship too and he wanted my advice.and then next thing you know, you're like. well you could have introduced us.. and she'll change the subject. and then you'l apologize and she'll own you like a bitch.anyways,,, just be careful for yourself. anywas, i wrote this after the fact, soo how did it go?
Don't forget that she'll find solace with her friend Tom and his similar situation by banging him when you're gone.Otherwise perfect. :club:
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spot on.
dr steve brule rules.
what was her name?
Ha, pretty standard no.. and its not just 1 name, i`ve been through these stupid situations many times. As cool as it is to look 19, and thus, date young girls, It sucks when you find a good girl and fall into this same situation that OP talks about.
Don't forget that she'll find solace with her friend Tom and his similar situation by banging him when you're gone.Otherwise perfect. :club:
I didnt put in the `banging` part because I figured its obvious enough that shiit isnt working out, banging or not banging, its always bad news bears when you start becoming the (boyfriend from out of town...)
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dr steve brule rules.Ha, pretty standard no.. and its not just 1 name, i`ve been through these stupid situations many times. As cool as it is to look 19, and thus, date young girls, It sucks when you find a good girl and fall into this same situation that OP talks about.I didnt put in the `banging` part because I figured its obvious enough that shiit isnt working out, banging or not banging, its always bad news bears when you start becoming the (boyfriend from out of town...)
LOL @ Bad news bears.May or may not be Lame potatoes.
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The next time I open this thread, I hope there is a (very detailed) post about your attempt to take it to the next level.

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The next time I open this thread, I hope there is a (very detailed) post about your attempt to take it to the next level.
Hmmm... Still no results.I waited a whole minute! (Well, ok, it was ~57 seconds, but I round up)
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Man I have to quit starting threads when I am wasted. Sorry for the delay in updates guys, been busy week at work and its the only computer I have access to right now.OK here it goes. On Saturday night I had two wedding dances I had to show up to in two different towns. I went to the wedding where this girl was going to be at, then went to the reception, then left about a quarter to nine to go to my cousins wedding dance. We left there early and headed back to the other dance arriving at about 12:15. I was full of Jag Bombs and just started dancing with a bunch of people at the dance. Then about 1 I realized she wasnt there and called her to see what she was up to. She couldnt hear a word I was saying since I was on the middle of the dance floor and I just ended up ending the call.So its the end of the night and Im trying to get my buddy not to drive drunk anywhere and arguing with him for a while before we get him to hand over his keys and decide to go to the after party. By the time I look down at my phone she has texted me a few times to see whats going on and is going to the same after party we are.I get to the after party and shes not there yet. After about an hour or so she shows up with a car full of guys and they are all pretty hammered. I know all these guys and am pretty good friends with all of them. Anyways long story short I talk to her a little bit there but cant really get much time alone without getting interuppted and eventually we both leave the party at about 4 in our seperate vehicles.I think Im going to agree with Royal on this one and just not pursue it unless she wants to. I know I would be that jealous boyfriend from out of town type.Also sorry for lying about putting my 1000th post in here lol.

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