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in america, the guy has a gun a higher % of the time.
Zach's just lucky this didn't happen in Manchester where the guy has a gun ALL the time
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Glad you're ok but if your going to run at least push your friend or something, give him some sort of hint to run with you. Obviously its hard to think like this at the time but I'd be pretty pissed if I were your friend.Me and my friend got stopped kind of like this by 3 scumbag junkie looking guys all over 40 when I was a teenager, my friend just said to me "the cliff?"(a place we used to get stoned) and then darted, I knew immediately what he meant and we met up at the cliff. Your guys seemed professional though my guys stopped chasing after 50 metres.Scary shit, Balaclavas intimidate the crap out of me.

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PussyJust kidding.... I was ready for a punch line.... something along these lines:"As I was running.... the guy dove at me and grabbed my leg. He kept pulling my leg......... just like I'm pulling yours! Bawahahaha!."It was a good story. Why did Mike run the opposite way? You didn't think you could take the guys I guess.... that being the case... RUN ! ! You did right by not sitting down. NEVER allow an attacker to take you to crime scene #2..(the curb in this case)Oh...also... when anyone on the street asks you for the time... the answer is always "I don't have a watch, sorry". They are only wanting to see if you have anything of value to steal. It also helps if you then ask them for a fag or some change..... making them think you are worse off than them.

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Seriousley glad your ok.The uk has a riseing tide of knife crime so shit like this is bad.Hollywood gave you the right advice there, my advice is if you are getting chased/hideing try to grab a brick or summin so if they do grab you hit the ****** right in the temple.Reason the murder laws have/will be changed in the uk, and it covers shit like this

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Call me next time.Seriously though, I htink you handled it pretty well. I don't fault you for running. And I am not sure what people are saying about leaving your buddy. You peeled off one of the bad guys and gave him the opportunity to be 1:1 with the other. Not certain what good you would have done by heading back to the scene other than walking back into the same situation you already successfully fled - or worse if your buddy had fled now you're down 2:1Glad you were just terrified and not actually hurt.

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Call me next time.Seriously though, I htink you handled it pretty well. I don't fault you for running. And I am not sure what people are saying about leaving your buddy. You peeled off one of the bad guys and gave him the opportunity to be 1:1 with the other. Not certain what good you would have done by heading back to the scene other than walking back into the same situation you already successfully fled - or worse if your buddy had fled now you're down 2:1Glad you were just terrified and not actually hurt.
I agree with this.. I love all the people churping in the back ground, saying you should have stayed with your friend or fought them or what ever. When your flight reflex kicks in, it's not really time to sit and mull over the situation. Your mind and body react in a extremely base manner. I think if you would have stuck around and fought them, you just would have gotten both you and your friends asses kicked.
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Hey, guys. Thanks for all the responses and well-wishes.First things first, BigColed, you're an *******. Sorry if my friend's not in hospital for you to have a good read. GFY, please.The fight or flight debate that has (inevitably) arisen is something that immediately came into my mind and something that's obviously still in there. Like anyone will tell you, which path you take is mainly just a reflex to your unconscious. What immediately caused me to run was the facts of the situation at the time. We were on the back foot, and so any attempt to fight back would have seen us at a disadvantage. Also, physically we were weaker overall. Also, for all we know these guys (who yes, were blatant chav scum) are carrying knives or even guns (Sheiky, this is in Manchester). I know it is awful to run like that, but one key thing that I knew running would do was cause our attackers to lose control of the situation. When I ran, I was chased. Now it was 1 on 1, and Mike had a more open path (his path was still very limited as, in all, the bridge is about 2 metres wide) and could have probably taken his thug (who was the lesser dominant of the two). Once I was 20 metres from the bridge and looking back, I did consider getting some form of weapon and going back, but there was nothing there. Literally, not even a stone. I didn't want to look around further as time was of the essence. The thought running through my mind simply was that I needed to get help. Simple and foremost, help. If a car had driven past me before, or within 5 minutes after I'd called the police, I more-than-likely would have stopped them. The thing is about these situations is that you can't think what to do. You have to just act. Trust me, I felt bad leaving my friend - just plain disgraceful, but I still think I did the right thing. I knew physical violence was going to be involved and I knew that the last thing that we could allow was to lose control of the situation. I spoke to Mike straight after, and I explained how bad I felt for leaving him. He simply replied, "given the situation, you did the best thing." I don't know. I haven't spoken to him today yet, but I do want to go over it all with him and properly talk it out. We had spoken about what to do in situations like that, and the general response was that if we couldn't physically take them, just bail, and that's what we ultimately did. SlapStick, I did nudge Mike, but it was too late for him to realise what was going on before it all happened.I understand the simply accepting a mugging and doing as you're told, but for me and Mike, that really wasn't an option. The simply thought of scum taking control over us is something neither of us would get over. Also, the only valuable thing I had on me was my watch. For the record, this was visible as I was wearing a t-shirt. Obviously, they'd want my watch, and this watch was a present from my mum on my 18th birthday, and has immense sentimental value. If my physical safety was in serious jeopardy, then yes, I would prioritise and relinquish it, but I didn't plan on that happening at the time.Sorry if I have missed any comments in my reply. I'll come back and add to this if I have. I know many of you still won't be convinced by my reasons, and that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion, and I definitely understand where you're coming from. If you wish to ask me to justify my actions further, that's fine. I'll happily answer any of your concerns. As for now, though, again I want to thank everyone for their kind responses, and hopefully something like this won't happen to anyone anymore. The sad truth is, though, we all know the world's not that nice of a place.

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7 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)6 Members: JubilantLankyLad, David_Nicoson, WKTSWAY, Citizen Erased, pele_br, Randy ReedThis is not the place for one-upmanship, sir.

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The thing is about these situations is that you can't think what to do. You have to just act.
QFT. Nobody really knows how he will behave in this sort of situation until it presents itself.Staying behind is solidarity with your friend doesn't really do any good unless you're planning on resisting. Otherwise, you just suffer as well.I understand how you feel. Good luck.
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"Give me your phone, before I get my gat [assuming it's slang for gun] out". He then reached in to his pants, as though going for a gun
In England?LOL. I call.
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Like anyone will tell you, which path you take is mainly just a reflex to your unconscious.
This is pretty much true.These are situations where people establish whether they're "runners" or "fighters". Everyone is either one or the other. Now, you can say for certain which one you are, Nancy.
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In England?LOL. I call.
Serious manchester has a massive gun problem, theres shootings there most days. Not as bad as the us but for a country that has banned guns its quite big
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So basically,

In England?LOL. I call.
you know nothing
This is pretty much true.These are situations where people establish whether they're "runners" or "fighters". Everyone is either one or the other. Now, you can say for certain which one you are, Nancy.
and you're an absolute twat.
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