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So I've been getting more and more into cash games (omaha), and May was my first month of playing it really full time. 1/2 full ring mostly, some 6-max. It is only 5000 hands (seems like a lazy month :club:), but omahahaha is slow - it's actually 102 hours. may08.jpgMy goal for June is to repeat that.

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May Results:+$350 LiveRead Harrington on Cash Vol 1 & 2Set myself up for a fun Summer of PokerJune Goals:Final Exams are first week of June so focus on those now and poker afterGet into online poker (win)+$500 LiveCash in Event 35 at WSOP $1500 seven card studGL AllJames

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Goals for June:Gym related goals:-Lose 20lbs-Bench ~70kg-Score 590+ on fitness test-Score 55/45/45+ on strength testPoker Related Goals:-Play 200 $12 turbo 180 player SNGs-Play 100 $12/$27 turbo 45 player SNGs-Profit: $1500 (would be happy with $1k)-Stay away from Cash games-Profit from HU SNGs ($10-$30 buy-ins)-Profit from MTTs-Watch some PXF videos-Read some (Gus' book, TOP, maybe a few others)-Not tilt/play games I shouldn't/play well all the time etc.-Enjoy

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Goals:-FT an MSOP event.-Get a sharkfin in 4.40s this month.-Put in more volume than I have been putting in and plug my MTT leaks.-Related to that^, finally deliver deep and get the big score that's eluding me.

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That's very good, actually. How many hands? I play 10k hands late last year when I started my current run out (started at .05/.10) and ran at 4bb/100 before I had the bankroll to move up. If you're sustaining 7bb/100 over a meaningful sample (10k+) you should probably think about moving up.
around 6k hands on 0.10/0.20. I'm sticking with the 300bb rule for now. For safety.
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Goals for June:Gym related goals:-Lose 20lbs-Bench ~70kg
70 Kevin Garnett's is going to be hard :club: I haven't really made many goals here. I basicalyl had a 2k month :(down $3700 in equity, I am gonna grind out some full ring holdem/omaha this month and enjoy the weather I think, hoping to play 30k hands but who knows as I have two weddings and a graduation to travel for.GLA
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i didn't really have goals for may. I was up 30k about 75% thru the month and ended up only 12.8k$, pretty disappointed with that, but w/e. June...I'm going to Africa on the 6th. My only goals are to have an amazing trip and come home early July with Keturah.hehe- Jordan

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Well, I never used to be one to make and adhere to poker goals, but I'm really working toward becoming a better/successful player.

  • 25-30K hands
  • At the end of the month, I'd like for that pesky little "Amount Won" column to look like this $$$$ and not ($$$$)
  • Move up levels
  • Make AT LEAST Silver Ironman Status. Anything less is purely unacceptable. I'd ideally like to make Iron, but I'm not sure how many days I'll be able to make 200pts.
  • Try to get into 9man sngs more, especially when running poorly at cash. Hopefully 150-200.
  • Survive 21st birthday and get into live poker for real.

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Well, I never used to be one to make and adhere to poker goals, but I'm really working toward becoming a better/successful player.
  • 25-30K hands
  • At the end of the month, I'd like for that pesky little "Amount Won" column to look like this $$$$ and not ($$$$)
  • Move up levels
  • Make AT LEAST Silver Ironman Status. Anything less is purely unacceptable. I'd ideally like to make Iron, but I'm not sure how many days I'll be able to make 200pts.
  • Try to get into 9man sngs more, especially when running poorly at cash. Hopefully 150-200.
  • Survive 21st birthday and get into live poker for real.

Be sure to contact strippersnblow prior to said date to ensure a coinflip on surviving/perishing
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All right, haven't posted in this topic in a while, but since I'm going to be playing a lot, I figured I'll post my goals.-play at least 100 $12 180s LOL-dabble in the $20 180s and have a positive ROI LOL-play in 50 tournaments, positive ROI and don't play like a moron. LOL-$1k total profit.LOL-exercise more, study a lot when summer session starts, keep sweet ass new apt. looking nice. meh, sort of happened.
Basically, I underestimated how much work 4 summer classes was going to be. I didnt even come close to my goals. This month, I'm gonna be trying out cash games. I have the roll to play 25NL, but I want to be able to consistently beat 10NL before I move up. So, my goals are the following:-still play some 12 turbo 180 mans, get at least 1 win-play 5k hands at 10NL, (idk what would be a good winrate at 6max) and prove that i can win.-if I do well, move up to 25NL.
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Well, I never used to be one to make and adhere to poker goals, but I'm really working toward becoming a better/successful player.
  • 25-30K hands
  • At the end of the month, I'd like for that pesky little "Amount Won" column to look like this $$$$ and not ($$$$)
  • Move up levels
  • Make AT LEAST Silver Ironman Status. Anything less is purely unacceptable. I'd ideally like to make Iron, but I'm not sure how many days I'll be able to make 200pts.
  • Try to get into 9man sngs more, especially when running poorly at cash. Hopefully 150-200.
  • Survive 21st birthday and get into live poker for real.

How many hands do you have to play a day at $10/25NL to get bronze/silver/gold ironman status and do you think it's worth it bonus wise? I've got some time off soon and i'm wondering if it's worth the effort to try and acheive this
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Basically, I underestimated how much work 4 summer classes was going to be.
Sweet...I am taking 6 with 4 of them being 6-week classes. Should be more exciting than 6-tabling PLO with a bunch of 80/40s.
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Weird goal to have...but I want to keep picking off bluffs. The weakest part of my game has always been that; decent players, or even aggrodonks, could always force me to fold with sufficient pressure. So far I've been doing great, thinking hands through enough so that villain's range includes, a large enough percent of the time, a bluff. Today actually I'm only slightly down, $15 or so, because I picked off three large bluffs. My "good hands," such as kings and TPTK, have been what's cost me.

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June goals:-FT a rebuy tournament-At least 2 FTs in tournaments with fields >360-1 3rd-1st finish-Take BR to the 3k level (2.5k now)-Play a litte 3/6 LHE 6 max 1 tabling in between tournaments!-Goldstar would be cool, but i don't think i can do that with $11 and $22 tournamentsLet's do this!

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How many hands do you have to play a day at $10/25NL to get bronze/silver/gold ironman status and do you think it's worth it bonus wise? I've got some time off soon and i'm wondering if it's worth the effort to try and acheive this
It depends on what level you're going for.200pts/day, probably like 1200-1400 hands/day100pts/day, probably 600-800 hands/day50pts/day, probably 300-500 hands/dayThese numbers are just a guess though. I'm still at 10NL, hoping to be ready for 25NL by the end of the month.Don't know what I'm going to do at 25NL. Move back to 6m or stay at FR. I'm leaning toward staying at FR as I don't feel comfortable with my 6m game atm at all.
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Didn't make anywhere near as much as I was hoping last month. Finished up $3200 or so.For this month, my only real goal is to get the volume up as I've been slacking a little bit on getting hands in. I'd like to put in a bare minimum of 30K hands this month and ideally, I'd like it up in the 35K-40K range. Obviously, I'd like a big winrate too, but the volume's something I know I can control, and monetary goals tend to add undue pressure if you take them seriously. (Not that I took mine seriously at all last month.)

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So I've been getting more and more into cash games (omaha), and May was my first month of playing it really full time. 1/2 full ring mostly, some 6-max. It is only 5000 hands (seems like a lazy month :ts), but omahahaha is slow - it's actually 102 hours.
BTW, I think you're slow, not Omaha. I had a lazy month in May too; I only played 71 hours. Still got in 22K hands though. :club:
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It depends on what level you're going for.200pts/day, probably like 1200-1400 hands/day100pts/day, probably 600-800 hands/day50pts/day, probably 300-500 hands/dayThese numbers are just a guess though. I'm still at 10NL, hoping to be ready for 25NL by the end of the month.Don't know what I'm going to do at 25NL. Move back to 6m or stay at FR. I'm leaning toward staying at FR as I don't feel comfortable with my 6m game atm at all.
Imo, if you've been playing full ring $10NL and want to move up to $25 you should play $25 FR and $10 6-max, then work on your 6-max game at a lower level (this is also good as you can experiement more/not be scared to take certain lines) and move up to $25 6-max when you feel comfortable with 6 handed play.
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Month to date so far:evjune3aftmtdfr0.jpgI'm not sure if I should be extending my # of hands goal just yet. I turn 21 tmr night and will be out "celebrating" (read: vomiting) all night and if my friends birthdays were any indication, I'll be recovering all day the next day. I also told my aunt I would go to the slots parlor with her before she leaves Saturday and I told her we could go Thursday. I'm also planning on going to Wheeling to play at the casino Friday so between those three things and going to New Jersey the 13,14,15, I should be able to get a lot more hands it, but don't want to extend my goal(s) just yet.

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