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It's My Birthday

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Even though I don't observe Passover anymore, my annoying Jewish parents insist on my and my woman's presence at their house for dinner with the rest of my family. Just what I wanted to be doing on a Saturday night, especially my birthday, having a seder.I'm moving my birthday

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Even though I don't observe Passover anymore, my annoying Jewish parents insist on my and my woman's presence at their house for dinner with the rest of my family. Just what I wanted to be doing on a Saturday night, especially my birthday, having a seder.I'm moving my birthday
Man, just suck it up and observe. Traditions like passover dinner is what makes being a jew cool.
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Man, just suck it up and observe. Traditions like passover dinner is what makes being a jew cool.
Maybe, but there's something cathartic about saying "fuck it" to the whole scene, at least for a while. I say show up sauced and sneak in a flask of ham. Then, when your parents see it and ask you about it, you and your lady friend stand up indignantly, say something vague about not taking the interrogation, stick your tongue down her throat, and storm out, Def Lepard up, T-tops down.
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Why is this night different then any other night?[x]Passover[x]Birthday[x]Get drunk off ManashevitzHappy Birthday bro!

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Brisket's the shit. Happy god didn't kill your first born son since you sacrificed a lamb and put a blood marker on your door 2.5K years ago.......day. or whatever the story isMore importantly, happy birthday.

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Dude Passover is totally the best Jewish holiday to have a birthday on (if you have to have your birthday on a Jewish holiday). Hannukah would be okay too I guess but then you'd have the double present fiasco (or more likely a lack of a double present fiasco, much worse). Fruit of the vine, baby! King of the universe!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry, but you retard....The the only thing worthwhile about being a Jew is the food (and the left brain abilities, the access to financial resources without any regard to your personal fiscal standing and a seemingly endless series of back-doors into otherwise highly competitive Hollywood jobs).Being a Jew but not partaking in the one single day where it makes being a member of the stinking, miserable race slightly more tolerable is like being a Negro who voluntarily chooses to suck at sports and not sing or dance. ENJOY THE ****ING SEDER YOU STUPID SHEENY. It's more important than your dumb birthday.

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I'm sorry, but you retard....The the only thing worthwhile about being a Jew is the food (and the left brain abilities, the access to financial resources without any regard to your personal fiscal standing and a seemingly endless series of back-doors into otherwise competitive Hollywood jobs).Being a Jew but not partaking in the one single day where it makes being a member of the stinking, miserable race slightly more tolerable is like being a Negro who voluntarily chooses to suck at sports and not sing or dance. ENJOY THE ****ING SEDER YOU STUPID SHEENIE. It's more important than your dumb birthday.
damn, your wife just win the island in court or something?
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damn, your wife just win the island in court or something?
No, but I mean here's a dude who has a chance to have a Seder with his family- something a LOT of people would love to do but cannot for various reasons- but in typical Shlomberg fashion, he immediately self-centers the entire matter as revolving around his own moronic birthday.
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No, but I mean here's a dude who has a chance to have a Seder with his family- something a LOT of people would love to do but cannot for various reasons- but in typical Shlomberg fashion, he immediately self-centers the entire matter as revolving around his own moronic birthday.
oh, I didn't even know what a Seder was. I have to agree with the OP though, I probably wouldn't want to eat dinner with my family on a saturday night either. screw that.
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my birthday is also april 19th. i also went to passover this year. sometimes after i scratch my balls i smell my fingers.
My bday is the 19th of April as well. I had fish.
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No, but I mean here's a dude who has a chance to have a Seder with his family- something a LOT of people would love to do but cannot for various reasons- but in typical Shlomberg fashion, he immediately self-centers the entire matter as revolving around his own moronic birthday.
did your parents just get divorced or is daddy in jail or something?
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