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Cordless Mice Are -ev

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Cordless mice are far too tempting to chuck across the room, causing them to shatter against the wall, sending one of the batteries to fly into the dog bowl and land with a sad plooping noise then forcing you to reach in to icky doggslobber water to get the battery and experience regret mixed with a certain satisfaction.

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Just don't throw it.Am I in the minority that when I take a bad beat, I just say "Oh well." I have never felt the urge to throw or break anything. Would you throw your water bottle if you are playing live and take a bad beat?

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Just don't throw it.Am I in the minority that when I take a bad beat, I just say "Oh well." I have never felt the urge to throw or break anything. Would you throw your water bottle if you are playing live and take a bad beat?
My shirt's in the dryer as we speak.
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hilarious! Lord knows how many times I've wanted to smash mine. The only thing keeping me back was the nagging feeling that the mouse cost more than what I just lost. I don't know if that's your case tho.THe other -EV thing about cordless mice is when the batteries die on you mid-hand. It's happened to me several times and sends me booking through the house looking for the TV remote or something else with 2 AA batteries to swipe. I now keep an ample supply nearby.

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im gonna be honest... i lol'd
me too.. when I saw the title and when I read the OP. But I have to admit, I thought it was going to be about the batteries dying
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When my battery dies mid hand I just use the awkward little pad on the laptop.As far as breaking stuff I dont usually sometimes I do talk to myself though, or so the wife says. Usually "un****inbelievable" or "you gotta be ****in kidding me"

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Cordless mice are far too tempting to chuck across the room, causing them to shatter against the wall, sending one of the batteries to fly into the dog bowl and land with a sad plooping noise then forcing you to reach in to icky doggslobber water to get the battery and experience regret mixed with a certain satisfaction.
ive alsmot doene thatut i was so drunk i got it about 4 feet away
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imo, if you break stuff while playing poker, you're not mature enough to play poker. just imo
That's just silly and wrong.I've gotten much better though. And I never broke items, just walls.
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When my battery dies mid hand I just use the awkward little pad on the laptop.As far as breaking stuff I dont usually sometimes I do talk to myself though, or so the wife says. Usually "un****inbelievable" or "you gotta be ****in kidding me"
Ditto on both of those items. Hard sometimes to remember when the kids are home to not do that...lol
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Please clean your poor dog's bowl
Its not my dog. Its my roomate's dog. Hes a extremely fat and stupid chocolate lab mut who licks his own bunghole on a regular basis. He won't sweat my fingers or the battery.
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buy a light ball that you can throw when you take a bad beat. My mother bought be a little plastic hollow soccer ball that you can throw all over the place and its too light to break anything, it works well for taking bad beats

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Or take an anger management class. That might help you control the urge to break things. A file doesn't save right and everything you've worked on for hours is gone. You throw your stapler and hit the old guy in the corner cubical. You are fired because you took a bad work beat.

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I've never done anything like this before. Just a combination of the beat, douchebags at my table, and some other sh*tty stuff thats happened to me recently. No big deal. But, seriously, I'll be getting a standard mouse next time. I really never liked the wireless that much anyway.

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I've never done anything like this before. Just a combination of the beat, douchebags at my table, and some other sh*tty stuff thats happened to me recently. No big deal. But, seriously, I'll be getting a standard mouse next time. I really never liked the wireless that much anyway.
Get a cordless with the charging base. Battery problem solved.
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didnt read any of thread but seriously wireless mouse are by far +ev
qftbut breaking them is badi just slam my hands on the desk. after a long session this can lead to bruising, which is later regretted
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I rarely get riled by a bad beat but I do when it's deep in a tournament and the suck-out is brutal.When this does happen I usually let out a loud roar and hit my right hand off of the nearest piece of wooden furniture.

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