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Stylinhawyn Pwning It Live!

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Hawaiian Bruddah doin it LIVE at LUCKy Chances Casino in San Francisco$330 buy in 190 entrants.Sitting 4 of 9, 80k.21k for 1st11k for 2nd.Pick dem' Pineapples braddah, TID, glgl!GO BOWS!

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Hawaiian Bruddah doin it LIVE at LUCKy Chances Casino in San Francisco$330 buy in 190 entrants.Sitting 4 of 9, 80k.21k for 1st11k for 2nd.Pick dem' Pineapples braddah, TID, glgl!GO BOWS!
Yo get on aim if you can
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Yo get on aim if you can
Sorry D. Im at work at cant get on it. Anyways, 5 left STylin Short stack. He's on the Button with just the BB in (no SB) looks down at A5, shoves. BB wakes up/calls with A8. No chop, no help. Out in 5th for 2.1ish. GG bro, way to make the transition to live. STart a live BR now. Hopefully when stylin gets home he can give you guys a better insight to what happened at the FT. Nonetheless awesome game, Well done.aloha..
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Sorry D. Im at work at cant get on it. Anyways, 5 left STylin Short stack. He's on the Button with just the BB in (no SB) looks down at A5, shoves. BB wakes up/calls with A8. No chop, no help. Out in 5th for 2.1ish. GG bro, way to make the transition to live. STart a live BR now. Hopefully when stylin gets home he can give you guys a better insight to what happened at the FT. Nonetheless awesome game, Well done.aloha..
Well done!!!!!
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a;lsdkjfaskjdfakjsdflk;asjdl;lkaaaaahhhhhhhhhh SUCKAMOHTAF@CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!so weak sauce man... btw it was 7th not 5th. my first real shot at some serious coin and it slips right by me :D 54k on the button with blind at 5k/10k/2k antee 7 left (so my M is not even 2 yet im 4/7 atm, good structure obv), look down at A5, 24k in the pot, bb is a tight wad... this decision could not be any easier... obv he snaps A8 on me and i cant suckout or chop.... sighand fwiw J.J. Liu was at the final table, she was kind of low profile though, not all flashy and stuff like when i saw her on TV. I thought it was her at first but convinced myself it couldn't be. then i heard the dealer say "JJ you need to antee up" :club: . pretty cool, my first encounter with a popular poker player, would have been sick to take her down heads up... oh well$550 tomorrow 40k 1st place gtd... one time baby

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and fwiw J.J. Liu was at the final table, she was kind of low profile though, not all flashy and stuff like when i saw her on TV. I thought it was her at first but convinced myself it couldn't be. then i heard the dealer say "JJ you need to antee up" :club: . pretty cool, my first encounter with a popular poker player, would have been sick to take her doggy style... oh well$550 tomorrow 40k 1st place gtd... one time baby
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