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Wcoop Event #17 $320 6-max

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sometimes I play my hand bad all the way and they play theirs worse and it works out perfect :)Seat 3: PrtyPsux (7980 in chips) Seat 4: Memphie (7150 in chips) Seat 5: Q9spower (16921 in chips) Seat 6: Weak Tite (12358 in chips) pOmPaNoPiMp: posts small blind 100PrtyPsux: posts big blind 200*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to PrtyPsux [Kd Ks]Memphie: folds Q9spower: folds Weak Tite: folds gank: folds pOmPaNoPiMp: calls 100PrtyPsux: raises 400 to 600pOmPaNoPiMp: calls 400*** FLOP *** [4d 3d Ts]pOmPaNoPiMp: checks PrtyPsux: checks *** TURN *** [4d 3d Ts] [As]pOmPaNoPiMp: checks PrtyPsux: checks *** RIVER *** [4d 3d Ts As] [7d]pOmPaNoPiMp: checks PrtyPsux: bets 1000pOmPaNoPiMp: raises 2000 to 3000PrtyPsux said, "weird"pOmPaNoPiMp said, "lol"PrtyPsux said, "so sick how I missplayed this hand"pOmPaNoPiMp said, "naw"PrtyPsux: calls 2000*** SHOW DOWN ***pOmPaNoPiMp: shows [6c 4s] (a pair of Fours)PrtyPsux: shows [Kd Ks] (a pair of Kings)PrtyPsux collected 7200 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 7200 | Rake 0

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blah I had a pretty good stack in this, like 13k at one point, doubled the donk and I'm back down to 4k ...I'm fighting pretty hard though hopefully I can get some hands.edit, get moved tables dasfkuasdhgkfahgdsfkagdskfhfgvadskfhgakdsgfas

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in w/ 16k but about to break my laptop, i could have the ****ing chip lead if this **** on my right didn't float me every god damn hand and get there

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chat from barry greenstein table:johny_chan88: barry no seriously you are a ballajohny_chan88: huge *** house with 15 azn girls insidejohny_chan88: that's mad ballaDealer: sYsonator, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to actAceRag101 [observer]: lolgimmedawatch [observer]: lolshae juan [observer]: hi rachel im Sean23CADealer: Player sYsonator has requested TIMEjohny_chan88: will u adopt meAceRag101 [observer]: LMAObarryg1: only ten asian girls at the monent

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sigh that hand blew, 11.5k @ 5th break, 400/800 w/ ante when we come back no worries i'll ninja it back

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Good luck msals.... on the rail. also, does humberto cash in every wcoop tournament?
On the rail for Msals. Ninja survive~!!!Humberto has had a really good WCOOP - I don't feel like he's gone super deep in any of them, but it does seem like he's cashed in just about all of them.
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Good luck msals.... on the rail. also, does humberto cash in every wcoop tournament?
FYP. I can't stand him, but man he gets deep in everything. Mark
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teddy,not cuz u lost the hand, but i hate that 5,6 hand and the way it was played. no offence, but spew IMO
I actually thought I played that hand very very well and was very lucky not to be broke.
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*sigh*PokerStars Game #12284726431: Tournament #70000017, $300+$20 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/09/26 - 16:35:16 (ET)Table '70000017 9' 6-max Seat #2 is the buttonSeat 1: MeisterJS (4692 in chips) Seat 2: bublon (2914 in chips) Seat 3: pdp72 (6215 in chips) Seat 4: No10No10Ho! (2947 in chips) Seat 5: CobaltBlueX (1905 in chips) Seat 6: jms919 (6191 in chips) pdp72: posts small blind 25No10No10Ho!: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to CobaltBlueX [Jh Jd]CobaltBlueX: raises 100 to 150jms919: folds MeisterJS: folds bublon: calls 150pdp72: calls 125No10No10Ho!: raises 550 to 700CobaltBlueX: raises 1205 to 1905 and is all-inbublon: folds pdp72: folds No10No10Ho!: calls 1205*** FLOP *** [Qh 4s Qc]*** TURN *** [Qh 4s Qc] [5d]*** RIVER *** [Qh 4s Qc 5d] [As]*** SHOW DOWN ***No10No10Ho!: shows [Ks Qs] (three of a kind, Queens)CobaltBlueX: shows [Jh Jd] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)CobaltBlueX said, "wp"No10No10Ho! collected 4110 from potWhat is it with people overplaying KQ lately?
So obv...it was soooooooooted.
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So obv...it was soooooooooted.
Busted in the $5 rebuy just out of the money on something similar...raise 25% of my stack, button re-raises KQ, I go all-in, he calls, board Qxxxxx.Seriously...since when is KQ a re-raising hand? (Aside from situations when you're short and might have to shove.)
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