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are there any casinos in vegas that allows 18 year olds? i play at my local casino but my family is going to vegas and i was wondering if there were any i could play at. thank you for your help

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Short, sweet, to the point. I love it.but there is a chance you can play without being carded...but don't get carded or you will be joining Paris Hilton.
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I've heard that pretty much no one gets carded as long as you look 21 and aren't causing a bunch of problems for people. Just walk in and sit down and play and don't bother anyone. That only goes for cash games though. Tourneys will definitely card you.

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Short, sweet, to the point. I love it.but there is a chance you can play without being carded...but don't get carded or you will be joining Paris Hilton.
You mean they will treat him like he is Paris Hilton
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I've heard that pretty much no one gets carded as long as you look 21 and aren't causing a bunch of problems for people. Just walk in and sit down and play and don't bother anyone. That only goes for cash games though. Tourneys will definitely card you.
Not true. A lot of casinos card. I saw a 30 year old lady who maybe looked 25 at best, and she got carded buying in for $100 at roulette. This was at the Rio.I mean, I'm sure some pit bosses are lax at certain casinos and I never got carded back in the day, but to say that casinos don't card very much is not true. And it's less about the casino and more about the pit boss.
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Try to avoid the casino employee that is gaurding the floor. Don't shave for a few days. Sit down in a cash game and keep your loud, underage mouth shut. I have never seen anyone carded at the poker table unless they are acting like idiots or a badbeat jackpot was won. When I was underage, I visited the casinos frequently and the only problem I ever had being carded was when I was winning big at the craps table and the pit boss asked for my ID (I gambled and showed my fake and got away withit :club: and once when I was too drunk to see straight. The drunken night only ended up w/ me being escorted from the casino sans money and booted with a polite "see ya next July" (my 21st Bday).

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I got carded 3 times in 5 mins at MGM.
Gilbertology got carded 5 times in 3 minutes at the Venetian without even attempting to place a wager.
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Only casino i ever got carded in was Foxwoods, they had someone standing at the entrance to the poker room. That of course is excluding every canadian casino who card virtually everyone at the door, ive seen people my grandmas age get carded there.

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70 hrs in vegas, carded 131 timesI WINme 1 yr ago: (weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)SORRY...GONE!!!!(beleive me...ive heard it ALLLL before...do your worst)
Haha damn Chrozzo! Im 19 and I look at least 3 years older than you! =PLOL @ taking the pic off.
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Haha damn Chrozzo! Im 19 and I look at least 3 years older than you! =PLOL @ taking the pic off.
hahahha omg taking the pic off is +ev no worries. but so glad i was one of the few to see it....... and possibly save it.... dun dun dun to be continued.
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