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Everything posted by Socko669

  1. Socko669

    The Hideout

    good man. good to be back in the game. thanks
  2. Socko669

    The Hideout

    I made a bunch of money playing pl omaha and then quit playing poker. Now im back to break bread.
  3. http://www.zipperfish.net/free/yaafm12.phpthis is so great!
  4. u can ask one of the hosts on the livechat methinks
  5. Socko669


    hit yourself in the head with a golf club spammer.
  6. worthless. utterly worthless.no one takes it seriously. its better to learn at micro limits while reading books and observing other players...some of the more advanced AI programs/games are wayyyyy better than play money.
  7. I make a lot of money in my line of work but i still play low stakes PLO. I want to work my way up to the highest stakes instead of depositing a lot of cash and going at the bigger games off the bat...its more fun that way.
  8. i know. its old but its hot!
  9. I joined up...sick of the moderation here.
  10. Post some of your favorite songs---any genre of music.....I need inspiration.Thanks
  11. Snowboarding has just as much of a right to be there as figure skating does. hater.
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