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Everything posted by majorleag

  1. I may play one of the smaller events and also try to satellite in to the main event. I was fortunate enough to play the main event last year and would love to play it again if I am lucky enough to get the dough together. The structure is great, you start with $20k in chips and the levels are 90 minutes so you really get plenty of time to play properly. Good luck and hope to see you there!!!
  2. I am going to assume that all of these posts are just because you think it's funny that people keep responding and that those aren't really your thoughts.If they are really your thoughts then you sir are a Neanderthal! LOLWe accept your apology!!!I want some noodles on my hippo!!
  3. Yeah you did defend him, but that's only natural and yes you will be up to a billion posts in no time!!Welcome to this wonderful disfunctional, make the Simpsons look functional family we have here at FCP!!!
  4. Since there are so many people watching and or chiming in on this topic I am going to temporarily hi-jack the thread for a good cause.POKERHave you all either emailed and or written letters to your Senator's regarding the bill that has already passed the house that would make it much, much tougher for us all to play this game?I assume there is probably a thread or many threads about this here but I generally only check the main forum so sorry to put this here but it's important enough that we all make our voices heard that I will risk the flaming to add it here too.Okay resume the regular topi
  5. If you read her response she pretty much explained it all. Nothing wrong with her coming here to defend him. Doesn't make him look like a "wuss" at all, it makes her look very good to be backing up her man and makes them look good that they support each other. The key is for them to act just like that after they have been together for 5, 10, 15 plus years!
  6. If you play enough live, you will see pretty much the same crap you see online. We all could site hundreds of examples of seemingly strange stuff happening in a live game.It always seems exaggerated online because you are seeing many more hands dealt then you do in live game. Plus we always seem to remember the bad beats, but rarely do we seem to remember or cite the times that we have a crap hand and get lucky and suckout on some poor *******.It's not rigged period. Too much at stake for too many people to lose to rig the game.They have enough problems most notably the possibility of it be
  7. Jim,You are truly a very fortunate man to have a great lady like that walking side by side with you. NO sarcasm! Great story, glad you had great friends to share the ups and downs with. I go to Atlantic City by myself as my wife has no desire to set foot in a casino so I envy you in a good way that you are fortunate to be able to go with friends and a supportive lady.Good luck to both of you, sounds like you are on the right track to a long and happy marriage!
  8. I was not familiar but I am now and feel I am a better man for having discovered the hippo with noodles on his back!!You never cease to amaze DNA!!Funny stuff!
  9. It is interesting how so many people don't understand Blackjack. Excluding Poker, Blackjack is the ONLY game in a casino where if you employ perfect basic strategy and play with favorable rules you can bring the house edge to almost even. Many people incorrectly assume that Craps is the game with the best player odds in a casino. The house edge ends up being negligible around 1/2 of 1%. This is without card counting, simply playing PERFECT basic strategy which is not difficult to do.However you CANNOT deviate and play hunches. Blackjack is all math and if you play perfect basic strategy th
  10. I don't know about the Borgata tourney but the Taj midnight tourney I believe usually pays around $2,500 to $3,500. It should suit your style but be prepared for quite a few very loose players. The last time I played I was knocked out with Ace, King against a player calling with Queen, 6 off suit and catching his 6 so you need a strong stomach but it's cheap so if you catch some cards you may do well.Have fun and good luck
  11. There are plenty of great tournaments down there. I have not yet tried the Borgata $500 yet but the Tropicana has a tourney that is $100 +20 with one add on that pays $10k for first place if they get 100 or more which they almost always do on Friday's.I like the games at the Borgata but can't agree that I love the new room yet. It is very nice room but unless things have improved I think the service was terrible.Although they have 85 tables many were closed when I was there on a weekend because they did not have enough dealers. The drink service was just so/so and they have one pretty dumb
  12. Wow what a long thread!Bottomline I think the entire issue is not really about whether or not the suit is good or bad for Poker. It is simply about an individidual's rights to protect his image or brand.The release allows the WPT to use their image. Everything is all well and good IF they don't.What if they do use their image for a produt that they find objectionable? They need each other, many of these players would not exist as celebrities and the WPT would not exist without many of these players.It is easy to say well if you don't like this highly restrictive rule then don't play, howeve
  13. If you are going to be a wise guy and fix his post, how about checking your own spelling!!!Believe is spelled Believe.
  14. This was truly a wonderful FAIRY TALE and brought a tear to my eye!
  15. It has been a long hard road for Stacked. PC and Xbox shipped. PSP and PS2 due to ship next week.Lot's of reasons for the delay, most recently was because Atari who was supposed to be distributing/publishing the game for Myelin Media lost it at the last minute.Now it is being distributed/published by Southpeak.I don't have very high expectations anymore for this title based upon the pre-books which have been cancelled but if the game turns out to be as good as everyone expected then who knows it may sell okay.Good luck Daniel, hope it does well for you!
  16. As the age old adage says "You can't believe everything you read"The game will not be available until 6/1/06 at the earliest. It is due to ship from Atari on 5/31/06 so a few stores will have it on 6/1 and it should be widely available on Friday the 2nd of June.That is assuming that it does not slip yet again. It does look like this date will hold though.
  17. Latest date should have it in stores around the 4th of May assuming that it doesn't slip again.So soon you can all play Poker as and with Mario, compete in pie eating contests with Greg Raymer and much, much more!!
  18. I know there are 2 or 3 of you out there that give a damn about this game so I thought I would let you know the latest date.Now it is scheduled to ship 5/2 which would put it in stores around the 3rd or 4th of May depending on where you shop.Pretty amazing that these guys could screw this up so badly but there you go. The MTV special that Daniel shot like a million years ago is still in the can ready to air as soon as these guys get their crap together and ship this game.Hell if they delay it any longer they may be able to shoot a new show with Daniel playing Poker from his retirement home!!
  19. My eyes hurt, can I have my five minutes back please?
  20. Yeah not only that Kenny but you have your picture in the latest issue of Card Player, the one with Hellmuth on the cover. Looks like you did very well for yourself, so congrats.Hopefully we will both do well on Sunday, good luck.
  21. I will be there as well Friday for the satellite and if the wind is at my back, etc. etc.I will in the words of the Terminator "Be Back" on Sunday for main event as it were.It will be interesting to see how many people enter on Sunday. After they award as many packages as possible the next place finisher gets all the rest of the cash which could be a pretty nice chunk of change depending on how many entrants they get.Good luck to any and all that are going to be down there.
  22. This is one of the better threads I have seen in awhile with some good constructive advice. I also would like to add that for anyone that plays online and hears that it's rigged or maybe you yourself have thought/said that, the same crazy beats happen in a live game as they do online.It is just that you play/see so many more hands online that you end up remembering them more. Also when you have Aces cracked you remember that much more then when you make a desperate move because you are short stacked and win with some crap hand.We always remember the beats more then the lucky wins. The best
  23. Bottomline you just have to be patient, and if you are confident that you are making the right moves it will all come together.Just make sure that you make an honest evaluation of the moves you make, are you taking position, the type of player you are playing against etc. etc. in to consideration when making your plays?Whether online or in a B&M you will suffer plenty of bad beats, but long term good solid poker will prevail.This weekend I went to Atlantic City and played in a $200 NL tourney and got all the money in with the best of it and got out drawn, I left knowing that next time my h
  24. There are most likely several reasons but I will speculate as to the most likely which is the lack of installed base. A title like Stacked will not sell like a Call of Duty, Ghost Recon or Madden on any system and when you have to spend the development dollars on a system that only has approximately 700k installed with a title that is not a mega hit it does not make sense financially.There are 34 Million PS2's, and 14 Million Xboxes in North America. No idea how many pc's but probably somewhere in the 100 Million range so that's why they are not doing it for Xbox 360.If and only if Microsoft
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