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Everything posted by Teavis

  1. Warning...do not view if hungover.
  2. Take their cards and tear them up.
  3. Teavis


    Why is your opponent calling this flop? I think he should've raised here to see if you had either overcards or a big pair. Instead he called, leaving himself with a tough decision when overcards fall on the turn, or even if they don't. If he would've raised the flop and you pushed, he would've folded, and he would've never hit his 5. He played his hand terrible. You should've cyber strangled him.
  4. If a player goes all in in the early stages for say 1500 when the pot size is less than 200, they have AK.
  5. Yeah I usually wait for at least quads to get involved in a hand on the bubble. Folding blinds is fun.sw
  6. Probably because they are getting amazing odds to draw out. Your friends should stick to All in Poker, just like on TV!
  7. What is it with old people and stud?
  8. Just remember the best hand you can have is 7-7-7-4.
  9. Actually pretty good. Usually a small buy in one every hour or half hour. Smaller fields means less prize money but a better chance of getting to a FT. SNGs are decent...play the turbo ones though. The regular ones take forever.
  10. Why do you want to play HU tourneys? You are risking 31.50 to win 60, or 28.50 profit. Say you are average. You win one and lose one. Only the house wins your $3. If you play SNGs and have a good ROI, try moving up to $20 SNGs, or $30s or whatever. The increased stakes, although little, should help you focus more. It sounds like you are just getting lazy and going through the motions. Do something different to make you "relove" the game.Trust me man...I've been there. You are just bored.
  11. Don't worry. You have time to wait for A-A.
  12. I almost always check TP in this situation. By betting, you are essentially yelling across the table "I HAVE TOP PAIR". Yeah you could have 7-8, but that makes them even more likely to raise you. Check...hope it checks around, and see what the turn is. Read players position to decide what to do after the turn. Sometimes you can call a suspicious bet on the turn and get it checked down on the river. Don't feel bad about getting away here. There are much, much better spots to put your money in.
  13. Easy push. Although raising to 75k can show strength, because you are committing yourself and your opponents know that, so they are likely to react in the same way they would if you went all in. It seems like no matter what you raise here, you are getting it all in, because your opponents would put you all in if they choose to play. Am I right?
  14. You sound like me man. Played for the last 3 years...have always won...in fact have never been in the red. Just don't have the discipline to keep my roll. Spend it foolishly when I get bored with poker and then start over. Get wasted and play. Only take a couple notes. Don't use Tracker. Don't pay enough attention. Makes me wonder where I could be right now, or in a couple years, had I paid more attention and learned more. Hence why I'm starting now.
  15. And didn't he say he was sticking to freerolls?And I hate to say it, but the second he hits a bad streak of cards, it's back to craps.You can play craps online? Damn...it's a good thing TJ Cloutier doesn't know how to use the internet.
  16. I used to smoke when playing...I found that after the peak it gave me an amazing ability to read players. But it had to be a mellow high. You know how when you're high you think everything's a conspiracy and have all these crazy theories and ****. If you get that effect at the table, you think everyone's bluffing. You try check raising with nothing.But if you realize this, even in your highness, it can be avoided. Also if you are playing high on PP as the 10 seat male, notice that he winks when he wins a pot. Seriously.
  17. What program if any did you use to make these calculations?
  18. Teavis

    Aq Utg

    That's tough. Players like MP1 give me headaches because they often make that play only because it shows super strength. It could be possible that he purposely bet only as much as he did to try and make it look like he was pricing you in...thinking you would easily fold hands like A9-AJ and medium pairs. He could have something like A10 or AJ easily. Last night I was playing a $3+.30 rebuy tourney on stars. A large stack kept doing this to me...actually almost exactly the same scenario as you...made me lay down AQ once...then did the same thing a few levels later and this time I called hi
  19. I'm surprised Canterbury even spreads SNGs...they usually are able to fill all 36 tables. But that would explain why its only 300 chips to start. You can always play their blackjack...for .50 a hand.
  20. The best low limit structure ever.....1000 starting + 1000 unlimited rebuys + 1000 add ons25/5050/100Once you dodge the insanity of the rebuy period, you could have anywhere from 2100-10000. Then the blinds are:20 min levels...100/200200/400300/600400/800break500/10001000/20002000/40003000/60004000/80005000/10000 until it endsBy the time it gets to 1k/2k there are usually about 15 people left and about half the people have 10 BB. Not bad for a B&M.
  21. 24/30. What can I say? I'm from the Midwest. Not bad though.Had a couple of correct guesses in there. Used poker instincts to get the right answer? Yes. Yes. what that hell are banalities?Also the ****ing post-box post-haste one got me. Duh.
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