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Quick story about Obama and his run for the Senate. In Chicago, Democratic politics favor the pure bred Irish Catholic candidate. They always have. Obama ran against Dan Hynes for Senate and Hynes had the entire Democrat machine behind him. He also had the lineage and the most campaign money. Two weeks before the election, Obama was running third, then the debates happened. Obviously Obama came from behind in one of the largest upsets in Illinois history. My family is fairly close with the Hynes family and Dan is a good guy. After a few beers I asked him how he could have lost to Obama. He told me that day that he lost to a better candidate and that Obama was genuine. He also said that America isn't ready for a black President, but he believes he will be Vice President some day. Unfortunately, with Hillary likely to get the Democratic nod, they won't chance a woman and Afro-American on the same ticket, so he'll have to wait. It's Illinois' gain, but unfotunately, USAs loss. We wouldn't be in the sutuation we're in now if either of these two guys were calling the shots in Washington.

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I think i might be changing allegiences and become a "Virginian Democrat" instead of my current conservative-leaning independent.However, Obama, as upright as he seems, bows to political/special interest money and influence as much as anyone else. He's attended some very sketchy things, like the race conference where that latino guy got up and said that Hugo Chavez was the best thing ever and Bush was a terrorist. Junk like that. He needs to show me a lot more principle if I'm ever going to support him.

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Politics in this country are so F'ed up. When do you think the next Prez in whom we can all get behind will be? Oh, never? Yeah thats about right. It doesnt matter which buffoon is in office, half of his party will hate him and so will everyone else. As America has "evolved", President has become a much more difficult job. Furthermore, the basis upon which we rate these so-called great local and state pols is rediculous as applies to the job of President. These guys are, chiefly, local politicians, with local knowledge and for the most part are as clueless to international issues as the average joe, which by the way is who's voice they're echoing. A perfect example is the okay for the Iraqi war, where were all the anti-war Sens. and Reps. then? I'd like to see a candidate who isn't a Sen., Rep., or Governor, but already an international player. Its my belief that the federal gov't, the administration, should be focused on foreign affairs much more than national, Im in favor of more state power. Something like 80/20, foreign to national. DOWN WITH THE TWO-PARTY SYSTEM!!!! hahaha Imagine. Trying to start a revolution on a poker site.

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Politics in this country are so F'ed up. When do you think the next Prez in whom we can all get behind will be? Oh, never? Yeah thats about right. It doesnt matter which buffoon is in office, half of his party will hate him and so will everyone else. As America has "evolved", President has become a much more difficult job. Furthermore, the basis upon which we rate these so-called great local and state pols is rediculous as applies to the job of President. These guys are, chiefly, local politicians, with local knowledge and for the most part are as clueless to international issues as the average joe, which by the way is who's voice they're echoing. A perfect example is the okay for the Iraqi war, where were all the anti-war Sens. and Reps. then? I'd like to see a candidate who isn't a Sen., Rep., or Governor, but already an international player. Its my belief that the federal gov't, the administration, should be focused on foreign affairs much more than national, Im in favor of more state power. Something like 80/20, foreign to national. DOWN WITH THE TWO-PARTY SYSTEM!!!! hahaha Imagine. Trying to start a revolution on a poker site.
Well, multi-party bogs down government with dummy coalitions. They tend to be more socialist and the economy goes poop (see continental Europe).I like England's right now, though. The Labor Party sold itself as the "moderate" party, let the socialists/lefties form their own party, and thus have held onto power for quite a while. I would be very surprised if Labour lost Parliament any time soon...any popularity issues have to do with the PM, who they can easily change next election. I sure wish the Democrat party would split...unified moderate Dems would roooolll in elections.
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Well, multi-party bogs down government with dummy coalitions. They tend to be more socialist and the economy goes poop (see continental Europe).I like England's right now, though. The Labor Party sold itself as the "moderate" party, let the socialists/lefties form their own party, and thus have held onto power for quite a while. I would be very surprised if Labour lost Parliament any time soon...any popularity issues have to do with the PM, who they can easily change next election. I sure wish the Democrat party would split...unified moderate Dems would roooolll in elections.
I don't like England's system until they give Ireland her country back. :club: That's another topic, though. This is why I think McCain has a shot. If you remember the last election, both Kerry and Bush couldn't stop mentioning how McCain supported their view on one topic or another. It was like they both were trying to claim him as their own. I always wondered why if America respects his views so much, why wasn't he Prez.
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Rudy is as politician as it gets. From his 9/11 sympathy to his front row at the Yankees games to his sucking up to GW. I'd be very disappointed in my country yet again if he gets in.

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We should have a big poker tournament to decide the next President. :D
President Gold?
I love how her poster says "join our movement"When have you ever known a woman to be "regular"? :club:
At least we could have a new war once a month. These long wars get boring
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