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Hsp Season 4 Filming Ended Today.

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GSN filmed its fourth season over the weekend. The blinds for Monday’s event were $3,000-$6,000 but most of the time a $12,000 straddle was placed in front of the player who was under the gun. Daniel Negreanu would be around later in the day and the game would go on for as long as the players would like, although at least one player tried to make plans for the evening.http://www.cardplayer.com/poker_news/article/8871Edit: Ya after looking at DN blog looks like Cardplayer are a bunch of morons :D:club: He does state $1200 straddle.Cardplayer = Idioits :)I = Idiot for misspelling Idiot :D

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GSN filmed its fourth season over the weekend. The blinds for Monday's event were $3,000-$6,000 but most of the time a $12,000 straddle was placed in front of the player who was under the gun. Daniel Negreanu would be around later in the day and the game would go on for as long as the players would like, although at least one player tried to make plans for the evening.http://www.cardplayer.com/poker_news/article/8871
nice read thanks for the info + link
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I'm gonna guess that's a typo. If not that's awesome, but that's 10x what they played for in previous seasons so I doubt it.
That was the twist DN was talking about. It was a minimum 500k buy-in. Pretty crazy stuff.
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GSN filmed its fourth season over the weekend. The blinds for Monday’s event were $3,000-$6,000 but most of the time a $12,000 straddle was placed in front of the player who was under the gun. Daniel Negreanu would be around later in the day and the game would go on for as long as the players would like, although at least one player tried to make plans for the evening.http://www.cardplayer.com/poker_news/article/8871Edit: Ya after looking at DN blog looks like Cardplayer are a bunch of morons :D:club: He does state $1200 straddle.Cardplayer = Idioits :D
1. Daniel's blog was from two days ago. The article, posted today, is titled "Hsp Season 4 Filming Ended Today." If Daniel quoted one straddle amount from two days ago and the article has another amount for today, with an increased buy-in amount, it sounds like they upped the stakes for the last day of taping. They're both probably correct in their reporting.2. You misspelled "Idiots."
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I'm gonna guess that's a typo. If not that's awesome, but that's 10x what they played for in previous seasons so I doubt it.
yeah seriouslyno way they played that high
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The article posted "today" says...The blinds for Monday’s event.Which would be the FIRST day of taping.So your telling me they upped the stakes for the last day?Today was the last day....let me check the calendar....Yup its Wednesday...not Monday.
Now that I look again, it does say "On Last Day, All Players Bought in for $500,000... The blinds for Monday’s event were $3,000-$6,000 but most of the time a $12,000 straddle was placed"Between the article and Daniel's blog, there appear to be some difference. I'll wait until the shows are aired to see what happened.
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I really doubt that this game was played with <100BB stacks.....come on...
I saw it posted from a guy that was supposed to play in the game on 2+2 the day they had the 500k minimum buy in. If they were going to play that high they would definetely bump the blinds up. They may have got the days mixed up, but it was stated that the 500k buy in was on day 3. Supposedly this guy got bumped off the show in favour of Daniel
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have you ever watched HSP
yes ive watched hsp.... no need to get smart im just saying that 3k/6k is sick ive never even heard of people playing this before. Plus this is a big jump from the last 3 seasons
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yes ive watched hsp.... no need to get smart im just saying that 3k/6k is sick ive never even heard of people playing this before. Plus this is a big jump from the last 3 seasons
it was just a one day deal. The first 2 days were the standard blinds from previous years.
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yes ive watched hsp.... no need to get smart im just saying that 3k/6k is sick ive never even heard of people playing this before. Plus this is a big jump from the last 3 seasons
I was trying to find a link but in phil helmuths blog on poker pages he was talking about the first day and said the blinds were the normal blinds. If they did that change for the last day that will truely be amazing poker and just sucks that we will have to wait till the last few weeks of season 4 to see the action.and in his new blog he talks about buying in for only 100K So I am not too sure if it is a typo or not.
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I think it's just a mistake on Cardplayers end.By the way, OmgClayAiken posted on 2 + 2 about his experience. To summarize it, He was scheduled to play for 2 hours on day 2, and a full day for day 3. He brought 720k with him. On the first, very short session he only played with 100k on table and 100k in pocket, he was saving it for the big day, with the minimum 500k buy-in. Well to conclude, a couple well-known "pros" wanted to continue playing so they made a last minute decision to take JMan's spot away. He was very upset. He ended up winner 20kplus, but was very dissappointed. But who knows, maybe we are all in for a huge surprise. I highly doubt it though. With a 12,000 straddle a standard raise would be in the 40-50,000 range, couple that with a few limpers even more. There wouldnt be much play with that short of a buy-in.But if this is the case, looks like Daniel Negreanu and Brad Booth bringing a million to flaunt on the table in a 300-600 game wore off on the creators.

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if the 3k-6k blinds are accurate, i feel bad for the players. gsn would be exploiting them for ratings while putting player's bankrolls at risk for the sake of ratings. i mean how much $$$ can a guy like brad booth have? you lose a couple of buyins in a game like that and your down a million. i know the players aren't forced to play, but i doubt that their egos would let them sit out.

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Honestly, I hope you guys all forgot to put the "sw" at the end of your posts. Do you seriously think they're going to be playing a cash game with less than 100 BB's? Are you serious? Not a chance in hell. 3000/6000 NL is the highest NL game I've ever heard of without Andy Beal sitting at the table. If this alone isn't enough proof, who are you honestly going to believe here? Daniel Negreanu - The guy playing in the game who says it's 300/600.orCard Player - The news source where typo's aren't new (see live updates) who say its 3000/6000.Seriously.

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