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Remember When I Said Poker Jumped The Shark?

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Which is exactly my point - saying 'fag' as a derogitory remark has (unfortunately) become more than just a moniker to place on gays. If a homosexual playing online poker is so traumatized by seeing it in a chatbox (after dealing with what you yourself describe as a lifetime of bigotry and hatred) then yes, they had better grow some thicker skin or get a helmet.
why is the burden on the person who is being slurred? Why should they ahve to put up with hearing that kind of thing, over and over? Poker chat rooms should not allow any kind of slur, sexual, racial, relgious or other ways. THey should promote a friendly atmostphere, and they shouldn't allow language that aleienates segments of the popluation
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why is the burden on the person who is being slurred? Why should they ahve to put up with hearing that kind of thing, over and over? Poker chat rooms should not allow any kind of slur, sexual, racial, relgious or other ways. THey should promote a friendly atmostphere, and they shouldn't allow language that aleienates segments of the popluation
I tend to agree. therefore, I propose that we all use derogatory terms and insults that do not single out one ethnic group or sexually oriented group. I, for one, am an equal opportunity abuser, so I object to the "special" treatment of one group or another. Frankly, we are all azzholes and dix (btw, how can dik be contrued as "gay", it simply refers to your inadequate male organ, mine being in good order, thank you very much).So, join me in being an equal opportunity abuser and don't subscribe to the notion that any one group of us is immune to being insulted. We are all equally subject to mockery.
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why is the burden on the person who is being slurred? Why should they ahve to put up with hearing that kind of thing, over and over? Poker chat rooms should not allow any kind of slur, sexual, racial, relgious or other ways. THey should promote a friendly atmostphere, and they shouldn't allow language that aleienates segments of the popluation
i'm pretty sure they don't. just like any other insult/slur though, it has to be reported (unfortunately) for them to take any action.next time, report a slur on a site that actually gives a damn (no fair doing it on party) and see how they respond.
First of all, this isn't a segraation issue. No one made homosexuals drink at a different drinking fountain. Homosexuals come together in commmunities all the time, all over the country, because they want someplace safe and non judgemental about their lifestyle ( and also to get laid) They mirgrate out of places all over the country taht are terribly intollerant, to major cites usually on the coasts, where they can have a safe community. Intgration with a society that is actively hostile towards them really isn't their goal, and I don't ahve any problem with that at all.
Is the goal not to eliminate the hostility, intolerance and ignorance? If so, it seems counterproductive to not try to assist in educating people, but to just leave.
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i'm pretty sure they don't. just like any other insult/slur though, it has to be reported (unfortunately) for them to take any action.next time, report a slur on a site that actually gives a damn (no fair doing it on party) and see how they respond.Is the goal not to eliminate the hostility, intolerance and ignorance? If so, it seems counterproductive to not try to assist in educating people, but to just leave.
counter productive to whom? The people who jsut want to be left alone and not harressed and to live their life in peace?
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I can say grow some skin because you have no idea about my sexual orientation. Whether I'm gay, bi, what the f ever... it doesn't bother me when someone says fag, especially on an online chat where everybody acts like an idiot. (I was about to say how they would never act like that in public, but I guess Eric Molina proved me wrong there.) Either way, it would never happen in a live game.

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counter productive to whom? The people who jsut want to be left alone and not harressed and to live their life in peace?
yes. unless their plan is for them, and everyone like them in the future to run away whenever dumb people continue to spout (knowingly or unknowingly) hateful remarks.
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I tend to agree. therefore, I propose that we all use derogatory terms and insults that do not single out one ethnic group or sexually oriented group. I, for one, am an equal opportunity abuser, so I object to the "special" treatment of one group or another. Frankly, we are all azzholes and dix (btw, how can dik be contrued as "gay", it simply refers to your inadequate male organ, mine being in good order, thank you very much).So, join me in being an equal opportunity abuser and don't subscribe to the notion that any one group of us is immune to being insulted. We are all equally subject to mockery.
POTDwell put. I discriminate everyone, and I don't single any group out. Word up, homes.
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I guess they couldn't find any good gay web designers. That site is tacky as ****.This seems like a bad business idea. A brazillion dollars of free marketing, sure, but 90% of people will likely never play there.Edit: I've forgotten how to get swears through the filter. PMs with advice would be awesome.

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i play cards with a few gay guys here in LA in a home game and some of them can play.however, i still think i'd sign up for ComeOutPoker.com or whatever it's called only because the level of play might be a bit crappier. i don't think gay people are out there thinking, "god DAMN it. if only there was an online poker room that was more accepting of my lifestyle!" but if there ARE people who decide to sign up and play just because the site purportedly caters to that lifestyle, i'm sure they won't have much experience and will probably suck. of course, it won't matter if it's part of a network, which it probably is.ComeOutPoker.com = +EV for the straights who sneak in. i thought this was a hoax until i saw the site. might be for real...

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but if there ARE people who decide to sign up and play just because the site purportedly caters to that lifestyle, i'm sure they won't have much experience and will probably suck. of course, it won't matter if it's part of a network, which it probably is.ComeOutPoker.com = +EV for the straights who sneak in. i thought this was a hoax until i saw the site. might be for real...
To say that gay men suck is an unfair stereotype. Sometimes they blow.
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