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Poker Tells And Strategy

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I just thought of another one I picked up a while back playing live.When some dude is attempting chip tricks but ballsing them up time and time again they want to give the appearance of being good, they also have prolly put more time into learning the tricks than the game! :PThe same can be true of someone who know's loads of chip tricks, they could either have picked them up from countless hours in cardrooms i.e. experience or they watched 'The Nuts' on the WSOP shows and just learned them, in this case, see above!

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A little smirk or laugh when someone has made a big bet and you're staring them down often means they're bluffing. One of the best examples of this can be seen at

and I think on the Circuit they refered to this as the "Feldman smirk." I've used this before with great success. A guy bet out huge on the river of a missed-flush board, the player behind him (who clearly had a pair of aces) folded, and I started staring at the bettor. After a few seconds he gave me this little shrug/smile, like "Do whatever you want, I don't care," and I called him with a low pair, winning the large pot. [Oh, and don't worry about the flamers. The forum should have a good list of tells, and those tells should come from good sources, namely the pros.]
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  • 5 weeks later...

Interesting. Pretty much a list of the big obvious live tells. For me personally I already understand these and purposefully use them in the opposite manner. I've tremebled like an old man that needs his meds while making a re-raise with 92 before and had people show me QQ or JJ. Slammed chips in the middle with a monster and made overly large bets and covered my mouth. I get called more often than not and usually it's followed with "man you were shaking with that monster or, wow, the only person making that bet would be bluffing" - tells are fun, just beware of good players using them against you. I've been beat by the reverse as well on more than one occasion.

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Watching opponents eyes is huge. Watch them look as cards fall. They usually give their hand away. Eyes twitch when players hit the card they wanted to such as a flush card, etc. Hands are another thing. Alot of information can be given away by how your opponents bet. Notice how the way they bet changes. Most players cannot bet the same way everytime, so as soon as you notice a change, hopefully you can note the showdown hands, etc, and use the tell against them.The neck bulge is a huge tell. Usually indicates a fairly strong hand.Thats all I could add.

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Play the palyer, not the cards .... the more you play with someone the better your reads should be if you're paying attention to what they do and how they do it.These are all good reminders, but more importantly imo, what tells do you have? If you know what people think of you, you're able to adjust to that. Again, it all comes back to paying attention.Good thread.

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Quit wasting time learning all these tells. They are too general to be of any use.In order to pick up any tells you have to watch your player and observe their betting patterns.THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT tell. Whether they touch their nose when they have ace king is useless, they can use the same tell when they have 9 10 to trick you.

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Quit wasting time learning all these tells. They are too general to be of any use.In order to pick up any tells you have to watch your player and observe their betting patterns.THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT tell. Whether they touch their nose when they have ace king is useless, they can use the same tell when they have 9 10 to trick you.
Who's learning tells by heart?This is just intended to be of some use to some people, it's not an exact science ad FYI neither are betting patterns! :D To be fair tho, I should post something about betting patterns, or maybe some of these 'General' freeloaders could buy a poker book..... :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
One of my favorites is, "well I guess it's time to go home, I'm all in"
Guy did this TWICE at the casino Sat night. Both times he flopped a set. He sat like a mouse for hours, then the speech and chips all came tumbling out. Of course he found a caller both times. DOH !
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Here are Mike Caro's free poker videos:http://www.poker1.com/absoluteig/mculib_vi...p?categoryid=13They are great, they definately help with my live play.I find rapid blinking means they catch a great hand, every time I see someone blink rapidly they hit the nuts.Also, this isn't always true, but something that I have won with. When players look at a flop, and stare; they usually didn't connect. Players who do, look away quickly as if they are uninterested; its in the video link above.

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i noticed when people with beards play with there beards it is a mediocre hand usually and they can be pushed out or might call value bets

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