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Holy Crap It Feels Good To Be Back!

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Hey'a FCP!I haven't been on here in a long time! Mainly because in January I bought a new car and didn't play any poker for a good 5 months or so ( couldn't afford to lose it, and I had almost no roll after putting most of it down as a down payment ). Spent every minute either working, studying or sleeping...but I'm proud to say the tables have turned! The car is gone, all of my debt is gone, and I'm back to building up probably the biggest bankroll I've ever had :club::D:D It took me about 2 weeks to get back in to the swing of things. I was playing alot of hands out of position, more worried about protecting my hands than my stack , not thinking the hands through and etc, but fortunatley it's all been starting to come back. Let me just say it's not like riding a bike haha.Well I just wanted to say hey to the community :)Good to see you all again

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Uhh....You bought a new car in January, and it's already gone?Or is it that the car is paid off, therefore the debt is gone? :club: I'm hoping it's the latter.

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Uhh....You bought a new car in January, and it's already gone?Or is it that the car is paid off, therefore the debt is gone? :club: I'm hoping it's the latter.
No :(Sold the car, paid it off, paid off all my debt. I'm in the market for something cheap and reliable, but not in any hurry. Mum's being super nice and letting me drive her accord until I find a good deal :D
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Hey'a FCP!I haven't been on here in a long time! Mainly because in January I bought a new car and didn't play any poker for a good 5 months or so ( couldn't afford to lose it, and I had almost no roll after putting most of it down as a down payment ). Spent every minute either working, studying or sleeping...but I'm proud to say the tables have turned! The car is gone, all of my debt is gone, and I'm back to building up probably the biggest bankroll I've ever had :club::D:D It took me about 2 weeks to get back in to the swing of things. I was playing alot of hands out of position, more worried about protecting my hands than my stack , not thinking the hands through and etc, but fortunatley it's all been starting to come back. Let me just say it's not like riding a bike haha.Well I just wanted to say hey to the community :)Good to see you all again
it's about damn time...welcome backwaiting for FCP St. Louis round two, I could actually make the next one
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Welcome Back! :club: even though I have no idea who you are but I'm sure I will get to know you better. You said your building your bankroll even bigger that ever, explain some of the details of how things are going for you, like certain hands that just paid off great,and Etc.

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Welcome back DC. I'd wondered where you'd disappeared to.

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Yo bro glad to see ya back i still lurk alotYou dealin yet?
no sir... i do work at a casino though ( valet )... theres a huge wait list to be a poker dealer, and they take other dealers first before they take other department employees :club:
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