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talk about consistency todayToday at these limits i am roughly: 100nl: -300400nl: +500I have been killin 400nl lately but not rolled for it...just follow people up...but at 100nl i cant seem to win for the life of me

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Well. I just got back from Panama.I left for Panama stuck $1k, which isn't anything significant at $400nl obviously. I had been stuck > $2000, but thankfully got that to $1k before I left.In Panama, I only played 7 sessions. I ended up making back my losses, and a small profit. Probably just up a buy in on the month now, but I'm fine with that. Now that I'm home I can bust out a solid 10 days and see what I can do on the month.My goal was $4k profit for July, since I have limited play...and it still is that number. I'll have to play well and run fair to meet this goal, by the end of the month.Can't wait for August to come. I call dibs on making the "August Goals" thread.;)iggy -- that's sick man. I've done similar things, but never involving games outside of poker. When I moved up to $600nl and $400nl it took me at least 2 weeks to get comfortable with the swings. Now I'll win or lose $1500 a night and almost couldn't care less. As long as I play good and make good decisions, mentally I seem to fair alright. Do you have the same thing? Or do your results really judge your behavior? I'm no psychologist, but if you think your results are affecting you adversaly, and positively...I'd really suggest being more and more careful with the stress you put on yourself with play. I had to do this for myself too, which is why I'm saying this here in the open. I don't know if any of you remember, but I quit poker for a solid 3 or 4 months and then rebuilt from a $50 deposit in December to what I am at now. I felt like I had to quit and work and get a real job cause poker had just been messing with my head so much. I dunno. You may or may not know what I mean..i'm just sharing.Good luck rebounding...one thing I do, that really helped me...was to really try to report wins in buy ins, and not $$. Even though I know the money behind the buy in, when I tell a friend, I just won 4 buy ins, or lost 2.5 buy ins, it's like...that's just it. But if I'm always saying, "oh wow I just won $2k", or "f me, I just lost $1300 tonight"...I dunno...it just seems that if the swings get to you, then well...basically what you did, and i've done plenty of times...happens.Luckily for me, I've only had this happen at 100 and 200nl when I was lest mature and experienced. I honestly think if I had the success I've had in the last 5 months, back when I first started playing poker 2 years ago, I'd have lost everything in cash games due to tilting and playing outside my bankroll.Anyways, just thoughts...hope I didn't ramble to much.- Jordan

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Thanks for the advice Jordan. I actually find that if I lose only due to bad cards, I can fade it all right, but as soon as I start making mistakes, I start getting pissed off at myself and start making more of them. Then when I get thinking that way, there's this part of my mind that just doesn't want to lose any more big pots, so when I get heavily invested in a pot, I tend to want to make bad bluffs and calls on the later streets even when I know they're -EV. I think you're right that I need to start thinking about the wins and losses differently. That buy-ins thing is good because if I think to myself, "**** I've been playing bad and I'm down $2000", it makes it really hard to get up from the table.I guess I just need to set more hard and fast rules for myself: For starters, I'm going to play 5K hands of 1/2 NL before I play anything higher than that. I just need to focus on something other than the money until I get over this loss mentally. Then, if I've been consistently beating the games and not making mistakes (let's say 9 PTBB/hr or higher), I'll move back to 2/4, and if not I'll play another 5K hands at 1/2. I'm not playing a single hand of 3/6 until I have 15K in my bankroll, and I'm not playing another hand of 5/10 until I have 30K.

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My goals-win tens of thousands on pstars-beat the $1 sngs on pstars
seriously..if ur gonna post this crap then dont post it in this forum. This is for the more serious posters so go post in general or some other crappy placeYeah im pissed...just tilted off 1k....ran absolutely the worst i could for 5 straight days and it culminated in tonight...cashed it out of party so i have to take time off...then its off to bodog for some bonus and goin from there. I think 100nl on party was out to get me. It was the only level that i have ever run near that bad on
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seriously..if ur gonna post this crap then dont post it in this forum. This is for the more serious posters so go post in general or some other crappy placeYeah im pissed...just tilted off 1k....ran absolutely the worst i could for 5 straight days and it culminated in tonight...cashed it out of party so i have to take time off...then its off to bodog for some bonus and goin from there. I think 100nl on party was out to get me. It was the only level that i have ever run near that bad on
seriously if your going to post this crap don't post it in this forum. Whine about how you suck at poker in general or some other crappy place.btw if you only lost a thousand playing 50/100nl and your upset about it you were probably playing over your bankroll. 1k isnt much in a 100nl game
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I want to build my roll up to about $400 by playing $ .5/1 LHE and bonuses.All part of my larger year-long goal of paying for a $2k trip through poker!
Well, so far i have dominated my goal. I just broke 1k earlier today and recently moved up to $1/2.
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100NL is .50/1, not 50/100.
either way he should not tell me what where to post stuff and then post off topic stuff himself. thats bs that pisses people off.
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Well, I started my comeback. I was going to wait until today to start playing again, but I'm going up to the lake for the day, so I went ahead and played some 1/2 NL yesterday to get back on the horse. Put in a one and a half hour online session in the afternoon and made 1.5 buy-ins, then played a long live session in the evening, and won $450. (That one doesn't translate to buy-ins as easily for me, since there's the pot cap, and I usually buy in for anywhere from $300 to $500.)Anyway, after I sustain a big loss, I always feel better once I put in some decent hands, since I'm in the process of building my BR back up, and the breaking it down part is officially over. If it takes 3 or 4 weeks to get back to where I was, that's no big deal, as all I'm really doing with my money now is saving it to try to get enough to move to Vegas and I won't be doing that until probably October or November anyway.Oh, and since my real goal is supposed to be hands right now, I put in 308 online yesterday, leaving me with 4692 to go to reach my next goal.

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July update:So far after 19,000 hands...$1,300 in bonus$750 in rakeback$1,700 at the tables$100 in ARP ~$50 in freeroll tournamentsNot quite on pace to meet my projections despite my winrate being almost exactly what i credit myself with (coincidentally). The fact that ive played twice as many hands at 2/4 as i did 3/6 likely played a role in that with some 1/2 mixed in, and only a VERY small bit of 5/10 (the projections assume an even mix of 2/4 and 3/6)

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well bodog has been my savior of sorts for the past week...after tiltin away 1k I have made back 1/2 in 2 days on bodog. what pisses me off more is i was only down 2 buy ins before i tilted the rest off. I think if i had looked at my br i wouldnt have done it but eh...On the plus side i still met my monthly goal in plenty of time. Bodog i think has more crappy players than party its just hard to find a gamecobalt i gotta know...is bodog nl always this soft...this is some of the softest games ive been at including party...when i get rakeback going this may end up being my site for a while agian

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I suppose I could update my month at this point.Basically, I can't win at 2/4 SH anymore, so for the first part of the month, I had been losing a couple hundred bucks and then taking stupid shots at 5/10 and making it back. After breaking even monetarily for a couple weeks, I finally had a rough session at 5/10 and blew most of the BR. Inevitably.So for now, I'm done with the stress of SH LHE and am focusing on rebuilding through the Stars SNG's. I'm currently playing the $11 sngs, with the odd shot at a $5 MTT or so.Overall, I'm down a bit over $700 this month.The new goal for the last week in July is to bust out of my breakeven stretch in these SNGs and start winning money again. If I can make a few hundred bucks by August, I'll be happy.- Zach

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cobalt...u ever venture to 3/6nl at bodog...if so i got a player for you to keep an eye out for...guy was a complete calling station...donated 1k to me alone tonight.

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cobalt...u ever venture to 3/6nl at bodog...if so i got a player for you to keep an eye out for...guy was a complete calling station...donated 1k to me alone tonight.
Yeah, I used to play there pretty regularly. Finally getting back up there. Played some tonight actually. Ran into some bad players.
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